Durham, under pressure to wrap up Investigation, could 'punt' to after Election Day: source


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Attorney John Durham is under pressure to wrap up his investigation into the origins of the Russia probe by the end of the summer, but if he doesn’t, he could wait to reveal his findings or initiate prosecutions until after the 2020 presidential election, Fox News has learned.

Two sources familiar with Durham’s investigation told Fox News this week that Durham is working expeditiously to try to finish the probe by the end of summer, but that several lines of investigation are not yet complete.

“He believes it’s critical to do them,” one source said. “He is feeling more pressure to get this done and wrapped up.”

The source also told Fox News that Durham “does not want this to be viewed political,” and the closer it gets to November, Durham could “punt it to after the election.”

The president himself on Thursday appeared to express anger over the Russia probe, tweeting "PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT!" and lamenting how "it is a disgrace that nothing happens."

Some Republicans are pushing for the probe to come to a conclusion soon. Earlier this week, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said it was “SAD” that Attorney General Bill Barr and Durham could wait until after Election Day to initiate prosecutions.

"@realDonaldTrump #CommonSense IF NO PROSECUTIONS TIL AFTER ELECTIONS SAD SAD //just think Flynn Mueller Impeachment/ The deep state is so deep that ppl get away w political crimes/Durham shld be producing some fruit of his labor [sic]," Grassley tweeted.

Grassley added: "Barr recently said 'this is the closest we have ever come to an organized effort to push a president out of office ' leads me to think Durham wont report any prosecutions til after election so as not influence vote. SAD SAD.”

Durham, under pressure to wrap up investigation, could 'punt' to after Election Day: source
EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Attorney John Durham is under pressure to wrap up his investigation into the origins of the Russia probe by the end of the summer, but if he doesn’t, he could wait to reveal his findings or initiate prosecutions until after the 2020 presidential election, Fox News has learned.

Two sources familiar with Durham’s investigation told Fox News this week that Durham is working expeditiously to try to finish the probe by the end of summer, but that several lines of investigation are not yet complete.

“He believes it’s critical to do them,” one source said. “He is feeling more pressure to get this done and wrapped up.”

The source also told Fox News that Durham “does not want this to be viewed political,” and the closer it gets to November, Durham could “punt it to after the election.”

The president himself on Thursday appeared to express anger over the Russia probe, tweeting "PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT!" and lamenting how "it is a disgrace that nothing happens."

Some Republicans are pushing for the probe to come to a conclusion soon. Earlier this week, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said it was “SAD” that Attorney General Bill Barr and Durham could wait until after Election Day to initiate prosecutions.

"@realDonaldTrump #CommonSense IF NO PROSECUTIONS TIL AFTER ELECTIONS SAD SAD //just think Flynn Mueller Impeachment/ The deep state is so deep that ppl get away w political crimes/Durham shld be producing some fruit of his labor [sic]," Grassley tweeted.

Grassley added: "Barr recently said 'this is the closest we have ever come to an organized effort to push a president out of office ' leads me to think Durham wont report any prosecutions til after election so as not influence vote. SAD SAD.”

Durham, under pressure to wrap up investigation, could 'punt' to after Election Day: source
Well, if you are intentionally delaying then that is just as bad. Actually it's worse. If you have evidence that warrants prosecution, it is a dereliction of duty to intentionally delay.
What will Sean Hannity and Mark Levin talk about now that absolutely nothing is going to happen? Who could have predicted such a shocking outcome 🤦‍♂️
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What will Sean Hannity and Mark Levin talk about now that absolutely nothing is going to happen? Who could have predicted such a shocking outcome 🤦‍♂️

Levin is a coherent, intellectual voice on the right, a constitutionalist and lawyer with the experience in executive government to back his opinions. The amount of time he spends not criticizing Republicans is only blunted by the sheer abundance of leftist fascism that divides his time. Lumping him in with Hannity is undeserved.

Despite getting out over his skis at times, Hannity is not a bomb-throwing, right-wing racist as the left would portray, but rather a pretty decent human being who was right for the last four years while the other side was decidedly wrong.
Levin is a coherent, intellectual voice on the right, a constitutionalist and lawyer with the experience in executive government to back his opinions. The amount of time he spends not criticizing Republicans is only blunted by the sheer abundance of leftist fascism that divides his time. Lumping him in with Hannity is undeserved.

Despite getting out over his skis at times, Hannity is not a bomb-throwing, right-wing racist as the left would portray, but rather a pretty decent human being who was right for the last four years while the other side was decidedly wrong.

My point being there was an expectation that the Durham investigation was really going to expose the swamp and the Left’s tactics.
EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Attorney John Durham is under pressure to wrap up his investigation into the origins of the Russia probe by the end of the summer, but if he doesn’t, he could wait to reveal his findings or initiate prosecutions until after the 2020 presidential election, Fox News has learned.

Two sources familiar with Durham’s investigation told Fox News this week that Durham is working expeditiously to try to finish the probe by the end of summer, but that several lines of investigation are not yet complete.

“He believes it’s critical to do them,” one source said. “He is feeling more pressure to get this done and wrapped up.”

The source also told Fox News that Durham “does not want this to be viewed political,” and the closer it gets to November, Durham could “punt it to after the election.”

The president himself on Thursday appeared to express anger over the Russia probe, tweeting "PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT!" and lamenting how "it is a disgrace that nothing happens."

Some Republicans are pushing for the probe to come to a conclusion soon. Earlier this week, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said it was “SAD” that Attorney General Bill Barr and Durham could wait until after Election Day to initiate prosecutions.

"@realDonaldTrump #CommonSense IF NO PROSECUTIONS TIL AFTER ELECTIONS SAD SAD //just think Flynn Mueller Impeachment/ The deep state is so deep that ppl get away w political crimes/Durham shld be producing some fruit of his labor [sic]," Grassley tweeted.

Grassley added: "Barr recently said 'this is the closest we have ever come to an organized effort to push a president out of office ' leads me to think Durham wont report any prosecutions til after election so as not influence vote. SAD SAD.”

Durham, under pressure to wrap up investigation, could 'punt' to after Election Day: source
I couldn't imagine it takes more than 5 minutes. Trump has been involved with Russians and the Russian Mafia for many years, and requested and received benefit of a foreign attack on his political opponents. Somehow it's okay for a foreign government to attack American organizations, so long as it benefits you and your interests.
The truth is, this "investigation" has always been political and never had any traction to indict anyone, because there was plenty of evidence for the initial probe.
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My point being there was an expectation that the Durham investigation was really going to expose the swamp and the Left’s tactics.

I understand but it's simply postulation that this waits until after election. As much as I disagree with appointing special counsels, Barr may have to appoint Durham as such (if Trump loses) to ward off a Biden Sat. Night Massacre. I don't want to see a premature concluding of investigation simply to assuage the right's demand for justice. I think there are key people upon whom the same type of search and destroy that Mueller used, can leverage into prosecutions higher up. I want those peoples' heads on a pike.
I couldn't imagine it takes more than 5 minutes. Trump has been involved with Russians and the Russian Mafia for many years, and requested and received benefit of a foreign attack on his political opponents. Somehow it's okay for a foreign government to attack American organizations, so long as it benefits you and your interests.
You should send Durham your resume. From reading this well thought out post it’s clear that you’ve got mad skilz that could wrap this investigation up in no time.

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I understand but it's simply postulation that this waits until after election. As much as I disagree with appointing special counsels, Barr may have to appoint Durham as such (if Trump loses) to ward off a Biden Sat. Night Massacre. I don't want to see a premature concluding of investigation simply to assuage the right's demand for justice. I think there are key people upon whom the same type of search and destroy that Mueller used, can leverage into prosecutions higher up. I want those peoples' heads on a pike.

Durham was never going to bring anyone to justice. The machine is designed to protect itself.
Durham was never going to bring anyone to justice. The machine is designed to protect itself.
I'll wait and see. Unlike the fishing junket the Trump campaign and appointees were subjected to, an adult is running DOJ. If prosecutions can be made, I expect them to occur. I simply don't buy "the fix is in" line by the right until it comes to pass.
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No one will go to jail. No one will be prosecuted.

Resistance is futile

You will be assimilated
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I don't think he is, I think he's just powerless to do anything about it.

And he may be; I don't know and never claimed to forecast the outcome. If Barr and Durham can't get it done, we've a firm GPS coordinate telling us exactly how deep in shite this country is, and that the unelected, anti-American, anti-justice bureaucracy is in complete control. Which should cause any person who values their liberty over their TDS to blanch.
I couldn't imagine it takes more than 5 minutes. Trump has been involved with Russians and the Russian Mafia for many years, and requested and received benefit of a foreign attack on his political opponents. Somehow it's okay for a foreign government to attack American organizations, so long as it benefits you and your interests.
The truth is, this "investigation" has always been political and never had any traction to indict anyone, because there was plenty of evidence for the initial probe.

You live in a vacuum of leftist conspiracy. There was never a basis to investigate the Trump campaign or staff for Russia collusion. The left claimed "The dossier was unimportant in establishing the FISA warrants; it was just an evidentiary condiment" - oops! that's been thoroughly eviscerated by IG Horowitz's report that it was *central* to the issuance of the warrants.

FBI counsel lied to get the warrants after being told at least twice by CIA they were barking up the wrong tree on C. Page, that he was an intel asset. Aside from that, Page had assisted the FBI over the course of two years in the *prosecution* of (drumroll) - Russian agents!

The dossier was proven garbage in Jan 2017, months before the appointment of Mueller; they knew they were operating on Russian propaganda, paid for by a political opponent, and disseminated by a foreign agent (Steele) trying to prevent the election of Trump.

See M. Flynn.

So, yes, one party and candidate did wage and collude in a foreign attack on our election using Russian propaganda.
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