Even More Obamacare Follies

Lol I hired someone to do that. But honestly, where am I wrong?

Math doesn't lie.

Ida May Fuller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fuller was born on a farm outside Ludlow, Vermont. She spent most of her life in Ludlow, working as a legal secretary, but lived with her niece in Brattleboro, Vermont during her last eight years. She retired in 1939, having paid just three years of payroll taxes. She received monthly Social Security checks until her death in 1975 at age 100. By the time of her death, Fuller had collected $22,888.92 from Social Security monthly benefits, compared to her contributions of $24.75 to the system. She later said about going to the Social Security office, "It wasn't that I expected anything, mind you, but I knew I'd been paying for something called Social Security and I wanted to ask the people in Rutland about it."
You're not. The biggest issue with SS is putting in more than what you will get out. And some not putting in at all. So i get some of the gripe.

I agree with that. I also don't necessarily like the idea of big brother forcing me to save for retirement (because honestly, that's exactly what this is). But I also know that the majority of US households save nothing.

So yes, I would like to see benefits more directly correlated to the money you've actually put in yourself.
Math doesn't lie.

Ida May Fuller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fuller was born on a farm outside Ludlow, Vermont. She spent most of her life in Ludlow, working as a legal secretary, but lived with her niece in Brattleboro, Vermont during her last eight years. She retired in 1939, having paid just three years of payroll taxes. She received monthly Social Security checks until her death in 1975 at age 100. By the time of her death, Fuller had collected $22,888.92 from Social Security monthly benefits, compared to her contributions of $24.75 to the system. She later said about going to the Social Security office, "It wasn't that I expected anything, mind you, but I knew I'd been paying for something called Social Security and I wanted to ask the people in Rutland about it."

That's not what we were talking about.
The Looting of Social Security

For anyone who is actually interested. According to Allen Smith from Indiana university the government has stolen somewhere between 2-3 trillion from social security.

I'm not going to waste my time reading a link about government waste.

I want to talk about the dollars.

If I put in a 100 bucks in and draw 1,000 bucks out, how is the system going to survive?

Ftr we are going to use real math, not common core math. Ok?
I'm not going to waste my time reading a link about government waste.

I want to talk about the dollars.

If I put in a 100 bucks in and draw 1,000 bucks out, how is the system going to survive?

Ftr we are going to use real math, not common core math. Ok?

Real math? Like the link I posted showing social security receipts and expenditures since 1957 and how they haven't spent more than they brought in since 1981?

Clearly that must be fake math, and your example of one lady who was only working during the beginning of social security itself, clearly that's a much more scientific and accurate mathematical depiction.
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S.S. woes are tied to the fact that we have a growing proportion of old people.

How is that the fault of program administration?

The problem with S.S. is the government has refused to leave the fund along. They are continually "borrowing money" from it.
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S.S. woes are tied to the fact that we have a growing proportion of old people, and an increasing working age population that is on food stamps and welfare thanks to the Obama administration.

How is that the fault of program administration?

repaired your post.
You're not. The biggest issue with SS is putting in more than what you will get out. And some not putting in at all. So i get some of the gripe.

That's my gripe. I'll max it out, and then they will means test it until after I am dead so I will never see a nickle. Just roll the damned program in with the general account and be done with it, and raise my taxes. At least that way the BS about it being something for my future would be gone.
Spoken like Mitt Romney.
Thank you. I take that as a compliment. Saying that rich people don't pay their fair share is stinky with envy, yet you want to do nothing about that other than to steal my hard earned money. You are a socialist, I get it. I hate socialism. It is a disease, unfortunately not too unlike herpes.
Social security is not "costing far more than we can afford". It's funding itself, and other government projects when congress decides to steal from it. I just gave you the data on SS showing that it is not operating in the red. Nor has it done so since 1981. So how is it costing more than we can afford?

In fiscal year 2014, spending for Social Security benefits totaled $840 billion, or almost one-quarter of federal spending;

Tax revenues credited to the program totaled $777 billion in fiscal year 2014.

In calendar year 2010, for the first time since the enactment of the Social Security Amendments of 1983, annual outlays for the program exceeded annual tax revenues (that is, outlays exceeded totalrevenues excluding interest credited to the trust funds). In 2013, outlays exceeded noninterest income by about 9 percent, and CBO projects that the gap will average about 17 percent of tax revenues over the next decade. As more members of the baby-boom generation retire, outlays will increase relative to the size of the economy, whereas tax revenues will remain at an almost constant share of the economy. As a result, the gap will grow larger in the 2020s and will exceed 30 percent of revenues by the late 2020s.

Do you understand this now?
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Clinton Crime Foundation makes Mitt look like a pauper.. Lots of wealthy libs out there.
At least Mitt made his money rescuing businesses that were failing and helped people keep their jobs. And that's the thanks he gets; the gubbamint wants to take MORE of his money. Clinton on the other hand, is a poor destitute public servant. He probably laughs his ass off at night thinking about all the suckers that throw money at him (and her)
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Real math? Like the link I posted showing social security receipts and expenditures since 1957 and how they haven't spent more than they brought in since 1981?

Clearly that must be fake math, and your example of one lady who was only working during the beginning of social security itself, clearly that's a much more scientific and accurate mathematical depiction.

The big picture constantly eludes you
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Thank you. I take that as a compliment. Saying that rich people don't pay their fair share is stinky with envy, yet you want to do nothing about that other than to steal my hard earned money. You are a socialist, I get it. I hate socialism. It is a disease, unfortunately not too unlike herpes.

This is why most people don't bother taking the time to respond to you....you're a child. "Libtards are a disease" "damn socialist bastards". Grow the **** up.

The issue with Mitt Romney isn't that he makes money. It's that he pays a much lower tax rate than most because of the way he collects his money. If we are going to tax income, capital gains shouldn't taxed at a lower rate. It should be taxed at rates similiar to those of income.
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At least Mitt made his money rescuing businesses that were failing and helped people keep their jobs. And that's the thanks he gets; the gubbamint wants to take MORE of his money. Clinton on the other hand, is a poor destitute public servant. He probably laughs his ass off at night thinking about all the suckers that throw money at him (and her)

You nailed it brutha..


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