Hate to see young people with all the talent in the world throwing their future away making poor choices.
Dude honestly if he wants to come to UT for one season and help us win I would take him. If you haven't noticed we haven't done much winning around here lately. Would it be morally to let him play here maybe are we breaking any NCAA rules or laws? NOPE! So if he wants to come to TN I would take him. I want to win my friend.
Both have put their own self interests first. Both have violated team rules. Both have acted illegally. I would say they qualify.
Dude honestly if he wants to come to UT for one season and help us win I would take him. If you haven't noticed we haven't done much winning around here lately. Would it be morally to let him play here maybe are we breaking any NCAA rules or laws? NOPE! So if he wants to come to TN I would take him. I want to win my friend.
Prima donna who evidently thinks he's not subject to the same expectation of civilized behavior as the rest of society? Check.
Pot-head who lacks the maturity and simple common sense to postpone his own selfishness long enough to parlay his enormous talent and potential into a boundless future of opportunity? Check.
Likes to get physically violent with women? Check.
And some of you think we should take a chance on this loser?
I'm with Doyle here. Screw woman hitters. We don't need that kind on our team. We don't need someone who doesn't have sense enough to stay out of trouble. When you do negative things over and over, you're begging for another Janzen Jackson and Da'Rick Rogers. Pot smoking and woman hitting, sooner or later somebody's daughter will be in a hospital or morgue.
Personal note: Never have a I understood why men with a woman problem can't do the GGD. Get up, get out, and don't look back. If she wants to be a drama queen or worse, close the curtain and consider the show over.