Does Coach Jones Genuinely Care About BBall?

I was very impressed that Coach made the trip to Raleigh, but I'm even more fascinated seeing him attend a 9pm Lady Vols tourny game from start to finish. He was also at a baseball game a few weeks ago.

Is this support of #OneTennessee a way to get on the fans "good side" so they will give him more time to get things turned around, or does this mastermind really care about these other athletes and their respective sports?

I really want to believe that he is truly a fan of all things Tennessee, but I feel a little naive when I start to really believe it.

Maybe it isn't abnormal for football coaches to be so supportive, but I can't recall any that attend most every sport on campus.

I guess all of this positive stuff falls under the "Butch Gets It" category. I really am glad he's our coach, and I hope we win BIG soon!


I have never met Butch Jones--but there was an excellent article written in the Chattanooga paper about him about a year ago that chronicled his small-town upbringing in Saugatuck, MI--his love for the Tampa Bay Bucs, etc...etc...and his rise in FB as a coach.

I think CBJ is the real, down-home deal. Yes--he understands that he must get the support of the community--that's called WISDOM. Yes he understands marketing, too. But it's because he cares--and he does remind me of a young Phillip Fulmer in a lot of ways.

It's his small-town HUMILITY that is attractive and his competitive fire to succeed. I think that he's just being himself--enjoying his job and the opportunity he has at UT.

Yes--I believe he really cares about everything UT--and not just because it's good marketing. I think his care springs from his GRATITUDE for having his job.....He's living his dream and appears to love every minute of it.

I just hope that he finds the time to keep his wife and children as THE priority...because THEY need him most. :salute:
I think he does he is friends with Erik spoelstra coach for the Miami heat.

Its a total ONE Tennessee Brand, is the name is always on ESPN and or TV playing for Championships then that makes recruiting for all sports squads an easy sell...Just think CCM been recruiting with a loosing brand in all the popular sports, even WBB...
I don't think he would be recruiting on the level he is if he didn't genuinely believe the product he is selling. You can call it salesmanship and marketing all you want, but I think he actually loves the university of Tennessee. It is possible for someone to not be from Tennessee, have no former ties to the university, and still absolutely fall in love with the place. I know, I did.
I think its safe to say he would also be a big fan of the marching band particular anyone who can play a mean trumpet.
The coaches want to give a warm family feeling to Tennessee Sports and it helps build pride. This is a good selling point to recruits and their parents.

KY is a basketball school.
Auburn is a football school.
Minnisota is a Hockey school.

Tennessee is a tight knit Sports School.
He genuinely cares about Tennessee and that includes basketball. He is sold on Tennessee and I like it.
Wants to be a part of a winner, supporting other winning teams until he turns football into winners!
a good saying that fits: hear his words, but believe his actions. In his case, he is consistent between both.
yes hes a genuine guy by all reports from over the past yr and a half. he cares about UT and wants to see it back on top in college sports.
Only on VN will you see micro-managing go to the degree of questioning CBJ's support of BB. We are like the ultra judgemental American Idol.....judging UT coaches and questioning anything and everything.(me included:loco:)
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Jones is impressive in many ways. This is one of them. I have criticized him a few times but he really does seem to be a guy who builds relationships for the pure pleasure of it. Lots of people do it to get somewhere. Some people are honest enough to not do it while trying to get somewhere. Few are like him... he seems to do it for the joy of it. Without respect to football, that's an impressive trait.
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Jones is impressive in many ways. This is one of them. I have criticized him a few times but he really does seem to be a guy who builds relationships for the pure pleasure of it. Lots of people do it to get somewhere. Some people are honest enough to not do it while trying to get somewhere. Few are like him... he seems to do it for the joy of it. Without respect to football, that's an impressive trait.
He loves basketball, he was even at Game 7 of the NBA Finals last year.

I can think of many people who don't like basketball or even sports who would go to game 7 of the NBA finals. Like the Super Bowl, final four, Daytona 500 or World Cup honestly.
if his blood now truly runneth orange it would only make sense that basketvols success makes him happy
He supporting the school were he makes his living and wants ,its seems to be at for awhile. I like everything he's done so far , hope it translates into wins. He's got my support.
I'm sure it is most likely him wanting to be seen on TV to aide in recruiting,I'm sure he most likely enjoys a basketball game,but that isn't the reason he is showing up at televised games,I wonder if he attends any non televised sports ?

I'm sure he has taken notes from CBPs tenure here and is applying it now,I do admit that i have high hopes for him and wish him well,but lets be real about it
I'm sorry, but do you give a **** about all UT Sports op? Or just football? Maybe he's genuine person? You ever think of that?
The better the other sports are doing, the better it is for football, and vise-versa..

The thing that amazes me is how he finds the time, on top of everything else he has going on... recruiting, dealing with the football team etc..

I have 3 kids, not close to 100 like he does, and I can hardly find the time to listen to the games.. let alone go to them

Amen. Supportive, amazing wife.

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