Election Night (or days, or weeks, or whatever) 2022

Legal voting Hispanics have a play I think. I keep trying to tell people they're turning on Democrats, but they don't think it's real. Most around here see the left only wants them in for votes, and don't really care. They know Democrats think they're stupid, they're not. That Martha's vineyard situation made it worse.
I work with a lot of Hispanics, and they are mostly traditional family. Hard working and proud. Surprised it took this long for them to move to the right in voting
So is Boebert gonna have to resurrect her career as an escort? She's currently losing her race.
The R's did win but did not get 50%. Enthusiasm on the R side dropped considerably and a lot of Trump voters sat the runoff out.

I'm not a fan of the do overs. Even if it's close, just let it stand. Too much wasted time, effort, and money to run another election - not to mention more weeks of screeching on TV. The lack of political ads is a real positive benefit of streaming; I think the only political commercials I had to see were during the ballgame Saturday came when I caught up and couldn't skip the commercials.
It's really going to suck when 2024 comes around and we have the 2020 election all over again. I don't want Trump or Biden. FFS, can we not find someone deserving to be POTUS?
wrt wave vs trickle - if the Rs gain just 15 seats they'll have the same size majority as the stunning red wave of 1994 and if they gain 30 it will match the wave of 2010.

the difference is they started much closer to even with Ds this go around - so if the 31 prediction of RCP occurs it will be a larger R majority than either the 1994 or 2010 waves

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