ESPN defense poll, Morons!

Okay? and I guess he'd been uneffective in 1940 and before?

If he were playing offensive line.
Or maybe even defensive line. You weren't always allowed to block the same way as in modern football. I'm not sure of the exact specifics of the rule change. Apparently, being light on your feet was more important for effective blocking back then. There were probably different rules regarding taking on blocks, so that might have affected Adkins' play.
If he were playing offensive line.
Or maybe even defensive line. You weren't always allowed to block the same way as in modern football. I'm not sure of the exact specifics of the rule change. Apparently, being light on your feet was more important for effective blocking back then. There were probably different rules regarding taking on blocks, so that might have affected Adkins' play.

What? We're arguing about how players were allowed to block?

Maybe the JV thing was a little far fetched, but now your arguing that no high school team even varsity could beat a pre 1940 team.

Here's what I'm saying. You line up Maryville's 2003 team with Carl Stewart against any pre-1940 College Football team Maryville wins.
90 percent of the jv teams in the country are so undisciplined its rediculous to watch and usualy dont have more that one decent(if that) qb so that would limit them strictly to the ground. YOU ARE WRONG.

The JV thing might have been far fetched but I'm sticking with varsity team winning.
Big guys weren't effective back then?? You know who Doug Atkins is? Neyland brought him in because of his size and he flourished in the game. Don't tell me big guys didn't matter. Now Doug Atkins would be just another guy in football.
Doug Atkins could play in any era.
What? We're arguing about how players were allowed to block?

Maybe the JV thing was a little far fetched, but now your arguing that no high school team even varsity could beat a pre 1940 team.

Here's what I'm saying. You line up Maryville's 2003 team with Carl Stewart against any pre-1940 College Football team Maryville wins.

Some of Neyland's teams were noticably undersized. We beat Texas for a NC one year, and in that game I believe the average Longhorn outweighed the average Vol by 20+ pounds. Good schemes and coaching can help neutralize size differences.
Some of Neyland's teams were noticably undersized. We beat Texas for a NC one year, and in that game I believe the average Longhorn outweighed the average Vol by 20+ pounds. Good schemes and coaching can help neutralize size differences.

Yeah in 1940. When the players are on the same playing field.

but were talking now. These kids in high school work out all summer, they take supplemnts, they eat well, there bigger, stronger, faster. On Sunday's and all throughout the week they watch film. In the head and on the feild today's Best High School teams are better than best College Football teams of years past.

Of course theres no way of proving it. Maybe we can get together a bunch of 5-11, 6 foot guys that weight 200 pounds and see how much they push around O linemen that are 6-3, 260 and see how they deal with a 6-0 220 pound running back with 4.5 speed taking them head on. I don't care how much dicsipline that 6-0, 200 pound guy has he will have no sucess against an 17-18 year old with that size.
Yeah in 1940. When the players are on the same playing field.

but were talking now. These kids in high school work out all summer, they take supplemnts, they eat well, there bigger, stronger, faster. On Sunday's and all throughout the week they watch film. In the head and on the feild today's Best High School teams are better than best College Football teams of years past.

Of course theres no way of proving it. Maybe we can get together a bunch of 5-11, 6 foot guys that weight 200 pounds and see how much they push around O linemen that are 6-3, 260 and see how they deal with a 6-0 220 pound running back with 4.5 speed taking them head on. I don't care how much dicsipline that 6-0, 200 pound guy has he will have no sucess against an 17-18 year old with that size.

Had 270+ pound offensive linemen been more useful back then, I'm sure UT would have used them. I think it's unfair to compare them that way. Anyway, a physically inferior Air Force team took it to UT this year with a good running attack. I'm pretty sure a championship team from the 40's could do some damage.
Guys in the 40's were tougher, mentally and physically. They probably worked all day every day in the summer, not just for a couple of hours in an air conditioned weight room. Still the size of guys today could make a difference. I guess we will never know.

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