Election Influence and Fraud - What we know, what we don't know



Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
What we know and what we don’t know

All of the facts presented below can be documented if you want to do the research. The purpose of this post is to inform people so they will demand these issues be investigated. If you are a democrat, just be honest with yourself. If the roles were reversed, would you be O.K. with it? Would you be outraged? Would you demand a thorough investigation? Of course you would! If we can spend $32M on false claims of Russian collusion by Trump, we should be able to spend a few million determining if the presidential election was hijacked. If a thorough investigation is conducted, I'll be satisfied with the result. If not, how can anyone accept the outcome as legitimate?

We know that both Joe Biden and Maxine Waters publicly stated in separate interviews that Obama “…created a voter fraud organization like has never been seen..." confidently indicating that it would ensure that Democrats would win the 2020 presidential election.

We don’t know what organization that is. Why is it secretive? How is it funded? How does it operate? Who is in the organization? Is it likely that the organization is modeled after the Chicago political machine from which Obama achieved his political success? For those of you who don’t know, it’s a fact that Chicago is considered by most political historians to be by far the most politically corrupt city in the history of the country with a long history of voter suppression and fraud.
We don't know if the organization Obama created is the “Center for Tech and Civil Live” (CTCL). We don't know that it isn't. Why doesn't someone ask him?

We know that an independent analytics company run by a Biden supporter says that there is no question that media bias resulted in at least 6 million more votes cast for Biden and perhaps as many as 21 million. He stated that there is no question but what the mainstream media suppressed negative news on Biden, in particular the Hunter Biden Ukraine story.

We know that Mark Zuckerberg donated $250M to the CTCL. The CTCL is very active in battleground states.
We don’t know how that money was used, but $250M would provide over $1000 for every ballot that Biden needed to defeat Trump.
We don’t know why tech people are a significant part of CTCL. Could they have been used to hack the voting machines and train people how to do it with the thumb drives?

We know that Hugo Chavez used Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software to control the outcome of Venezuelan elections in favor of Chavez and his party. We also know that those voting machines and software were used in the battleground states.
We don’t know for sure that those machines and their thumb drives were rigged to swing the election.

We know for certain that voter fraud occurred.
We don’t know the full extent.

We know a GA election official testified before the GA legislative committee that there was a technical problem with one of the voting machines. She called Dominion in Colorado and the tech support people fixed the problem on line, indicating the machines were connected to the internet.
We know that Dominion has stated the machines were not connected to the internet, but they have refused to testify before the Georgia legislative committee.

We know that the thumb drives used in the dominion voting machines can be programed to change votes counted by the machine. We also know that select election workers had access to the thumb drives and there is at least one video of a worker changing the thumb drive on a voting machine. We also know that weeks before the election, a number of Dominion thumb drives were reported missing or stolen.

We know in Clark Co. Michigan that in 10 precincts, the vote count revealed that 100% of the registered voters voted.
We know that in 6 precincts, the vote count equaled 120% of the registered voters.

We know that a number of people are recorded as voting multiple times in Georgia and other battleground states.

We know that there are multiple cases where people used other peoples’ voter registration to vote absentee. In most cases, the registered voter did not vote in the previous election. This was not discovered until the registered voted turned up to vote or requested a ballot and were told they had already voted.
We know that this indicates that there was inadequate verification of voter ID.

We know that a number of people who lived outside of Georgia mailed in ballots even though they were not citizens of Georgia.

We know that many mail-in ballots had an address that did not exist or the “voter” no longer lived at that address.

We know a trucker who works for a third-party transporter testified under oath that he transported hundreds of thousands of blank ballots from a New York U.S. Post Office loading dock to a remote location in Pennsylvania and left the trailer loaded with the ballots in a remote location as instructed. We don’t know what happened to those ballots.

We know that in at least one Georgia precinct, republican election workers were told voting was done for the night and they could go home. Video shows that after they left, several huge bags of ballots, hidden by black skirting around tables in the area, were pulled out from under tables and counted without any republican observers present.
We don’t know where those ballots came from or how many were counted or for whom those ballots were cast.
We do know that the time that this occurred coincided with a dramatic spike in votes for Biden.

We know that in Georgia an election official testified under oath before the Georgia congressional delegation that a number of ballots were obviously forged because they all had a flaw in the printing that indicated they were copies of the same original ballot. She also noted other irregularities on other batches of ballots. Furthermore, she testified that a large number of absentee ballots were brought in the counting area in cardboard boxes from another room and not folded as would be necessary if mailed out or mailed in. She stated that there was no chain of custody for these ballots. She noted that those ballots were in a batch, not mixed with folded ballots.
We don’t know if anyone has attempted to verify that those particular ballots were valid ballots.

We know that in Georgia, a republican poll official testified under oath that democrat poll workers attempted to deny access to polling stations by Republican poll officials who had the documentation proving they were supposed to be there. The republican officials were intimidated and told they would be removed by police if they didn’t leave. One of the republican poll officials was a retired military officer who refused to be intimidated and told the democratic poll worker that he would not leave and after a period of time was finally admitted to the polling station.
We don’t know how many other republican polling officials were intimidated into leaving polling stations.

We know on the night of the election that there was a “glitch” in the vote count reported on the news networks during the time frame that Biden’s vote count spiked. The vote count showed up on the banner at the bottom of the screen and a split-second later, the vote count was updated. This time, the vote count for Biden increased by a number of votes and the vote count for Trump decreased by the same identical number.
We don’t know if there is a plausible explanation for this anomaly, but we haven’t heard any such explanation.

We know that on Nov. 28, 2020, Di Dongshen, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing, appeard on a Chinese television show about Wall Street and international trade. Di is a servant of his country’s government. In the video Di said “The Trump administration is in a trade war with us, so why can’t we fix the Trump administration? Why, between 1992 and 2016, China and the U.S., use to be able to settle all kinds of issues? No mater what kind of crises we encountered…things were solved in no time….We fixed everything in two months. What is the reason? I’m going to throw out something maybe a little bit explosive here. It’s just because we have people at the top. At the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence, we have our old friends.”

“For the past 30 years, 40 years, we have been utilizing the core power of the United States ... Since the 1970s, Wall Street had a very strong influence on the domestic and foreign affairs of the United States, so we had a channel to rely on. But the problem is that after 2008, the status of Wall Street has declined, and more importantly, after 2016, Wall Street can't fix Trump. Why? It's very awkward. Trump had a previous soft default issue with Wall Street, so there was a conflict between them. But I won't go into details, I may not have enough time. So during the U.S.-China trade war they [Wall Street] tried to help. And I know that, my friends on the U.S. side told me that they tried to help, but they couldn't do much.”

“But now we're seeing Biden was elected [laughter]. The traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, they're very close to Wall Street. So you see that, right? Trump has been saying that Biden's son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped him [Biden's son] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals in all these.”

We know that the first human case of Covid-19 was reported in Wuhan in December 2019.
We know that the virus was man-made.
We know that Wuhan has a highly secure biological testing facility in the Wuhan area.
We don’t know if the Wuhan testing facility manufactures viruses.
We don’t know for sure if the virus originated at the Wuhan biological testing facility.

We know that the Red Cross has blood samples taken from donors in 9 states from as early as Dec. 19, 2019 that were infected with Covid-19.

We know that the timing of the Covid-19 pandemic allowed an opportunity for democrats to justify an initiative to push for mail-in ballots.

We don’t know if the Covid-19 pandemic was initiated by the Chinese government in an attempt to influence the U.S. presidential election.

We don’t know if the Covid-19 pandemic was orchestrated by China in conjunction with “America’s core inner circle of power and influence” as referred to by Professor Di in the quote above.

We know that a bi-partisan committee chaired by Jimmy Carter reported that “’Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

We don’t know if there has been any investigation launched by the DOJ or the FBI.

We do know that many people committed voter fraud with regard to willfully violating absentee voting laws, a felony punishable by a $5000 fine and/or up to 5 years in prison.
We don't know if there is going to be any effort to enforce voter fraud laws, prosecuting those who committed fraud.
We do know if there is not an effort to prosecute those committing voter fraud, there is no deterrent to committing voter fraud.

We do know that with subpoena power, law enforcement agencies can do much more in-depth investigations, but
We don’t know if ANY of the “whistleblowers” have even been contacted by law enforcement agencies.
We don’t know if there was a coordinated effort to control the outcome of the election.
We don’t know if there wasn’t. But there are far too many questions that need to be answered before we can have confidence that the 2020 presidential was not compromised.

If you want to dispute any of the "We know" statements, be sure to do your research. Those statements can be substantiated.
Got to the first "what we know" and just LOL'd. Debunked long ago. He was talking about voter protection program, talked about it plenty in the runup to the election. I can see this is leading to all the other Trump strongman lies. Adios. Get fooled by him if you like.
What we know and what we don’t know

All of the facts presented below can be documented if you want to do the research. The purpose of this post is to inform people so they will demand these issues be investigated. If you are a democrat, just be honest with yourself. If the roles were reversed, would you be O.K. with it? Would you be outraged? Would you demand a thorough investigation? Of course you would! If we can spend $32M on false claims of Russian collusion by Trump, we should be able to spend a few million determining if the presidential election was hijacked. If a thorough investigation is conducted, I'll be satisfied with the result. If not, how can anyone accept the outcome as legitimate?

We know that both Joe Biden and Maxine Waters publicly stated in separate interviews that Obama “…created a voter fraud organization like has never been seen..." confidently indicating that it would ensure that Democrats would win the 2020 presidential election.

We don’t know what organization that is. Why is it secretive? How is it funded? How does it operate? Who is in the organization? Is it likely that the organization is modeled after the Chicago political machine from which Obama achieved his political success? For those of you who don’t know, it’s a fact that Chicago is considered by most political historians to be by far the most politically corrupt city in the history of the country with a long history of voter suppression and fraud.
We don't know if the organization Obama created is the “Center for Tech and Civil Live” (CTCL). We don't know that it isn't. Why doesn't someone ask him?

We know that an independent analytics company run by a Biden supporter says that there is no question that media bias resulted in at least 6 million more votes cast for Biden and perhaps as many as 21 million. He stated that there is no question but what the mainstream media suppressed negative news on Biden, in particular the Hunter Biden Ukraine story.

We know that Mark Zuckerberg donated $250M to the CTCL. The CTCL is very active in battleground states.
We don’t know how that money was used, but $250M would provide over $1000 for every ballot that Biden needed to defeat Trump.
We don’t know why tech people are a significant part of CTCL. Could they have been used to hack the voting machines and train people how to do it with the thumb drives?

We know that Hugo Chavez used Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software to control the outcome of Venezuelan elections in favor of Chavez and his party. We also know that those voting machines and software were used in the battleground states.
We don’t know for sure that those machines and their thumb drives were rigged to swing the election.

We know for certain that voter fraud occurred.
We don’t know the full extent.

We know a GA election official testified before the GA legislative committee that there was a technical problem with one of the voting machines. She called Dominion in Colorado and the tech support people fixed the problem on line, indicating the machines were connected to the internet.
We know that Dominion has stated the machines were not connected to the internet, but they have refused to testify before the Georgia legislative committee.

We know that the thumb drives used in the dominion voting machines can be programed to change votes counted by the machine. We also know that select election workers had access to the thumb drives and there is at least one video of a worker changing the thumb drive on a voting machine. We also know that weeks before the election, a number of Dominion thumb drives were reported missing or stolen.

We know in Clark Co. Michigan that in 10 precincts, the vote count revealed that 100% of the registered voters voted.
We know that in 6 precincts, the vote count equaled 120% of the registered voters.

We know that a number of people are recorded as voting multiple times in Georgia and other battleground states.

We know that there are multiple cases where people used other peoples’ voter registration to vote absentee. In most cases, the registered voter did not vote in the previous election. This was not discovered until the registered voted turned up to vote or requested a ballot and were told they had already voted.
We know that this indicates that there was inadequate verification of voter ID.

We know that a number of people who lived outside of Georgia mailed in ballots even though they were not citizens of Georgia.

We know that many mail-in ballots had an address that did not exist or the “voter” no longer lived at that address.

We know a trucker who works for a third-party transporter testified under oath that he transported hundreds of thousands of blank ballots from a New York U.S. Post Office loading dock to a remote location in Pennsylvania and left the trailer loaded with the ballots in a remote location as instructed. We don’t know what happened to those ballots.

We know that in at least one Georgia precinct, republican election workers were told voting was done for the night and they could go home. Video shows that after they left, several huge bags of ballots, hidden by black skirting around tables in the area, were pulled out from under tables and counted without any republican observers present.
We don’t know where those ballots came from or how many were counted or for whom those ballots were cast.
We do know that the time that this occurred coincided with a dramatic spike in votes for Biden.

We know that in Georgia an election official testified under oath before the Georgia congressional delegation that a number of ballots were obviously forged because they all had a flaw in the printing that indicated they were copies of the same original ballot. She also noted other irregularities on other batches of ballots. Furthermore, she testified that a large number of absentee ballots were brought in the counting area in cardboard boxes from another room and not folded as would be necessary if mailed out or mailed in. She stated that there was no chain of custody for these ballots. She noted that those ballots were in a batch, not mixed with folded ballots.
We don’t know if anyone has attempted to verify that those particular ballots were valid ballots.

We know that in Georgia, a republican poll official testified under oath that democrat poll workers attempted to deny access to polling stations by Republican poll officials who had the documentation proving they were supposed to be there. The republican officials were intimidated and told they would be removed by police if they didn’t leave. One of the republican poll officials was a retired military officer who refused to be intimidated and told the democratic poll worker that he would not leave and after a period of time was finally admitted to the polling station.
We don’t know how many other republican polling officials were intimidated into leaving polling stations.

We know on the night of the election that there was a “glitch” in the vote count reported on the news networks during the time frame that Biden’s vote count spiked. The vote count showed up on the banner at the bottom of the screen and a split-second later, the vote count was updated. This time, the vote count for Biden increased by a number of votes and the vote count for Trump decreased by the same identical number.
We don’t know if there is a plausible explanation for this anomaly, but we haven’t heard any such explanation.

We know that on Nov. 28, 2020, Di Dongshen, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing, appeard on a Chinese television show about Wall Street and international trade. Di is a servant of his country’s government. In the video Di said “The Trump administration is in a trade war with us, so why can’t we fix the Trump administration? Why, between 1992 and 2016, China and the U.S., use to be able to settle all kinds of issues? No mater what kind of crises we encountered…things were solved in no time….We fixed everything in two months. What is the reason? I’m going to throw out something maybe a little bit explosive here. It’s just because we have people at the top. At the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence, we have our old friends.”

“For the past 30 years, 40 years, we have been utilizing the core power of the United States ... Since the 1970s, Wall Street had a very strong influence on the domestic and foreign affairs of the United States, so we had a channel to rely on. But the problem is that after 2008, the status of Wall Street has declined, and more importantly, after 2016, Wall Street can't fix Trump. Why? It's very awkward. Trump had a previous soft default issue with Wall Street, so there was a conflict between them. But I won't go into details, I may not have enough time. So during the U.S.-China trade war they [Wall Street] tried to help. And I know that, my friends on the U.S. side told me that they tried to help, but they couldn't do much.”

“But now we're seeing Biden was elected [laughter]. The traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, they're very close to Wall Street. So you see that, right? Trump has been saying that Biden's son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped him [Biden's son] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals in all these.”

We know that the first human case of Covid-19 was reported in Wuhan in December 2019.
We know that the virus was man-made.
We know that Wuhan has a highly secure biological testing facility in the Wuhan area.
We don’t know if the Wuhan testing facility manufactures viruses.
We don’t know for sure if the virus originated at the Wuhan biological testing facility.

We know that the Red Cross has blood samples taken from donors in 9 states from as early as Dec. 19, 2019 that were infected with Covid-19.

We know that the timing of the Covid-19 pandemic allowed an opportunity for democrats to justify an initiative to push for mail-in ballots.

We don’t know if the Covid-19 pandemic was initiated by the Chinese government in an attempt to influence the U.S. presidential election.

We don’t know if the Covid-19 pandemic was orchestrated by China in conjunction with “America’s core inner circle of power and influence” as referred to by Professor Di in the quote above.

We know that a bi-partisan committee chaired by Jimmy Carter reported that “’Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

We don’t know if there has been any investigation launched by the DOJ or the FBI.

We do know that many people committed voter fraud with regard to willfully violating absentee voting laws, a felony punishable by a $5000 fine and/or up to 5 years in prison.
We don't know if there is going to be any effort to enforce voter fraud laws, prosecuting those who committed fraud.
We do know if there is not an effort to prosecute those committing voter fraud, there is no

deterrent to committing voter fraud.

We do know that with subpoena power, law enforcement agencies can do much more in-depth investigations, but
We don’t know if ANY of the “whistleblowers” have even been contacted by law enforcement agencies.
We don’t know if there was a coordinated effort to control the outcome of the election.
We don’t know if there wasn’t. But there are far too many questions that need to be answered before we can have confidence that the 2020 presidential was not compromised.

If you want to dispute any of the "We know" statements, be sure to do your research. Those statements can be substantiated.

I know I have a headache now, but seriously thanks for the great work.
You do know that you are going to get called stupid, mocked, and all the other things the left tries to spin and intimidate you, right? They are not interested in truth, only control and changing America.
But I am sure I'm not telling you anything you do not already know.
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What we know and what we don’t know

All of the facts presented below can be documented if you want to do the research. The purpose of this post is to inform people so they will demand these issues be investigated. If you are a democrat, just be honest with yourself. If the roles were reversed, would you be O.K. with it? Would you be outraged? Would you demand a thorough investigation? Of course you would! If we can spend $32M on false claims of Russian collusion by Trump, we should be able to spend a few million determining if the presidential election was hijacked. If a thorough investigation is conducted, I'll be satisfied with the result. If not, how can anyone accept the outcome as legitimate?

We know that both Joe Biden and Maxine Waters publicly stated in separate interviews that Obama “…created a voter fraud organization like has never been seen..." confidently indicating that it would ensure that Democrats would win the 2020 presidential election.

We don’t know what organization that is. Why is it secretive? How is it funded? How does it operate? Who is in the organization? Is it likely that the organization is modeled after the Chicago political machine from which Obama achieved his political success? For those of you who don’t know, it’s a fact that Chicago is considered by most political historians to be by far the most politically corrupt city in the history of the country with a long history of voter suppression and fraud.
We don't know if the organization Obama created is the “Center for Tech and Civil Live” (CTCL). We don't know that it isn't. Why doesn't someone ask him?

We know that an independent analytics company run by a Biden supporter says that there is no question that media bias resulted in at least 6 million more votes cast for Biden and perhaps as many as 21 million. He stated that there is no question but what the mainstream media suppressed negative news on Biden, in particular the Hunter Biden Ukraine story.

We know that Mark Zuckerberg donated $250M to the CTCL. The CTCL is very active in battleground states.
We don’t know how that money was used, but $250M would provide over $1000 for every ballot that Biden needed to defeat Trump.
We don’t know why tech people are a significant part of CTCL. Could they have been used to hack the voting machines and train people how to do it with the thumb drives?

We know that Hugo Chavez used Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software to control the outcome of Venezuelan elections in favor of Chavez and his party. We also know that those voting machines and software were used in the battleground states.
We don’t know for sure that those machines and their thumb drives were rigged to swing the election.

We know for certain that voter fraud occurred.
We don’t know the full extent.

We know a GA election official testified before the GA legislative committee that there was a technical problem with one of the voting machines. She called Dominion in Colorado and the tech support people fixed the problem on line, indicating the machines were connected to the internet.
We know that Dominion has stated the machines were not connected to the internet, but they have refused to testify before the Georgia legislative committee.

We know that the thumb drives used in the dominion voting machines can be programed to change votes counted by the machine. We also know that select election workers had access to the thumb drives and there is at least one video of a worker changing the thumb drive on a voting machine. We also know that weeks before the election, a number of Dominion thumb drives were reported missing or stolen.

We know in Clark Co. Michigan that in 10 precincts, the vote count revealed that 100% of the registered voters voted.
We know that in 6 precincts, the vote count equaled 120% of the registered voters.

We know that a number of people are recorded as voting multiple times in Georgia and other battleground states.

We know that there are multiple cases where people used other peoples’ voter registration to vote absentee. In most cases, the registered voter did not vote in the previous election. This was not discovered until the registered voted turned up to vote or requested a ballot and were told they had already voted.
We know that this indicates that there was inadequate verification of voter ID.

We know that a number of people who lived outside of Georgia mailed in ballots even though they were not citizens of Georgia.

We know that many mail-in ballots had an address that did not exist or the “voter” no longer lived at that address.

We know a trucker who works for a third-party transporter testified under oath that he transported hundreds of thousands of blank ballots from a New York U.S. Post Office loading dock to a remote location in Pennsylvania and left the trailer loaded with the ballots in a remote location as instructed. We don’t know what happened to those ballots.

We know that in at least one Georgia precinct, republican election workers were told voting was done for the night and they could go home. Video shows that after they left, several huge bags of ballots, hidden by black skirting around tables in the area, were pulled out from under tables and counted without any republican observers present.
We don’t know where those ballots came from or how many were counted or for whom those ballots were cast.
We do know that the time that this occurred coincided with a dramatic spike in votes for Biden.

We know that in Georgia an election official testified under oath before the Georgia congressional delegation that a number of ballots were obviously forged because they all had a flaw in the printing that indicated they were copies of the same original ballot. She also noted other irregularities on other batches of ballots. Furthermore, she testified that a large number of absentee ballots were brought in the counting area in cardboard boxes from another room and not folded as would be necessary if mailed out or mailed in. She stated that there was no chain of custody for these ballots. She noted that those ballots were in a batch, not mixed with folded ballots.
We don’t know if anyone has attempted to verify that those particular ballots were valid ballots.

We know that in Georgia, a republican poll official testified under oath that democrat poll workers attempted to deny access to polling stations by Republican poll officials who had the documentation proving they were supposed to be there. The republican officials were intimidated and told they would be removed by police if they didn’t leave. One of the republican poll officials was a retired military officer who refused to be intimidated and told the democratic poll worker that he would not leave and after a period of time was finally admitted to the polling station.
We don’t know how many other republican polling officials were intimidated into leaving polling stations.

We know on the night of the election that there was a “glitch” in the vote count reported on the news networks during the time frame that Biden’s vote count spiked. The vote count showed up on the banner at the bottom of the screen and a split-second later, the vote count was updated. This time, the vote count for Biden increased by a number of votes and the vote count for Trump decreased by the same identical number.
We don’t know if there is a plausible explanation for this anomaly, but we haven’t heard any such explanation.

We know that on Nov. 28, 2020, Di Dongshen, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing, appeard on a Chinese television show about Wall Street and international trade. Di is a servant of his country’s government. In the video Di said “The Trump administration is in a trade war with us, so why can’t we fix the Trump administration? Why, between 1992 and 2016, China and the U.S., use to be able to settle all kinds of issues? No mater what kind of crises we encountered…things were solved in no time….We fixed everything in two months. What is the reason? I’m going to throw out something maybe a little bit explosive here. It’s just because we have people at the top. At the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence, we have our old friends.”

“For the past 30 years, 40 years, we have been utilizing the core power of the United States ... Since the 1970s, Wall Street had a very strong influence on the domestic and foreign affairs of the United States, so we had a channel to rely on. But the problem is that after 2008, the status of Wall Street has declined, and more importantly, after 2016, Wall Street can't fix Trump. Why? It's very awkward. Trump had a previous soft default issue with Wall Street, so there was a conflict between them. But I won't go into details, I may not have enough time. So during the U.S.-China trade war they [Wall Street] tried to help. And I know that, my friends on the U.S. side told me that they tried to help, but they couldn't do much.”

“But now we're seeing Biden was elected [laughter]. The traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, they're very close to Wall Street. So you see that, right? Trump has been saying that Biden's son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped him [Biden's son] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals in all these.”

We know that the first human case of Covid-19 was reported in Wuhan in December 2019.
We know that the virus was man-made.
We know that Wuhan has a highly secure biological testing facility in the Wuhan area.
We don’t know if the Wuhan testing facility manufactures viruses.
We don’t know for sure if the virus originated at the Wuhan biological testing facility.

We know that the Red Cross has blood samples taken from donors in 9 states from as early as Dec. 19, 2019 that were infected with Covid-19.

We know that the timing of the Covid-19 pandemic allowed an opportunity for democrats to justify an initiative to push for mail-in ballots.

We don’t know if the Covid-19 pandemic was initiated by the Chinese government in an attempt to influence the U.S. presidential election.

We don’t know if the Covid-19 pandemic was orchestrated by China in conjunction with “America’s core inner circle of power and influence” as referred to by Professor Di in the quote above.

We know that a bi-partisan committee chaired by Jimmy Carter reported that “’Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

We don’t know if there has been any investigation launched by the DOJ or the FBI.

We do know that many people committed voter fraud with regard to willfully violating absentee voting laws, a felony punishable by a $5000 fine and/or up to 5 years in prison.
We don't know if there is going to be any effort to enforce voter fraud laws, prosecuting those who committed fraud.
We do know if there is not an effort to prosecute those committing voter fraud, there is no deterrent to committing voter fraud.

We do know that with subpoena power, law enforcement agencies can do much more in-depth investigations, but
We don’t know if ANY of the “whistleblowers” have even been contacted by law enforcement agencies.
We don’t know if there was a coordinated effort to control the outcome of the election.
We don’t know if there wasn’t. But there are far too many questions that need to be answered before we can have confidence that the 2020 presidential was not compromised.

If you want to dispute any of the "We know" statements, be sure to do your research. Those statements can be substantiated.
Got the same email in my junk box, right next to the one from my long-lost cousin in Tim-Buck-Two, Africa that apparently has left me a hefty inheritance.
Too long. Didn’t read. What we absolutely do know is that SCOTUS just sent Trump’s minions packing on the PA case about mail in ballots that was presented to them today and judging from the one sentence response with no comment it was a unanimous reject. Keep in mind this is a conservative dominated court. So much for Trump’s wish that his loaded court helps him out. Stick a fork in him. He done. But I’m sure he’s just enough of a little brat to keep up the charade and try to con right wingers out of more money.
What we know and what we don’t know

All of the facts presented below can be documented if you want to do the research. The purpose of this post is to inform people so they will demand these issues be investigated. If you are a democrat, just be honest with yourself. If the roles were reversed, would you be O.K. with it? Would you be outraged? Would you demand a thorough investigation? Of course you would! If we can spend $32M on false claims of Russian collusion by Trump, we should be able to spend a few million determining if the presidential election was hijacked. If a thorough investigation is conducted, I'll be satisfied with the result. If not, how can anyone accept the outcome as legitimate?

We know that both Joe Biden and Maxine Waters publicly stated in separate interviews that Obama “…created a voter fraud organization like has never been seen..." confidently indicating that it would ensure that Democrats would win the 2020 presidential election.

We don’t know what organization that is. Why is it secretive? How is it funded? How does it operate? Who is in the organization? Is it likely that the organization is modeled after the Chicago political machine from which Obama achieved his political success? For those of you who don’t know, it’s a fact that Chicago is considered by most political historians to be by far the most politically corrupt city in the history of the country with a long history of voter suppression and fraud.
We don't know if the organization Obama created is the “Center for Tech and Civil Live” (CTCL). We don't know that it isn't. Why doesn't someone ask him?

We know that an independent analytics company run by a Biden supporter says that there is no question that media bias resulted in at least 6 million more votes cast for Biden and perhaps as many as 21 million. He stated that there is no question but what the mainstream media suppressed negative news on Biden, in particular the Hunter Biden Ukraine story.

We know that Mark Zuckerberg donated $250M to the CTCL. The CTCL is very active in battleground states.
We don’t know how that money was used, but $250M would provide over $1000 for every ballot that Biden needed to defeat Trump.
We don’t know why tech people are a significant part of CTCL. Could they have been used to hack the voting machines and train people how to do it with the thumb drives?

We know that Hugo Chavez used Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software to control the outcome of Venezuelan elections in favor of Chavez and his party. We also know that those voting machines and software were used in the battleground states.
We don’t know for sure that those machines and their thumb drives were rigged to swing the election.

We know for certain that voter fraud occurred.
We don’t know the full extent.

We know a GA election official testified before the GA legislative committee that there was a technical problem with one of the voting machines. She called Dominion in Colorado and the tech support people fixed the problem on line, indicating the machines were connected to the internet.
We know that Dominion has stated the machines were not connected to the internet, but they have refused to testify before the Georgia legislative committee.

We know that the thumb drives used in the dominion voting machines can be programed to change votes counted by the machine. We also know that select election workers had access to the thumb drives and there is at least one video of a worker changing the thumb drive on a voting machine. We also know that weeks before the election, a number of Dominion thumb drives were reported missing or stolen.

We know in Clark Co. Michigan that in 10 precincts, the vote count revealed that 100% of the registered voters voted.
We know that in 6 precincts, the vote count equaled 120% of the registered voters.

We know that a number of people are recorded as voting multiple times in Georgia and other battleground states.

We know that there are multiple cases where people used other peoples’ voter registration to vote absentee. In most cases, the registered voter did not vote in the previous election. This was not discovered until the registered voted turned up to vote or requested a ballot and were told they had already voted.
We know that this indicates that there was inadequate verification of voter ID.

We know that a number of people who lived outside of Georgia mailed in ballots even though they were not citizens of Georgia.

We know that many mail-in ballots had an address that did not exist or the “voter” no longer lived at that address.

We know a trucker who works for a third-party transporter testified under oath that he transported hundreds of thousands of blank ballots from a New York U.S. Post Office loading dock to a remote location in Pennsylvania and left the trailer loaded with the ballots in a remote location as instructed. We don’t know what happened to those ballots.

We know that in at least one Georgia precinct, republican election workers were told voting was done for the night and they could go home. Video shows that after they left, several huge bags of ballots, hidden by black skirting around tables in the area, were pulled out from under tables and counted without any republican observers present.
We don’t know where those ballots came from or how many were counted or for whom those ballots were cast.
We do know that the time that this occurred coincided with a dramatic spike in votes for Biden.

We know that in Georgia an election official testified under oath before the Georgia congressional delegation that a number of ballots were obviously forged because they all had a flaw in the printing that indicated they were copies of the same original ballot. She also noted other irregularities on other batches of ballots. Furthermore, she testified that a large number of absentee ballots were brought in the counting area in cardboard boxes from another room and not folded as would be necessary if mailed out or mailed in. She stated that there was no chain of custody for these ballots. She noted that those ballots were in a batch, not mixed with folded ballots.
We don’t know if anyone has attempted to verify that those particular ballots were valid ballots.

We know that in Georgia, a republican poll official testified under oath that democrat poll workers attempted to deny access to polling stations by Republican poll officials who had the documentation proving they were supposed to be there. The republican officials were intimidated and told they would be removed by police if they didn’t leave. One of the republican poll officials was a retired military officer who refused to be intimidated and told the democratic poll worker that he would not leave and after a period of time was finally admitted to the polling station.
We don’t know how many other republican polling officials were intimidated into leaving polling stations.

We know on the night of the election that there was a “glitch” in the vote count reported on the news networks during the time frame that Biden’s vote count spiked. The vote count showed up on the banner at the bottom of the screen and a split-second later, the vote count was updated. This time, the vote count for Biden increased by a number of votes and the vote count for Trump decreased by the same identical number.
We don’t know if there is a plausible explanation for this anomaly, but we haven’t heard any such explanation.

We know that on Nov. 28, 2020, Di Dongshen, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing, appeard on a Chinese television show about Wall Street and international trade. Di is a servant of his country’s government. In the video Di said “The Trump administration is in a trade war with us, so why can’t we fix the Trump administration? Why, between 1992 and 2016, China and the U.S., use to be able to settle all kinds of issues? No mater what kind of crises we encountered…things were solved in no time….We fixed everything in two months. What is the reason? I’m going to throw out something maybe a little bit explosive here. It’s just because we have people at the top. At the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence, we have our old friends.”

“For the past 30 years, 40 years, we have been utilizing the core power of the United States ... Since the 1970s, Wall Street had a very strong influence on the domestic and foreign affairs of the United States, so we had a channel to rely on. But the problem is that after 2008, the status of Wall Street has declined, and more importantly, after 2016, Wall Street can't fix Trump. Why? It's very awkward. Trump had a previous soft default issue with Wall Street, so there was a conflict between them. But I won't go into details, I may not have enough time. So during the U.S.-China trade war they [Wall Street] tried to help. And I know that, my friends on the U.S. side told me that they tried to help, but they couldn't do much.”

“But now we're seeing Biden was elected [laughter]. The traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, they're very close to Wall Street. So you see that, right? Trump has been saying that Biden's son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped him [Biden's son] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals in all these.”

We know that the first human case of Covid-19 was reported in Wuhan in December 2019.
We know that the virus was man-made.
We know that Wuhan has a highly secure biological testing facility in the Wuhan area.
We don’t know if the Wuhan testing facility manufactures viruses.
We don’t know for sure if the virus originated at the Wuhan biological testing facility.

We know that the Red Cross has blood samples taken from donors in 9 states from as early as Dec. 19, 2019 that were infected with Covid-19.

We know that the timing of the Covid-19 pandemic allowed an opportunity for democrats to justify an initiative to push for mail-in ballots.

We don’t know if the Covid-19 pandemic was initiated by the Chinese government in an attempt to influence the U.S. presidential election.

We don’t know if the Covid-19 pandemic was orchestrated by China in conjunction with “America’s core inner circle of power and influence” as referred to by Professor Di in the quote above.

We know that a bi-partisan committee chaired by Jimmy Carter reported that “’Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

We don’t know if there has been any investigation launched by the DOJ or the FBI.

We do know that many people committed voter fraud with regard to willfully violating absentee voting laws, a felony punishable by a $5000 fine and/or up to 5 years in prison.
We don't know if there is going to be any effort to enforce voter fraud laws, prosecuting those who committed fraud.
We do know if there is not an effort to prosecute those committing voter fraud, there is no deterrent to committing voter fraud.

We do know that with subpoena power, law enforcement agencies can do much more in-depth investigations, but
We don’t know if ANY of the “whistleblowers” have even been contacted by law enforcement agencies.
We don’t know if there was a coordinated effort to control the outcome of the election.
We don’t know if there wasn’t. But there are far too many questions that need to be answered before we can have confidence that the 2020 presidential was not compromised.

If you want to dispute any of the "We know" statements, be sure to do your research. Those statements can be substantiated.

Then why hasn't a single court found evidence of fraud, even courts with Trump appointed judges?
Got to the first "what we know" and just LOL'd. Debunked long ago. He was talking about voter protection program, talked about it plenty in the runup to the election. I can see this is leading to all the other Trump strongman lies. Adios. Get fooled by him if you like.
How can it be debunked when that is exactly what he said? It is 100% truth. Waters said almost the exact same thing in a TV interview. Stick your head back in the sand.
What we know and what we don’t know

All of the facts presented below can be documented if you want to do the research. The purpose of this post is to inform people so they will demand these issues be investigated. If you are a democrat, just be honest with yourself. If the roles were reversed, would you be O.K. with it? Would you be outraged? Would you demand a thorough investigation? Of course you would! If we can spend $32M on false claims of Russian collusion by Trump, we should be able to spend a few million determining if the presidential election was hijacked. If a thorough investigation is conducted, I'll be satisfied with the result. If not, how can anyone accept the outcome as legitimate?

We know that both Joe Biden and Maxine Waters publicly stated in separate interviews that Obama “…created a voter fraud organization like has never been seen..." confidently indicating that it would ensure that Democrats would win the 2020 presidential election.

We don’t know what organization that is. Why is it secretive? How is it funded? How does it operate? Who is in the organization? Is it likely that the organization is modeled after the Chicago political machine from which Obama achieved his political success? For those of you who don’t know, it’s a fact that Chicago is considered by most political historians to be by far the most politically corrupt city in the history of the country with a long history of voter suppression and fraud.
We don't know if the organization Obama created is the “Center for Tech and Civil Live” (CTCL). We don't know that it isn't. Why doesn't someone ask him?

We know that an independent analytics company run by a Biden supporter says that there is no question that media bias resulted in at least 6 million more votes cast for Biden and perhaps as many as 21 million. He stated that there is no question but what the mainstream media suppressed negative news on Biden, in particular the Hunter Biden Ukraine story.

We know that Mark Zuckerberg donated $250M to the CTCL. The CTCL is very active in battleground states.
We don’t know how that money was used, but $250M would provide over $1000 for every ballot that Biden needed to defeat Trump.
We don’t know why tech people are a significant part of CTCL. Could they have been used to hack the voting machines and train people how to do it with the thumb drives?

We know that Hugo Chavez used Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software to control the outcome of Venezuelan elections in favor of Chavez and his party. We also know that those voting machines and software were used in the battleground states.
We don’t know for sure that those machines and their thumb drives were rigged to swing the election.

We know for certain that voter fraud occurred.
We don’t know the full extent.

We know a GA election official testified before the GA legislative committee that there was a technical problem with one of the voting machines. She called Dominion in Colorado and the tech support people fixed the problem on line, indicating the machines were connected to the internet.
We know that Dominion has stated the machines were not connected to the internet, but they have refused to testify before the Georgia legislative committee.

We know that the thumb drives used in the dominion voting machines can be programed to change votes counted by the machine. We also know that select election workers had access to the thumb drives and there is at least one video of a worker changing the thumb drive on a voting machine. We also know that weeks before the election, a number of Dominion thumb drives were reported missing or stolen.

We know in Clark Co. Michigan that in 10 precincts, the vote count revealed that 100% of the registered voters voted.
We know that in 6 precincts, the vote count equaled 120% of the registered voters.

We know that a number of people are recorded as voting multiple times in Georgia and other battleground states.

We know that there are multiple cases where people used other peoples’ voter registration to vote absentee. In most cases, the registered voter did not vote in the previous election. This was not discovered until the registered voted turned up to vote or requested a ballot and were told they had already voted.
We know that this indicates that there was inadequate verification of voter ID.

We know that a number of people who lived outside of Georgia mailed in ballots even though they were not citizens of Georgia.

We know that many mail-in ballots had an address that did not exist or the “voter” no longer lived at that address.

We know a trucker who works for a third-party transporter testified under oath that he transported hundreds of thousands of blank ballots from a New York U.S. Post Office loading dock to a remote location in Pennsylvania and left the trailer loaded with the ballots in a remote location as instructed. We don’t know what happened to those ballots.

We know that in at least one Georgia precinct, republican election workers were told voting was done for the night and they could go home. Video shows that after they left, several huge bags of ballots, hidden by black skirting around tables in the area, were pulled out from under tables and counted without any republican observers present.
We don’t know where those ballots came from or how many were counted or for whom those ballots were cast.
We do know that the time that this occurred coincided with a dramatic spike in votes for Biden.

We know that in Georgia an election official testified under oath before the Georgia congressional delegation that a number of ballots were obviously forged because they all had a flaw in the printing that indicated they were copies of the same original ballot. She also noted other irregularities on other batches of ballots. Furthermore, she testified that a large number of absentee ballots were brought in the counting area in cardboard boxes from another room and not folded as would be necessary if mailed out or mailed in. She stated that there was no chain of custody for these ballots. She noted that those ballots were in a batch, not mixed with folded ballots.
We don’t know if anyone has attempted to verify that those particular ballots were valid ballots.

We know that in Georgia, a republican poll official testified under oath that democrat poll workers attempted to deny access to polling stations by Republican poll officials who had the documentation proving they were supposed to be there. The republican officials were intimidated and told they would be removed by police if they didn’t leave. One of the republican poll officials was a retired military officer who refused to be intimidated and told the democratic poll worker that he would not leave and after a period of time was finally admitted to the polling station.
We don’t know how many other republican polling officials were intimidated into leaving polling stations.

We know on the night of the election that there was a “glitch” in the vote count reported on the news networks during the time frame that Biden’s vote count spiked. The vote count showed up on the banner at the bottom of the screen and a split-second later, the vote count was updated. This time, the vote count for Biden increased by a number of votes and the vote count for Trump decreased by the same identical number.
We don’t know if there is a plausible explanation for this anomaly, but we haven’t heard any such explanation.

We know that on Nov. 28, 2020, Di Dongshen, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing, appeard on a Chinese television show about Wall Street and international trade. Di is a servant of his country’s government. In the video Di said “The Trump administration is in a trade war with us, so why can’t we fix the Trump administration? Why, between 1992 and 2016, China and the U.S., use to be able to settle all kinds of issues? No mater what kind of crises we encountered…things were solved in no time….We fixed everything in two months. What is the reason? I’m going to throw out something maybe a little bit explosive here. It’s just because we have people at the top. At the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence, we have our old friends.”

“For the past 30 years, 40 years, we have been utilizing the core power of the United States ... Since the 1970s, Wall Street had a very strong influence on the domestic and foreign affairs of the United States, so we had a channel to rely on. But the problem is that after 2008, the status of Wall Street has declined, and more importantly, after 2016, Wall Street can't fix Trump. Why? It's very awkward. Trump had a previous soft default issue with Wall Street, so there was a conflict between them. But I won't go into details, I may not have enough time. So during the U.S.-China trade war they [Wall Street] tried to help. And I know that, my friends on the U.S. side told me that they tried to help, but they couldn't do much.”

“But now we're seeing Biden was elected [laughter]. The traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, they're very close to Wall Street. So you see that, right? Trump has been saying that Biden's son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped him [Biden's son] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals in all these.”

We know that the first human case of Covid-19 was reported in Wuhan in December 2019.
We know that the virus was man-made.
We know that Wuhan has a highly secure biological testing facility in the Wuhan area.
We don’t know if the Wuhan testing facility manufactures viruses.
We don’t know for sure if the virus originated at the Wuhan biological testing facility.

We know that the Red Cross has blood samples taken from donors in 9 states from as early as Dec. 19, 2019 that were infected with Covid-19.

We know that the timing of the Covid-19 pandemic allowed an opportunity for democrats to justify an initiative to push for mail-in ballots.

We don’t know if the Covid-19 pandemic was initiated by the Chinese government in an attempt to influence the U.S. presidential election.

We don’t know if the Covid-19 pandemic was orchestrated by China in conjunction with “America’s core inner circle of power and influence” as referred to by Professor Di in the quote above.

We know that a bi-partisan committee chaired by Jimmy Carter reported that “’Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

We don’t know if there has been any investigation launched by the DOJ or the FBI.

We do know that many people committed voter fraud with regard to willfully violating absentee voting laws, a felony punishable by a $5000 fine and/or up to 5 years in prison.
We don't know if there is going to be any effort to enforce voter fraud laws, prosecuting those who committed fraud.
We do know if there is not an effort to prosecute those committing voter fraud, there is no deterrent to committing voter fraud.

We do know that with subpoena power, law enforcement agencies can do much more in-depth investigations, but
We don’t know if ANY of the “whistleblowers” have even been contacted by law enforcement agencies.
We don’t know if there was a coordinated effort to control the outcome of the election.
We don’t know if there wasn’t. But there are far too many questions that need to be answered before we can have confidence that the 2020 presidential was not compromised.

If you want to dispute any of the "We know" statements, be sure to do your research. Those statements can be substantiated.
What we know and what we don’t know

All of the facts presented below can be documented if you want to do the research. The purpose of this post is to inform people so they will demand these issues be investigated. If you are a democrat, just be honest with yourself. If the roles were reversed, would you be O.K. with it? Would you be outraged? Would you demand a thorough investigation? Of course you would! If we can spend $32M on false claims of Russian collusion by Trump, we should be able to spend a few million determining if the presidential election was hijacked. If a thorough investigation is conducted, I'll be satisfied with the result. If not, how can anyone accept the outcome as legitimate?

We know that both Joe Biden and Maxine Waters publicly stated in separate interviews that Obama “…created a voter fraud organization like has never been seen..." confidently indicating that it would ensure that Democrats would win the 2020 presidential election.

We don’t know what organization that is. Why is it secretive? How is it funded? How does it operate? Who is in the organization? Is it likely that the organization is modeled after the Chicago political machine from which Obama achieved his political success? For those of you who don’t know, it’s a fact that Chicago is considered by most political historians to be by far the most politically corrupt city in the history of the country with a long history of voter suppression and fraud.
We don't know if the organization Obama created is the “Center for Tech and Civil Live” (CTCL). We don't know that it isn't. Why doesn't someone ask him?

We know that an independent analytics company run by a Biden supporter says that there is no question that media bias resulted in at least 6 million more votes cast for Biden and perhaps as many as 21 million. He stated that there is no question but what the mainstream media suppressed negative news on Biden, in particular the Hunter Biden Ukraine story.

We know that Mark Zuckerberg donated $250M to the CTCL. The CTCL is very active in battleground states.
We don’t know how that money was used, but $250M would provide over $1000 for every ballot that Biden needed to defeat Trump.
We don’t know why tech people are a significant part of CTCL. Could they have been used to hack the voting machines and train people how to do it with the thumb drives?

We know that Hugo Chavez used Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software to control the outcome of Venezuelan elections in favor of Chavez and his party. We also know that those voting machines and software were used in the battleground states.
We don’t know for sure that those machines and their thumb drives were rigged to swing the election.

We know for certain that voter fraud occurred.
We don’t know the full extent.

We know a GA election official testified before the GA legislative committee that there was a technical problem with one of the voting machines. She called Dominion in Colorado and the tech support people fixed the problem on line, indicating the machines were connected to the internet.
We know that Dominion has stated the machines were not connected to the internet, but they have refused to testify before the Georgia legislative committee.

We know that the thumb drives used in the dominion voting machines can be programed to change votes counted by the machine. We also know that select election workers had access to the thumb drives and there is at least one video of a worker changing the thumb drive on a voting machine. We also know that weeks before the election, a number of Dominion thumb drives were reported missing or stolen.

We know in Clark Co. Michigan that in 10 precincts, the vote count revealed that 100% of the registered voters voted.
We know that in 6 precincts, the vote count equaled 120% of the registered voters.

We know that a number of people are recorded as voting multiple times in Georgia and other battleground states.

We know that there are multiple cases where people used other peoples’ voter registration to vote absentee. In most cases, the registered voter did not vote in the previous election. This was not discovered until the registered voted turned up to vote or requested a ballot and were told they had already voted.
We know that this indicates that there was inadequate verification of voter ID.

We know that a number of people who lived outside of Georgia mailed in ballots even though they were not citizens of Georgia.

We know that many mail-in ballots had an address that did not exist or the “voter” no longer lived at that address.

We know a trucker who works for a third-party transporter testified under oath that he transported hundreds of thousands of blank ballots from a New York U.S. Post Office loading dock to a remote location in Pennsylvania and left the trailer loaded with the ballots in a remote location as instructed. We don’t know what happened to those ballots.

We know that in at least one Georgia precinct, republican election workers were told voting was done for the night and they could go home. Video shows that after they left, several huge bags of ballots, hidden by black skirting around tables in the area, were pulled out from under tables and counted without any republican observers present.
We don’t know where those ballots came from or how many were counted or for whom those ballots were cast.
We do know that the time that this occurred coincided with a dramatic spike in votes for Biden.

We know that in Georgia an election official testified under oath before the Georgia congressional delegation that a number of ballots were obviously forged because they all had a flaw in the printing that indicated they were copies of the same original ballot. She also noted other irregularities on other batches of ballots. Furthermore, she testified that a large number of absentee ballots were brought in the counting area in cardboard boxes from another room and not folded as would be necessary if mailed out or mailed in. She stated that there was no chain of custody for these ballots. She noted that those ballots were in a batch, not mixed with folded ballots.
We don’t know if anyone has attempted to verify that those particular ballots were valid ballots.

We know that in Georgia, a republican poll official testified under oath that democrat poll workers attempted to deny access to polling stations by Republican poll officials who had the documentation proving they were supposed to be there. The republican officials were intimidated and told they would be removed by police if they didn’t leave. One of the republican poll officials was a retired military officer who refused to be intimidated and told the democratic poll worker that he would not leave and after a period of time was finally admitted to the polling station.
We don’t know how many other republican polling officials were intimidated into leaving polling stations.

We know on the night of the election that there was a “glitch” in the vote count reported on the news networks during the time frame that Biden’s vote count spiked. The vote count showed up on the banner at the bottom of the screen and a split-second later, the vote count was updated. This time, the vote count for Biden increased by a number of votes and the vote count for Trump decreased by the same identical number.
We don’t know if there is a plausible explanation for this anomaly, but we haven’t heard any such explanation.

We know that on Nov. 28, 2020, Di Dongshen, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing, appeard on a Chinese television show about Wall Street and international trade. Di is a servant of his country’s government. In the video Di said “The Trump administration is in a trade war with us, so why can’t we fix the Trump administration? Why, between 1992 and 2016, China and the U.S., use to be able to settle all kinds of issues? No mater what kind of crises we encountered…things were solved in no time….We fixed everything in two months. What is the reason? I’m going to throw out something maybe a little bit explosive here. It’s just because we have people at the top. At the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence, we have our old friends.”

“For the past 30 years, 40 years, we have been utilizing the core power of the United States ... Since the 1970s, Wall Street had a very strong influence on the domestic and foreign affairs of the United States, so we had a channel to rely on. But the problem is that after 2008, the status of Wall Street has declined, and more importantly, after 2016, Wall Street can't fix Trump. Why? It's very awkward. Trump had a previous soft default issue with Wall Street, so there was a conflict between them. But I won't go into details, I may not have enough time. So during the U.S.-China trade war they [Wall Street] tried to help. And I know that, my friends on the U.S. side told me that they tried to help, but they couldn't do much.”

“But now we're seeing Biden was elected [laughter]. The traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, they're very close to Wall Street. So you see that, right? Trump has been saying that Biden's son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped him [Biden's son] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals in all these.”

We know that the first human case of Covid-19 was reported in Wuhan in December 2019.
We know that the virus was man-made.
We know that Wuhan has a highly secure biological testing facility in the Wuhan area.
We don’t know if the Wuhan testing facility manufactures viruses.
We don’t know for sure if the virus originated at the Wuhan biological testing facility.

We know that the Red Cross has blood samples taken from donors in 9 states from as early as Dec. 19, 2019 that were infected with Covid-19.

We know that the timing of the Covid-19 pandemic allowed an opportunity for democrats to justify an initiative to push for mail-in ballots.

We don’t know if the Covid-19 pandemic was initiated by the Chinese government in an attempt to influence the U.S. presidential election.

We don’t know if the Covid-19 pandemic was orchestrated by China in conjunction with “America’s core inner circle of power and influence” as referred to by Professor Di in the quote above.

We know that a bi-partisan committee chaired by Jimmy Carter reported that “’Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

We don’t know if there has been any investigation launched by the DOJ or the FBI.

We do know that many people committed voter fraud with regard to willfully violating absentee voting laws, a felony punishable by a $5000 fine and/or up to 5 years in prison.
We don't know if there is going to be any effort to enforce voter fraud laws, prosecuting those who committed fraud.
We do know if there is not an effort to prosecute those committing voter fraud, there is no deterrent to committing voter fraud.

We do know that with subpoena power, law enforcement agencies can do much more in-depth investigations, but
We don’t know if ANY of the “whistleblowers” have even been contacted by law enforcement agencies.
We don’t know if there was a coordinated effort to control the outcome of the election.
We don’t know if there wasn’t. But there are far too many questions that need to be answered before we can have confidence that the 2020 presidential was not compromised.

If you want to dispute any of the "We know" statements, be sure to do your research. Those statements can be substantiated.

We do know Biden won.

We don't know why some people can't accept this fact.
At this point Trump, Giuliani, Graham, and Jim Jordan are effectively attempting a coup.

They should be dealt with by the law accordingly.
Wouldn't it be more likely that those aligned with the CCP staging a coup? Do you think the CCP's values are closely related to ours?
We do know Trump was tough on China.
We do know Biden sold us out to China.
We don't know Exactly to what extent he will sell us out in the future..

Personally I worry about Trump's submission to Putin. I'm guessing it's because of the videos they have of Trump with young boys in Moscow.

I don't really believe there are videos of Trump with young boys, probably just Russian hookers, but hey that's got as much of a chance of being true as all of your crazy rumors about the election and about Biden..
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Reactions: Sin City Vol
Personally I worry about Trump's submission to Putin. I'm guessing it's because of the videos they have of Trump with young boys in Moscow.

I don't really believe there are videos of Trump with young boys, probably just Russian hookers, but hey that's got as much of a chance of being true as all of your crazy rumors about the election and about Biden..
Please feel free to debunk video.
  • Like
Reactions: StarRaider
We do know Trump was tough on China.
We do know Biden sold us out to China.
We don't know Exactly to what extent he will sell us out in the future..

How many threads are you going to peddle this Carlson clip in? We get it, stop spamming this across threads.
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Then why hasn't a single court found evidence of fraud, even courts with Trump appointed judges?
And why hasn't Attorney General William Barr found evidence of systemic fraud? He has been a Trump toady since his first day in office. The OP cites several things as established facts which are either nothing more than conjecture, or just completely made up. Also, I'm tired of seeing the "if the shoe was on the other foot" narrative for two reasons involving relatively recent elections:

1) Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 Presidential election by the same electoral college vote totals (306 to 232). She gave a gracious concession speech the day after the election. She has never claimed that the election results were rigged by the voting system. President Barack Obama immediately invited President-elect Donald Trump to the White House the week of the 2016 election, and his administration fully cooperated with the transition of power. We have the video of Trump and Obama seated next to each other in the White House just a few days after the election to prove it. This isn't my imagination here.

2) Vice President Al Gore lost a much closer election in 2000. That margin separating Gore and George W. Bush on the night of the election was less than 2,000 votes in just one decisive state. Bush would end up winning the decisive state of Florida by just 537 votes. It is a fact that George W. Bush's younger brother, Jeb, was the governor of Florida at the time. It is also a fact that the Florida Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, did everything in her power to obstruct the recount... even though Jeb Bush had supposedly recused himself. Gore had a much better argument to make when it came to de-legitimizing the results of his defeat, and yet he eventually did give a gracious concession speech 37 days after the election... and to this day, Al Gore has never described the 2000 presidential election as either being "rigged" or the result of "fraud".

The roles have been reversed in the recent past, and the Democratic Party nominee simply did not behave the way Trump currently is after losing. This continued litigation since the election is not the result of any fraud which has been uncovered. This litigation is the result of a narcissist with a bruised ego who doesn't possess the maturity to accept his defeat. There are no set of conditions under which Donald Trump would ever lose an election without attributing his defeat completely to fraud or "cheating". Trump also accused Ted Cruz of cheating when he lost the 2016 Iowa Caucuses during the Republican Party primary. Trump is always a victim in some regard, and too many people are willing to indulge him in these fantasies.

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