Erik Ainge on ESPN

I'm bipolar...I have a Nurse Practioner for a mother and an Anesthesiologist for a father. I am a college graduate. Didn't come from a broken home. Moved to Los Angeles and became a Sales Manager at one of the top GM dealerships in the country. I road a high for 11 years until the economy tanked and then GM dropped our brand and I lost my job....everyone that knew me thought I had it under control with medication. Until I put a chair through my General Managers glass window...nearly went to jail...became completely suicidal...put myself into a hospital...lived off my savings for 2 years...nearly destroyed my marriage...crushed my parents and made friends/former coworkers scared of me.

It is a is never going to leave me....watching "Silver Lining Playbook" is like looking in a mirror....nothing worse than trying to argue with yourself that everything is going to be fine and what is going on currently isn't worth killing yourself...when someone gets ill with you not going off on them...I hope you got the point terryp.

I love you.
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Honestly this is the best thread ever prepared on VN... Take it easy bro ... a lot of us are feeling the same way. Your gonna be ok. We are all getting better every day.
it has a lot to do with our environment as well. probably more than we would like to admit. an overwhelming majority of cases of ADHD and Bi-Polar cases are located in the south east. the amount of toxins now in our food and water is becoming much worse.
This is why we should all listen to Country Music............. It makes our lives seem so much better.
it has a lot to do with our environment as well. probably more than we would like to admit. an overwhelming majority of cases of ADHD and Bi-Polar cases are located in the south east. the amount of toxins now in our food and water is becoming much worse.

Not saying you're completely wrong, but I'm always leery of the toxin/vaccine crowd.
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I'm bipolar...I have a Nurse Practioner for a mother and an Anesthesiologist for a father. I am a college graduate. Didn't come from a broken home. Moved to Los Angeles and became a Sales Manager at one of the top GM dealerships in the country. I road a high for 11 years until the economy tanked and then GM dropped our brand and I lost my job....everyone that knew me thought I had it under control with medication. Until I put a chair through my General Managers glass window...nearly went to jail...became completely suicidal...put myself into a hospital...lived off my savings for 2 years...nearly destroyed my marriage...crushed my parents and made friends/former coworkers scared of me.

It is a is never going to leave me....watching "Silver Lining Playbook" is like looking in a mirror....nothing worse than trying to argue with yourself that everything is going to be fine and what is going on currently isn't worth killing yourself...when someone gets ill with you not going off on them...I hope you got the point terryp.

I have a brother with bi-polar disorder, so although I don't know exactly what you go through on a day to day basis, I can relate to the effect it has on family and friends. I think it is fantastic that you recognized you were spinning out of control and checked yourself into a hospital. That has always been the biggest struggle with my brother because he always thinks nothing is wrong.

I commend you for sharing your struggle with us and hope and pray you keep it under control. God bless you!:salute:
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Slightly off topic but :

@ErikAinge3: I just got a quote from Coach Fulmer on @UTCoachJones and this staff and the job they are doing in recruiting. He is very proud!

@VolRumorMill: Fulmer to @ErikAinge3 "Coach Jones and staff are really working hard at recruiting, which is the first key element to success..."

@VolRumorMill: Fulmer to @ErikAinge3 "They are selling our great Tennessee family, our tradition, and an opportunity to be a part of something special."
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I have a brother with bi-polar disorder, so although I don't know exactly what you go through on a day to day basis, I can relate to the effect it has on family and friends. I think it is fantastic that you recognized you were spinning out of control and checked yourself into a hospital. That has always been the biggest struggle with my brother because he always thinks nothing is wrong.

I commend you for sharing your struggle with us and hope and pray you keep it under control. God bless you!:salute:

Thank you...I used to be ashamed of it but I own it now. I try to show other people with mental health issues that life can be easier to deal with if you accept the help that is out there. Problem is people live in denial or shame of it.....then bad things happen.

Sitting on my bed with my pistol in my hand thinking I had ruined my wife's and family's lives with my get the idea......but nothing would ruin them more than not being here anymore and it hit me like a Mack truck.

It is is horrifying....but it is not the end. I will pray for you and your brother that he gets help my man.
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There's a whole generation that thinks this is how it is, and its completely false. You can be born into the richest family, be drop dead gorgeous and in MENSA and still be depressed or have mental problems. It's as genetic as it is anything else. The only difference between now and 30 years ago is we have evidence to back everything up.

Life is tough, yes, but just like with concussions we are learning that the old thought process of "rub some dirt on it" or "Be tough and keep going anyway" is not the way to succeed with it. If you have a problem, get help. If you don't understand the science or the studies behind it, don't comment on it, because there are a whole lot of adults from the baby boomer generation and before that have no clue what they are talking about when they say our youth is getting weaker. Our knowledge is just increasing on the subjects they knew nothing about.

Absolute Awsomeness. Thank you for this.

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