ESPN's Herbstreit goes wayyyy out on limb

herb is also the one that said something about Tenn. fans being more or less trailor trash. that was back in the 1990's; so i could care less about what he predicts!

No, that was Fowler not Herb.
I agree, I think it was Fowler because he took the blame for Peyton losing The Trophy. Did y'all notice that even though he mentioned several individual Cal people he didn't mention the team.
Interesting that only FIVE SEC players made his entire list. Notably, there is but one in the offensive "impact" positions: Arkansas's McFadden.

For comparison, he has FIVE Cal players on the list, one each at RB, WR, DL, LB, and CB. Are they all really THAT good? That's friggin' impressive, if so.

Nice job on the coeds ranking.

FYI, for those who missed it, Herb picked Notre Dame to win it all last night.
... he has FIVE Cal players on the list, one each at RB, WR, DL, LB, and CB. Are they all really THAT good? That's friggin' impressive, if so.

I saw somewhere else that Cal had 7 pre season All American candidates. Maybe the distinction "candidate" has something to do with it, but if they truly have 7 legit All Americans I am significantly troubled.

Hopefully they will fall as victim to the pre season hype machine as we did last year...
I don't think it was about playcalling or game planning at all. I would say that was probably a strength for Sanders. His weakness seemed to be that he couldn't discipline his team to execute consistently. Technically, he quit.
I don't think it will be luck. He's probably going to make a great QB coach again. Moreover, maybe he's learned and this fresh start will be all it takes (plus a little revenge motivation) to really turn his career for the best.

Yeah, the luck comment was not really aimed at him but the lack of support the KY football program gets compared to most of the SEC teams. He's a good addition to their program. I'm saying that KY isn't doing what really needs to be done to get the program to the next level.
What do you make of his prediction that we win the East?

pretty smart. not what i'd expect from the media (especially espn) because they all seem to rally around the favorites and don't go out on limbs. i've always liked herbstreit. i used to just hate corso, but i've learned to just laugh at everything stupid he says.

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