Dre Mathieu

opponent flying in at the last second out of his right eye changed his release a little. I've seen plenty of shots hit it from the corner. Problem with that one is it hit the baseline side of the backboard. Didn't even hit the side of it.
He needs a little quicker release and some arch

You know somebody with no arch? Is McRae. His shots are almost always flat
I think his arch is fine. His release though looks like he's shooting the ball in slow motion I'm surprised his shot doesn't get blocked more. He is confident in his shot though I'll give him that

looks to me like he is flicking instead of fully extending, but I haven't really slowed it down to look at it.
Anybody happen to have highlights of Reese's recent shots? Let see what he's doing as many of his shots aren't exactly barely missing.
You know somebody with no arch? Is McRae. His shots are almost always flat

yeah, but his release looks consistent and he oftentimes elevates. Looks to me like Reese doesn't really get off the floor as much to release and has a much more inconsistent shot.
As long as he hits. But like you said, in games where he is cold and just a bit off, he has a better chance to break out of it with a little more air under the ball.
yeah, but his release looks consistent and he oftentimes elevates. Looks to me like Reese doesn't really get off the floor as much to release and has a much more inconsistent shot.
As long as he hits. But like you said, in games where he is cold and just a bit off, he has a better chance to break out of it with a little more air under the ball.

I noticed his FT shot a couple of games ago looked really flat. He did make both. Good advice for those struggling with FT's is to get more air under the ball. That way, you don't have to be perfect, and you use the rim as an advantage.

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