ESPN Recruiting guy answers...



Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
question on Chris Donald.

Tom S (NY,NY): Gut feeling on where Chris Donald will end up?

Craig Haubert: (3:11 PM ET ) I have said before hard to steal a player from an in-state school. That being said my gut feeling is Notre Dame.

question on Chris Donald.

Tom S (NY,NY): Gut feeling on where Chris Donald will end up?

Craig Haubert: (3:11 PM ET ) I have said before hard to steal a player from an in-state school. That being said my gut feeling is Notre Dame.


i have this bad feeling he is right. we can't seem to keep the great instate players home.
I would be very surprised if Donald doesn't end up here with Walker and Campbell.
its all speculation. no need to get worried (or for me to get excited)... just speculation
it seems like a no-brainer. South Bend? Hello. you are in the middle of no where!

play infront more than 100K? Breeding ground for the NFL. Play under Chavis in the SEC none the less. i dont get it.

South Bend, Indiana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Knoxville, Tennessee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

south bend is 70 mins from Chicago... so not TOO far out in the middle of nowhere.

playing in front of 100k people and the occasional national TV spot doesn't quite compare to playing every single game on national TV for the past 16 years (with the exception of the USAFA game). Notre Dame was playing in 4 (or was it 5?) out of the 9 games that attracted more than 5 million viewers... so ND gets the broader audience

as far as defensive players into the NFL and DC coaches, you guys win that battle.... but the winds are changing up in South Bend.
south bend is 70 mins from Chicago... so not TOO far out in the middle of nowhere.

playing in front of 100k people and the occasional national TV spot doesn't quite compare to playing every single game on national TV for the past 16 years (with the exception of the USAFA game). Notre Dame was playing in 4 (or was it 5?) out of the 9 games that attracted more than 5 million viewers... so ND gets the broader audience

as far as defensive players into the NFL and DC coaches, you guys win that battle.... but the winds are changing up in South Bend.

I thought that I was smelling something rank lately....
south bend is 70 mins from Chicago... so not TOO far out in the middle of nowhere.

playing in front of 100k people and the occasional national TV spot doesn't quite compare to playing every single game on national TV for the past 16 years (with the exception of the USAFA game). Notre Dame was playing in 4 (or was it 5?) out of the 9 games that attracted more than 5 million viewers... so ND gets the broader audience

as far as defensive players into the NFL and DC coaches, you guys win that battle.... but the winds are changing up in South Bend.

Who watches NBC anyways?
ND is probably the number one hold up to having some sort of REAL national title in D-I football. They won't join the Big 11 where the belong. If they would then the pressure would be on the Pac10 to add two teams and a CG. From there its a short hope to a plus one championship.

I despise ND. They along with UF and SC comprise my 3 permanent members of the most hated teams club.

I'd hate to see Donald or Smith at ND but they need to do what they think is best. Either way, UT's cupboard won't be bare by any stretch. This is a good class on the brink of great... and I pretty much expect a few commits that will push them over the top by signing day.
I still think it's an 80% chance of Donald going to Tennesse. Once he hangs out with all his family members for Christmas,(who are mostly Tennessee fans), he will finally see that his heart along with his family is at UT.
Any time a talking head opens his mouth and discusses anything remotely related to ND... they'll get the benefit of the doubt. Donald will tell the world when he's ready and who wouldn't want the options he's got in front of him. He really can't go wrong. I hate ND but they have a great following and tradition.

I'd be sincerely surprised if this recruiter guy has heard CD humming the ND fight song in his sleep or has any other inside track more than the folks who post on this board from Tennessee.
forget the tv deal, forget location, let's just look at the women, ND is not in the same hemisphere as Tennessee when it comes to on-campus talent. Tennessee women shave their legs, ND women shave their faces. 'Nuff said.
forget the tv deal, forget location, let's just look at the women, ND is not in the same hemisphere as Tennessee when it comes to on-campus talent. Tennessee women shave their legs, ND women shave their faces. 'Nuff said.

:lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove:
Who watches NBC anyways?

this is like the 4th time i throw out this stat:

there were 9 games with over 5 million viewers this year... Notre Dame participated in 4 of them.

NBC is a huge network. Notre Dame games actually rate higher than most of their sitcoms/dramas/regular programming.

The shaving legs/face comment was hilarious. having been to south bend several times, though, i can attest that the women up there are not as bad as perceived. until you test the water, you can't say that it's nasty.
this is like the 4th time i throw out this stat:

there were 9 games with over 5 million viewers this year... Notre Dame participated in 4 of them.

NBC is a huge network. Notre Dame games actually rate higher than most of their sitcoms/dramas/regular programming.

That's b/c NBC's programming sucks.
lol, are you actually being serious? or are you just being facetious? i can't tell =P
oh yeah. you mean all that time that people are complaining about having to watch ND play on nation syndicate while their regional team is getting the shaft? some game no ones care about with bad reception?

did i mention that ND is the worst college team ever.
lol, tex =)

i have to admit... it's great to have a t.v. contract... i'm sure that the vols would take a national t.v. contract with CBS if they were ever offered to have all of their games broadcast nationwide every week. can you honestly blame us?

i can think of some other colleges that have the worst team ever!
If ND played in a conference other than the PAC-10 or Big East they would only win "maybe" 8 games a season. Most likely would be a mediocre team like they are now. Join a conference them come back and talk some smack.
where was i talking smack? i admitted that UT is more talented than Notre Dame. quit assuming things by just reading my name. there is no doubt that Notre Dame lacks elite talent... i haven't even argued that ONCE on this board. Notre Dame is getting elite talent (this recruiting class and last), but for every Quinn, there's an Ambrose Wooden... for every Samardzija, there's a Chris Frome.... ND has some star studded players, but they have a lot of mediocre players too. My opinion shouldn't be degraded by the fact that the team i root for is an independent.
where was i talking smack? i admitted that UT is more talented than Notre Dame. quit assuming things by just reading my name. there is no doubt that Notre Dame lacks elite talent... i haven't even argued that ONCE on this board. Notre Dame is getting elite talent (this recruiting class and last), but for every Quinn, there's an Ambrose Wooden... for every Samardzija, there's a Chris Frome.... ND has some star studded players, but they have a lot of mediocre players too. My opinion shouldn't be degraded by the fact that the team i root for is an independent.
Your opinion is not degraded just unimportant. Go Vols.:rock:

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