Durham, under pressure to wrap up Investigation, could 'punt' to after Election Day: source

Durham wants to use Steele Dossier Source's wild claims against him at Trial

John Durham wants to include wild claims made by the main source for Christopher Steele’s discredited dossier as evidence during his false statements trial.

Durham asked the judge to admit Igor Danchenko’s “uncharged false statements to the FBI" on the infamous and unfounded allegations surrounding former President Donald Trump's salacious activity at Moscow's Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

The special counsel also sought to introduce evidence about an email to Danchenko's former employer Cenk Sidar dated Feb. 24, 2016, in which he "advised Sidar, when necessary, to fabricate sources of information.”

Durham wants to use Steele dossier source's wild claims against him at trial
All this is doing is wasting taxpayer dollars. The American people were sold that Durham was different and he would get to the bottom of this.
How much are these lawyers charging us for another nothing burger? Add in the endless Trump trials and investigations on the other side. What could we do to actually help Americans with that money rather than keep political hack lawyers employed?
All this is doing is wasting taxpayer dollars. The American people were sold that Durham was different and he would get to the bottom of this.
How much are these lawyers charging us for another nothing burger? Add in the endless Trump trials and investigations on the other side. What could we do to actually help Americans with that money rather than keep political hack lawyers employed?
NONE of them are different. Except one. That is why he was so vilified. Durham... Barr... they were milking the system until it ran out then they go back to private practice where they have to fleece fewer Americans at a time.
Durham Witness: FBI offered Steele $1M for Proof of Dossier claims, but he had none

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia — The FBI offered British ex-spy Christopher Steele an “incentive” of up to $1 million if he could prove the allegations in his since-discredited anti-Trump dossier, but the former MI6 agent was unable to back up his claims, according to new court testimony.

The bombshell revelation came during special counsel John Durham’s false statements trial against Steele’s main dossier source, Russian-born lawyer Igor Danchenko, who has been charged with repeatedly lying to the bureau about his sourcing for information he provided for the dossier in 2016. Danchenko has pleaded not guilty.

FBI supervisory intelligence analyst Brian Auten, who interviewed Danchenko in January 2017 as part of the bureau’s Crossfire Hurricane team, was also among the FBI employees who interviewed Steele in early October 2016 as the FBI sought more details on the dossier. Auten revealed the lucrative reward the bureau had dangled.

Durham witness: FBI offered Steele $1M for proof of dossier claims, but he had none
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Durham Witness: FBI offered Steele $1M for Proof of Dossier claims, but he had none

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia — The FBI offered British ex-spy Christopher Steele an “incentive” of up to $1 million if he could prove the allegations in his since-discredited anti-Trump dossier, but the former MI6 agent was unable to back up his claims, according to new court testimony.

The bombshell revelation came during special counsel John Durham’s false statements trial against Steele’s main dossier source, Russian-born lawyer Igor Danchenko, who has been charged with repeatedly lying to the bureau about his sourcing for information he provided for the dossier in 2016. Danchenko has pleaded not guilty.

FBI supervisory intelligence analyst Brian Auten, who interviewed Danchenko in January 2017 as part of the bureau’s Crossfire Hurricane team, was also among the FBI employees who interviewed Steele in early October 2016 as the FBI sought more details on the dossier. Auten revealed the lucrative reward the bureau had dangled.

Durham witness: FBI offered Steele $1M for proof of dossier claims, but he had none

So this is a Lie? I dont know what to say about the FBI being involved in such illegality and corruption.
During Trial Senior FBI Analyst Admits Agency Offered Dossier Author Chris Steele Up to One Million Dollars to Prove Authenticity of Claims
October 12, 2022 | Sundance | 38 Comments
The legal case brought by prosecutor John Durham against Igor Danchenko is predicated on the notion that Christopher Steele’s source for his dossier willfully and intentionally lied to the FBI, and therefore Danchenko is guilty of purposefully misleading FBI investigators assigned to the Trump-Russia/”crossfire hurricane” investigation.
Transparently everyone knows the FBI were not duped by Danchenko and records indicate Danchenko told them the Steele dossier was full of fabricated nonsense. Additionally, to keep the revelation of the dossier as nonsense hidden, the FBI hired Danchenko as a confidential human source, technically shielding him from being questioned or exposed. The FBI decision to hire Danchenko was to keep the fraudulent dossier useful for their Trump targeting operation.
So, what’s going on?
This is where John Durham is doing two things: (1) He is protecting the corrupt DOJ and FBI institutions by not investigating any government action; and yet, (2) Durham is exposing corrupt FBI and DOJ action through his court filings and cases. Yesterday Durham provided more evidence of just how corrupt the FBI was in the lead-in to the 2016 election.

FBI supervisory analyst Brian Auten testified Tuesday that Hillary Clinton’s contracted opposition researcher, Christopher Steele, hired by Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Donald Trump, was offered up to $1 million by the FBI in early October 2016 if Chris Steele could prove the claims within the Trump dirt dossier he authored.
Steele was never paid the money because he could not prove the claims within the dossier, nor would he give up the name of the primary source for the information, Igor Danchenko. However, despite the FBI knowing the dossier could not be proved, validated or verified, later that same month they used the dossier as evidence to support a Title-1 FISA warrant against former Trump campaign aide, Carter Page.
The details provided by Durham only prove the researched outline we made almost 5 years ago.

The FBI knew the Steele dossier was junk, yet they used it in lieu of the mandatory ‘Woods File’ to seek an all-inclusive secret search warrant against the Trump campaign. Carter Page was a tool for the fraudulent search warrant, the FBI knew Carter Page from previous work he had done for them as an informant. However, to get the warrant they needed to accuse Page of being an asset of a foreign government – so they did. The Steele Dossier was used as manufactured evidence to support the FISA application.
The FBI goal was to create a legal mechanism putting everyone in/around Donald Trump under surveillance. This was the “insurance policy” as described by FBI agent Peter Strzok. The FBI had been conducting unlawful political surveillance against Donald Trump throughout the 2016 campaign, the FISA warrant was used as the legal basis to make the previous and future surveillance legal.
The FBI knew the dossier was junk, the FBI didn’t care – they needed it to create a fraudulent search warrant.
The FBI knew Carter Page was not a Russian asset, the FBI didn’t care – they needed him to get to Trump.
The FBI goal was always to conduct political surveillance against Donald Trump.
(Via CNN) – Shortly before the 2016 election, the FBI offered retired British spy Christopher Steele “up to $1 million” to prove the explosive allegations in his dossier about Donald Trump, a senior FBI analyst testified Tuesday.
The cash offer was made during an October 2016 meeting between Steele and several top FBI officials who were trying to corroborate Steele’s claims that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia to win the election.
FBI supervisory analyst Brian Auten testified that Steele never got the money because he could not “prove the allegations.”
Auten also said Steele refused to provide the names of any of his sources during that meeting, and that Steele didn’t give the FBI anything during that meeting that corroborated the claims in his explosive dossier.
Auten was testifying at the criminal trial of Igor Danchenko, a primary source for Steele’s dossier, who is being prosecuted by special counsel John Durham. Danchenko has pleaded not guilty to lying to the FBI.
CNN previously reported that the FBI reimbursed some expenses for Steele, who had been an FBI informant.
Durham, a Trump-era prosecutor who is looking for misconduct in the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, has used some of the proceedings Tuesday to criticize the FBI’s handling of some of the early steps in the Russia probe. Durham handled many of the in-court arguments on Tuesday and personally questioned Auten on the witness stand – a rare move for a special counsel and former US attorney. (read more)

Offering $1 million to a source to provide evidence is not a decision made by a supervisory special agent.
The authorization to spend up to $1 million for evidence is a decision made by the Director or Deputy Director of the FBI.

October 2016: FBI Director James Comey, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
Follow the timeline:
Steele offered $1 million to prove the dossier in early October 2016. He cannot.
FBI uses dossier in late October for a FISA warrant against Trump campaign.
Dossier source Igor Danchenko interviewed by FBI in January 2017. Tells FBI dossier is junk.
FBI hires Danchenko in March 2017 just before renewing the FISA they now know is based on junk.
May 2017 Robert Mueller appointed to cover up all of the DOJ/FBI corruption that existed in the Trump targeting.
June 2017 Mueller interviews Danchenko, then renews the FISA.
February 2019, Bill Barr enters as Attorney General.
April 2019 Robert Mueller completes investigation.
May 2019, Bill Barr appoints Durham just to look into things. Immediately then begs Trump not to declassify any documents. Trump writes executive order giving Bill Barr ability to review and declassify documents.
October 2020, Bill Barr officially (and quietly), makes John Durham a special counsel. We don’t find out until December (after the Nov election).
October 2020, FBI drops Igor Danchenko as paid informant.
Put it all together and you see the continuum.
(1) Donald Trump was being targeted by a corrupt DOJ and FBI. (2) Robert Mueller was installed in May 2017 to cover up the targeting. (3) When Mueller is nearing his completion, Bill Barr steps in to mitigate institutional damage from 1 and 2. (4) Barr maintains damage control and installs Durham. (5) Durham takes over the coverup operation from October 2020 (Danchenko safe to exit) through today.
Main Justice kept a bag over Danchenko until they needed a scapegoat, created by Durham, to sell a narrative that Main Justice was duped. John Durham is charging Danchenko (working outside govt) with lying to the FBI while simultaneously avoiding drawing attention to the FBI/DOJ officials (inside govt) who knew Danchenko was lying and were willfully blind to it in order to continue attacking and investigating President Donald Trump.
James Comey, Robert Mueller, Bill Barr, John Durham, the Mar-a-Lago raid… it’s all one long continuum of the same targeting and coverup operation.
Bill Barr was the Bondo application and John Durham is the spray paint.
The entire system is corrupt.
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