Doyle's "I'm off work", "Off topic", and drinking night before the game thread!

He was the first to bump the Hardees reference. He must pay the price for such indiscretion.

I'm having this feeling Freak has passed out next to his computer.

Freak has forsaken us?!?!?!?
Fear not, children.
Doyle/Creek are here for you.
With the undying support from El Grande we shall overcome!
Doyle, you know Freak is on a vacation right now. He can't name you mod until he gets back.

Actually Freak, I have decided to be more lenient and impose a community service punishment instead.

I sentence you to modding, merging and deleting threads and posts tomorrow before, during and post game for the next 96 hours. Let your punishment be a reminder of not quoting Hardees posts.

Let me get back to this post , if I may.

I would never turn my back on VN over something as paltry as a vacation.

You lifeless zombies will always come before my family and any other non-online shizz.
Let me get back to this post , if I may.

I would never turn my back on VN over something as paltry as a vacation.

You lifeless zombies will always come before my family and any other non-online shizz.

And I'm single no wife(anymore) or kids so I can give my all for volnation everyday!
If you can be like a hitman mod, give certain posters a vacation, id be all for it.

Well, I would love to accommodate. Thing is our evil overlords say nay to the fresh faced killer with stars in his eyes. All I can say to you and all that believe in a totally free opinionated outlet, in the words of the immortal Journey, " Don't Stop Believing!

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