Dontavis Sapp is

Not to burst your bubble, but DB's are generally shorter than recievers. Remember they don't necessarily need to out jump them, they are just there to disrupt and bother them.

To your point though, having the height advantage is great for fade routes and throwing high over the middle if you have a QB that can place the ball. I think Worley can get it done to be honest. Just needs the confidence.
Just saying 6" over a defensive back in football is probably equivalent to 6" on a basketball court.
Aj played on the outside his freshman year and that was prob his best year. I think he would be a great sam linebacker with Sapp on the inside.

I understand where you are coming from, but Sapp can't play MLB in the SEC. AJ does great because he fills up the run gaps for us, which we desperately need in SEC play. The bad thing about playing teams like Oregon or smaller conference teams is that they usually are up tempo, fast teams. This doesn't really suit AJ's play making abilities as these smaller conference teams or teams like Oregon aren't pounding the ball up the middle. AJ's best games come against teams like Bama and GA who pound the ball in I-form sets, etc. When teams force our LBs to cover in zones or man to man that's when AJ and Maggit get abused. I fully expect against Oregon that we run a lot of nickel coverages and use AJ as a QB containing LB. I've read on here 30 threads on how to beat Oregon, and all get into so much detail that's unneeded. We want to win Sat. it's simple game plan wise. We nickel cover to add speed for us and we always keep a LB in QB containing coverage. On offense it's even more simple, run the ball, a lot.
Isn't 6' generally tall or at minimal average for DBs?

However, Croom can be 8' and it won't matter if he drops it.
I doubt if Jason would be starting at wideout if he couldn't catch the football. Probably just trying too hard for his first catch! If you ever played football, no big deal that you guys seem to be making it.
Probably be better off running nickle with Brewer & Sapp using AJ sparingly.

I agree, AJ is at his best when he is plugging a gap to stop the run, not lined up against a speedy receiver in the slot. He should be used exclusively in that capacity in this game.
AJ need to make sure he meet to QB in the whole on that option run. His sole job need to be lay the wood and make him think twice about leaving that pocket. Hit him hard I mean knock his sternum into his spine a few times(not literally) and he wont be so quick to leave the pocket.

Why not literally??:)

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