Driver Crashes into Crowd at Pride Parade in Florida; 1 Dead

Have they investigated whether the driver had been overlooked for a solo part? I’ve watched way too many datelines
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Evillawyer on hearing it wasn't a homophobe, Trumper:

Well researched, well thought out stories don't make money. Everyone is in a rush to be the first to get it out the door and get the most traffic, facts be damned.

Sensationalism and pandering to your audience pays dividends, unfortunately. And you can guarantee the corrections they run won't be given anywhere near the prominence or play time of the initial attention grab.

You and I don’t see eye to eye on everything but you are spot on right here. It just goes to show how broken the news media really is.
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I am completely shocked he hasnt been back in here to admit his initial assumption was wrong, or deal with how much of a jackarse he looks like now.
All three victims tested positive for covid, it's now the governor's fault for opening the state, the drunk driver is now in the clear.
For those of us that were following live on other social media platforms, we knew the one mayor's immediate statement that it was a terrorist attack was said way, way before any evidence was collected. Dude wasn't even in the cop car yet. He should know better, he is a lawyer. But whatever. Aside from two folks in this thread that seem to be happy a gay person was run over by a vehicle and died, and they know exactly who they are, it is a terrible accident that happened. Goes to show it is best to wait just a bit before going full partisan one way or the other.

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