There it is!! Oh never mind he lead people out of oppression. He was an educated man, very smart man.
MLK was a gifted orator with quite a bit of charisma.
Wonder what the scene would be like if the Kennedy brothers and MLK had not been assassinated?
The fact of the matter is that the hard left gained control of the civil rights movement after their deaths.
On a percentage basis less African Americans receive PHDs now than in the fifties, on a percentage basis more African Americans are incarcerated now than in the fifties and there are several other categories that reflect the same sort of condition as far as quality of life for a broad spectrum of the population as a whole.
Why did we choose a Chinese sculpter to create the MLK memorial? We didn't have enough American sculpters who had never created a Mao Tse Tung memorial?
Probably the best talk I have ever heard on racial discrimination was given by a black guy who sounded like Bill Cosby on steroids, speaking to a mostly young black group who had run into minor problems associated with the violation of the law.
He adressed every one of their questions and completely dressed them down for their attitude and behavior.
He grew up in a public housing area where many of them came from and instead of skipping school to play basketball and doing his homework in the evening instead of hanging out on the street corner doing drugs, he had managed to go on and finish college and make quite a nice life for himself and his family.
"You are damned right you are discriminated against, but it ain't the color of your skin that makes you discriminated against today, it's your sorry attitude and behavior and MLK wouldn't be proud of you, he would be ashamed of you because haven't taken advantage of the opportunities with which you have been presented and if you don't change your ways then that's the way you are going to live your whole life and if you have any children, which you probably won't bother to support, then you are going to leave them in the same circumstances."
I think what really set him off was that someone suggested he didn't know what he was talking about and didn't know what it was like in the projects, he had previously been talking about various job training and educational programs they could get into to avoid a 'life of crime' scenario.
IMO, the majority of African Americans who habitually vote the Democrat ticket aren't voting in their own best interest.