ESPN has Neyland Stadium on their College Football

LadyinOrange that bites big time they get you started on the article and then make you pay just to finish reading it....UGH!!!!!!
:espn: Sandy
They rank Neyland and the Vols #1!!


Can I quote what they say about Tennessee, Freaky?
I don't think it would be a problem to quote what they said about UT. Then again...this is coming from someone who really wants to hear what they said. :laugh1:

Originally posted by CrystalEHS07@Jun 30, 2005 2:04 AM
I don't think it would be a problem to quote what they said about UT. Then again...this is coming from someone who really wants to hear what they said.  :laugh1:

~*Crystal*~, have you EVER been to NEYLAND stadium??? i didn't think so. if we have a bad day, our fans can totally disorient ANY top 10 team in the nation!!!!
Originally posted by CrystalEHS07@Jun 30, 2005 12:04 AM
I don't think it would be a problem to quote what they said about UT. Then again...this is coming from someone who really wants to hear what they said.  :laugh1:

:welcome: And the problem is that the page she is talking about is material you have to pay for.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jun 29, 2005 10:13 PM
I will PM the article to you, LIO.

Hit me too please. Would greatly appreciate it.
Here is the list

1. Tennessee
2. Texas
3. Notre Dame
4. Wisconsin
5. Florida State
6. Georgia
7. Ohio State
8. Florida
10. Nebraska
11. Washington
Originally posted by CrystalEHS07@Jun 30, 2005 3:04 AM
I don't think it would be a problem to quote what they said about UT. Then again...this is coming from someone who really wants to hear what they said.  :laugh1:

Welcome to the board!
Originally posted by CrystalEHS07@Jun 30, 2005 3:04 AM
I don't think it would be a problem to quote what they said about UT. Then again...this is coming from someone who really wants to hear what they said.  :laugh1:

Welcome to the board, Crystal...interesting time to join (2:44 a.m.).

You'll have some fun on this board...go for it! :rocks:
~*Crystal*~, have you EVER been to NEYLAND stadium??? i didn't think so. if we have a bad day, our fans can totally disorient ANY top 10 team in the nation!!!!

Tennessee4Vols, I'm not really sure what you meant by that. You must have misunderstood what I said. All I wanted to know was what the article had said about UT and Neyland, since they ranked us #1. And actually, I have been to Neyland Stadium.

And, thanks everybody for the nice welcome! I can't wait to start replying to some of these topics, lol. Especially since ladies seem to be in shortage on here. :D

Originally posted by surrealvol@Jun 30, 2005 11:53 PM
Sorta neat how she signs ~*Crystal*~ at the end of her posts, huh gang? :)

Down boy! Down! :laugh1:
Hehehe, You guys are so silly. I just thought, since I'm new, everyone would remember me if I signed my name at the end of my posts. Besides, "Crystal" isn't cool enough by itself. I have to add the little asterisks, lol.

C'mon now! Absolutely nothing wrong with "Crystal". Anyway, welcome again and jump right in and have your share of the fun and then some!
I used to actually enjoy driving through Morristown when I would come home to Virginia for the weekend or breaks or summer.

There was a place I used to stop and eat a lot and now I can't remember the name of the place.

Anyway, thumbs up on Morristown. :good:
Through Morristown? Hmm...Well, was the restaurant on the interstate or actually in the city? Not that that narrows it down too

And yes, Morristown rocks! For the most part, anyway. Especially since it's only 45 minutes to Thompson Boling. :)

This place was in the city itself, actually out there on the U.T. side of Morristown before you actually got into the middle of town.
Well...Morristown is almost an hour east of Knoxville, so I'm not really sure. You're going to have me wondering about this restaurant all night, lol. What type of food did they serve? :)

That's awesome Wisconsin's #4 although if it comes to worst treatment of an opposing teams fans and raucous behavior by the student section I think we'd be #1 :rocks:

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