Drew Gilbert was only player audibly booed at All-Star futures game.

Not only that, but he’s a human being. A young one at that… everyone has bad days or days when they don’t feel like dealing with others.

Big Yes. Too bad the guy caught him on a bad day. We all have them; and those players are under constant pressure . I'm sure Drew would like that one over.
Every comment I've ever seen has said Drew is more than gracious with fans, so I'd say you're full of...

To be fair I do think Drew was getting a little tired of dealing with the non-stop Tennessee fans in Asheville. As a UT grad who lives in Asheville, even I thought the lines and demand for his attention were getting a little out of hand. He was super gracious and took a picture with my kid and was friendly as he could be (after the game), but Tourists management had to shut down open BP sessions because our fans were clamoring for autographs. I think he did his best but just wanted to focus on his craft and getting him to AA was the best option for both.

It is possible that Drew is great with kids but also was worn out by the constant demand for his time from our fanbase that lacks adequate boundary awareness. I mean the last game before he was called up there were hundreds of Vol fans there complaining that he didn't play and wasn't available for autographs. That isn't typical for a high-A player to have to deal with. I bet in AA he would be more than happy to sign a ball, shake a hand, and snap a picture now that there aren't hundreds of people to try to please each game.

Each UT player (Trey, Max Ferguson, Zach Daniels) that I have seen come through Asheville has been beyond kind and gracious, including Drew, but none have had to deal with the constant need for attention from our fanbase like he did.

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