Erik Ainge

I&#39;m new to the board and too lazy to look back into older threads, but has anyone discussed Ainge&#39;s potential as compared to Mannings greatness (<my opinion only)? how do you guys figure he will "stack up"? I def think he has huge potential and I am greatfull that he is with "us" instead of somewhere else; however, Peyton put up some great #&#39;s. I guess I just wanted some of yall&#39;s opinions.
Its unfair to Peyton to really compare the two, but he was definitely as good as Manning was as a freshman. I think he has all the tools to be a great QB at Tennessee. He has more physical tools to work with than Manning. He is extremely bright like Manning and a very hard worker, but Manning is on another level that any QB I have ever seen when it comes to knowing the game of football. Who knows if he will ever be as good as Manning was/is, odds are that he won&#39;t. If Peyton can win a Super Bowl with the numbers he is putting up, he will probably go down as one of the top 5 QBs in the history of the NFL. Kinda hard to predict anybody having that kind of success. but I do believe he has the ability to have similar success here at Tennessee.
Peyton is the thinking QB... He does not have the absolute greatest of physical skill, but he is one of the smartest players out there today. If Ainge can do the same thing, he will be unstoppable. Erik&#39;s tossing 70-yarders with a recovering shoulder.

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