Don’t be like UGA or BAMA

I’m down with you brother. I married into a puppy pound and have to listen to them every holiday talking about jawja football, except for the one Georgia Tech graduate.
I take it that’s Cherokee County jawja, I’m hanging out in crackworth.
Yeah, used to be over there but now we’re in Gwinnett.
Remember how much you have hated the arrogance of Alabama and Georgia fans so far in this century. Please do not act like them as we enjoy the next few years. We are Vols. We may be hillbillies, but we are decent folks. We are God fearing people, we work hard to support our families, and we can just grin knowing how far we have come. The bulldog and elephant fans have had a lot to cheer for indeed, but we have class.

Enjoy the ride. It’s going to be fun for a while. We have so much more than just football. We have the best AD in the land. We have football, baseball, softball, basketball and Lady Vol Basketball. Then we have track & field, soccer, volleyball and swimming. We are well rounded. We don’t have any current controversies. We can watch and support championship athletes year round. They only have football. It’s all they got.

So, make a commitment to keep the Lord first in your life. Your family second, career third. Don’t let football become an idol in your life. Use our past failures and current success as an opportunity to witness to people how faith, patience and perseverance are required on the field and in the home.

Everyone watching is scared to death of what is happening in Knoxville. You don’t have to brag. You can’t match wits with idiots. They will always win the war of who is the dumbest person in the room. They have terrible memories. How many times have you heard Bear Bryant’s name mentioned in recent years? Not much. It was all Saban. We have a history. The General. We still discuss his philosophy on a daily basis.

It’s great to be a Tennessee Vol. please don’t act like those hurts to our south!
Where do we find these?
If we get there, take yer turn and let er rip. It only comes along for some ,once in a lifetime. Been toooo long.

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