I was very impressed that Coach made the trip to Raleigh, but I'm even more fascinated seeing him attend a 9pm Lady Vols tourny game from start to finish. He was also at a baseball game a few weeks ago.
Is this support of #OneTennessee a way to get on the fans "good side" so they will give him more time to get things turned around, or does this mastermind really care about these other athletes and their respective sports?
I really want to believe that he is truly a fan of all things Tennessee, but I feel a little naive when I start to really believe it.
Maybe it isn't abnormal for football coaches to be so supportive, but I can't recall any that attend most every sport on campus.
I guess all of this positive stuff falls under the "Butch Gets It" category. I really am glad he's our coach, and I hope we win BIG soon!
I have never met Butch Jones--but there was an excellent article written in the Chattanooga paper about him about a year ago that chronicled his small-town upbringing in Saugatuck, MI--his love for the Tampa Bay Bucs, etc...etc...and his rise in FB as a coach.
I think CBJ is the real, down-home deal. Yes--he understands that he must get the support of the community--that's called WISDOM. Yes he understands marketing, too. But it's because he cares--and he does remind me of a young Phillip Fulmer in a lot of ways.
It's his small-town HUMILITY that is attractive and his competitive fire to succeed. I think that he's just being himself--enjoying his job and the opportunity he has at UT.
Yes--I believe he really cares about everything UT--and not just because it's good marketing. I think his care springs from his GRATITUDE for having his job.....He's living his dream and appears to love every minute of it.
I just hope that he finds the time to keep his wife and children as THE priority...because THEY need him most. :salute: