Early Loss Predictions for 05-06



Senior Member
Oct 25, 2003
Like everyone else, I'd like to see an undefeated UT going into post season, but odds are they drop at least one game. That being said which team(s) hands them a loss?

I have to go with Memphis this year b/c they are not only my sleeper team, but they always bring their "A" game when they play us and the game is precariously positioned between a tough match with ND and then Vandy the following week.
I'd say either LSU or Florida. Home field advantage for both teams is enormous and I dread those two games the worst.
I would have to say UGA :D Now why would I say that?

In all honesty I think UF will be your toughest game at the begining of the season. If you win that game it will provide great momentum for the rest of the season. Just make sure that you dont overlook UGA or Memphis it could bite you in the end.
Fadeproof, I don't think ANYBODY overlooks UGA anymore. At least not anybody who wants to win.

Fadeproof, I don't think ANYBODY overlooks UGA anymore. At least not anybody who wants to win.

I dont think many teams do but we sure are flying in under the radar this year. Not to much talk about us at all.
I would say any of them are "possibilities". All it takes is one official with a secret grudge against the Vols and we're having to beat HIM and the other team.

Some of last year's calls against us in the Auburn game were ludicrous.
Possible losses:

at Florida
at LSU
at Alabama (if Croyle is healthy)

At one time I thought Memphis, but then I realized it was homecoming.
Originally posted by U-T@Jun 16, 2005 8:22 AM
We lose to maybe UGA or UF

Our only two possible losses

We weren't supposed to lose to Nore Dame, either. ;)
I'd beg to differ. There are far tougher schedules out there... Just a few sore spots. We do have a decent number of cake games.

UAB has Darryl Hackney who is amazing, but no other talent to speak of, Ole Miss just sucks (and the game will be in Knoxville), Spurrier has too much to rebuild to compete just yet, and Vanderbilt and Kentucky will be Vanderbilt and Kentucky.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jun 16, 2005 1:56 PM
We weren't supposed to lose to Nore Dame, either. ;)

We weren't supposed to beat UGA, either.

We are better then last year.

We won't lose to anyone but UF or UGA
Originally posted by milohimself@Jun 16, 2005 3:16 PM
You're not worried that DeAngelo Williams might open up a can on us or anything?

Tennessee is always pretty good at keeping the star player contained. Where it gets messy is if a team has 5 or 6 star players that need containing.
DeAngelo might not have a huge highlight reel but he will contribute in the game and will get his yardage. Even in the games where defenses singled him out he still managed 100+ yards.

Possible losses - LSU, UGA, BAMA, Memphis and Notre Dame...

I may be a doomsdayer, but in this day and age of reduced scholarship limits and parity I think there are only 3 teams on the schedule that CAN'T beat us. After that, I hope we just take care of business, don't suffer any letdowns and aren't hit with a bunch of injuries or we can end up with 3 losses in a heartbeat.

Well, *IF*we do drop one I hope it is LSU and it's early. Then we will still have the East won and get revenge on the Tiggers in Atl. I don't see anyone besides USC going unbeaten, so I think this is our best-case scenario for the Rose. (well, besides going undefeated)

Of course, I always truly feel we will go undefeated and get heart-broken when we don't. However, it worked out in '98.
Originally posted by U-T@Jun 16, 2005 4:18 PM
Williams ran for 200 yards against Louisville and Memphis still lost.

Right, but UT never really goes for the jugular...if the games close in the 4th quarter, memphis gets it done.
Yes, Memphis gets it done against North Dakota St. Community College and St. Mary's School of the Blind
Originally posted by U-T@Jun 16, 2005 5:18 PM
Williams ran for 200 yards against Louisville and Memphis still lost.

Where's the breakfast club avatar?

I got a kick out of that one!

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