Dools laughing at Bray?

I could definately tell during the last Dereck Dooley show tha he was doing all he could to hold back downing Bray.. He did take a couple of shots though. I think Bray knew long before seasons end he was gone anyway!

Dooley laughed all the way to the bank. He pulled the biggest con job in history getting UT to hire him! I can't believe how many Vols fans drank the Doolade.
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If Dooley had taken any interest in Tyler Bray the person (and the rest of the PEOPLE on the team), then he would probably still be the coach and Bray would have been a top-two round draft pick.

I hope Bray and Dooley have a great life and wish them nothing but success. However, the never ending excuses for Bray makes me puke. This young man (he is not a kid) needed to get his head out of his @ and learn the game. Unfortunately he was either too stupid, or too lazy, or both, to make that happen. Gruden ripped Bray to pieces for his intellect and work ethic. Gruden told him pro QB's success comes from the neck up. The question that left him in-drafted was whether he has anything from the neck up. There are no more excuses, it"s time for Bray to "go or go home."
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I don't get all the BS and hate for Bray. Damn folks, get your head out yo arses. IT WAS THE DEFENSE that tanked this team last year! It was the defense that let Florida come from behind late in the 3rd Qtr. and get out ahead, to steal that game. It was the damn defense that put the offense in such a hole against UGA, that it took a heroic effort...yes, by Bray get us back within striking distance. Same thing with USCjr.

It was Sal Sunseri, who had been a career position coach before, whose defense laid down for Bama. It was the defense, who let us down in EVERY freaking loss. You idiots who keep laying blame on Bray don't have a damn clue. The statistics don't lie. THIS DEFENSE WAS THE WORST IN UT HISTORY! What funking part of that don't you get?

Conversely, this offense was one of the most prolific in UT history. You look like the shiitter who blamed the toilet for the stench.

If anyone should be laughing, it is probably that bada$$, who is going to instill some toughness and discipline (you fools claimed this time last year)...Sal Sunseri. He's got millions in the bank just for pretending he could coach a defense. He's laughing all the way to the bank.

Dooley is probably laughing at Mike Hamilton for giving him a job he never qualified for and making him rich regardless.

No one said it wax soley Bray's fault and the bulk of the responsibilty rests with (the buck stops here) Dooley. However, you're much more confident in Bray's qb abilities than the NFL. You'd think the NFL would hire qualified individuals to recruit and coach.
Reading all the posts and comments about Bray not getting drafted, I can't help but wonder if Dooley at least chuckled if only to himself? If I was in his shoes I woukd have!

I can't help wonder if Dooley continues to be classy enough to not stomp someone when they're down like so many on VN insist on doing. Some on a daily basis.

More likely, Dooley is hoping Bray learns to listen to his coaches about prepping for games and not being too full of himself. That's what I would have done.
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If Dooley had taken any interest in Tyler Bray the person (and the rest of the PEOPLE on the team), then he would probably still be the coach and Bray would have been a top-two round draft pick.

Instead, Dooley declined to have any real personal relationship with most of his players and left his interactions with them completely on the field. It was and is his biggest failing as a coach and he will never be a successful coach at any level until he changes that.

Funny. This is how Saban treats his players. We got a former Bama player who transferred due to this. Sentimore? Can't remember. Do recall he said he didn't feel that at the UT so which Dooley tale is true?
I side with Bray on this one. Dooley was not a football coach and once everyone caught on the players had no desire to play for him. He was aloof, a smartass, and he was a de-motivator. Not only did he throw players under the bus but coaches as well. Anyone ask themselves why coaches left Dooley in droves?

Agree...except specifically because Dools was the football coach. Coaches dont get in the hole with the players that need maturation, they help them out of the hole. :thumbsup:
Reading all the posts and comments about Bray not getting drafted, I can't help but wonder if Dooley at least chuckled if only to himself? If I was in his shoes I woukd have!

I don't think he was chuckling to himself. I think he was actively tearing down Bray to coaches and scouts around the league. Worst-coach-ever.
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Can not tell who is laughing at who :unsure:

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Ok, I would much rather have bray as my QB then Dooley as my head coach. tyler bray is young and immature, wtf is Dooley's excuse
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Funny. This is how Saban treats his players. We got a former Bama player who transferred due to this. Sentimore? Can't remember. Do recall he said he didn't feel that at the UT so which Dooley tale is true?

And when you're a successful coach with a proven history, it works.

The other difference is, when Saban sees a problem with a kid's character, he intervenes.
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If Dooley had taken any interest in Tyler Bray the person (and the rest of the PEOPLE on the team), then he would probably still be the coach and Bray would have been a top-two round draft pick.

Instead, Dooley declined to have any real personal relationship with most of his players and left his interactions with them completely on the field. It was and is his biggest failing as a coach and he will never be a successful coach at any level until he changes that.

How do you know this? Not being a smart aleck, just wondering
If Dooley had taken any interest in Tyler Bray the person (and the rest of the PEOPLE on the team), then he would probably still be the coach and Bray would have been a top-two round draft pick.

Instead, Dooley declined to have any real personal relationship with most of his players and left his interactions with them completely on the field. It was and is his biggest failing as a coach and he will never be a successful coach at any level until he changes that.

That sounds kind of like the way Sentimore described Saban when he was at Bama....that is if I remember it correctly.
Reading all the posts and comments about Bray not getting drafted, I can't help but wonder if Dooley at least chuckled if only to himself? If I was in his shoes I woukd have!

I would say Dooley is partially responsible for Brays stock to drop
Posted via VolNation Mobile
At least Dooley made it to the NFL without playing this long, painful waiting game that Bray did. I bet Dooley gets paid more than Bray does too...
Dooley is not cut to be a HC... and Bray is a massive choker. This is old news.

From DD's perspective, he put his career in the hands of an incredibly talented QB on multiple occasions only to suffer a humiliating public career failure.

From Bray's perspective, Dooley's decision to hire Sunseri and go to the 3-4 probably cost him millions.

And oddly.... they're both probably right.
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Oh sure. Dooley is the worst coach in UT history because of Bray... And the Easter bunny is real
Posted via VolNation Mobile

About as much as Bray being the worst choking QB in UT history is because of Dooley.

Both guys got what they deserved.
This is what I read every time I get on VN.

Dooley sucks
Tyler Bray is a punk and sucks
JH can't catch
CP is too dumb to learn routes
Hammy sucked
Hart needs to be fired
Fulmer is fat and sucked at the end
Majors is a drunk and sucked at the end
All of our DB are slow and suck
AJ is too slow for the NFL
Adidas sucks
Tyler Bray went undrafted? Lololololol
Orange on orange sucks as a Uniform.
I want all Black Uniforms, but only for one game.
John Chavis used to suck, but now is great at LSU.
Calling John Chavis "Chief" is racist.
ESPN hates us
Orange and white game sucked, to much of that rap music.
Da'rick is a druggie
Da'rick went undrafted? Lololololol
Adrian Foster used to suck
We will lose to Western Kentucky
Tyler Bray just turned 20 and is immature
My grammar sucks
If your opinion is different from mine, you are wrong.
Worley sucks
Peterman sucks
Who is Riley Ferguson?
Dobbs will start
Calling Dobbs "Black" is racist.

Butch Jones gets it
.........Did I cover everything for today's agenda?
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Dooley was a joke as an SEC head coach. The coaching received by most players during his tenure didn't help anyone that wasn't working on pure talent to begin with. Bray could have been better, but he was handicapped by the staff, imo.

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