Exclusive Bob Kesling interview

:twocents: Since good ole Bob does the radio part I don't listen to the games at all anymore. I can barely get through the coach's show on Sunday morning replay. Now, for some reason, I think he does a great job when he calls the Lady Vols basketball games on TV.
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I agree. It's near impossible to follow a legend. If he was once removed from Ward, I think folks would think more highly of him.

Bob just can't paint the picture John could. I feel like I miss about 45 yards of a 50 yard play listening to Bob whereas I was there for every step with John. "To the checkerboards" just doesn't ring true like "give em six!" IMHO.
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Feel sorry for the younger generation who missed out on John Ward. That said, Bob K is getting better & I no longer turn him off. Anxious for this fb season under CBJ.
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I still, after almost 13 years, can't get used to Bob Kesling. John Ward just set the bar too high, it's almost as when John Ward left so did Tennessee Football. Sorry, others may feel diferently, But to me, John Ward and Tennessee Football became synonymous.
Go Big Orange
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It's a different era. In the 80's, UT wasn't on TV 11 out of 12 games. The Internet didn't exist. Instant information, 24/7 wasn't even a pipe dream. The point is, there was a different feeling regarding the radio play-by-play man. Just like the Network (ABC, NBC, & CBS) New Anchors were the top positions in broadcasting. Today, who cares. The radio play by play guys are similar.

How many of us really listen to games on the radio anymore? Not many, with Slingboxes and Apps.
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Really like Bob myself. Maybe not the greatest announcer in the world, but IMO he at least tries to be professional... And compared to the Eli Golds of the world, he's top of the line ! ! !
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Really like Bob myself. Maybe not the greatest announcer in the world, but IMO he at least tries to be professional... And compared to the Eli Golds of the world, he's top of the line ! ! !

Boy. Isn't that the truth!! Hes AWFUL! and Larry Munson from UGA was THE WORST announcer EVER! I used to live in SC & would drive to Kville for UT games. Many times I'd listen to Ga games coming or going & would start out being for them. By the 2nd qtr I was for the other team because Munson was so bad & such a homer. NO professionalism at all. Thanks for putting the job Bob Kesling does in prospective!
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I guess I'm one of the only fans who actually likes the "into the checkerboards" call. I'm glad he came up with his own thing instead of copying JW's " give him 6".

JW could say "givem 6!" after every score in every game.

That "cheggerboards" stupidity only lasts 6 games at least.
Feel sorry for the younger generation who missed out on John Ward. That said, Bob K is getting better & I no longer turn him off. Anxious for this fb season under CBJ.

Slob is getting worse. Get your hands in some calls from around 2000. Lightyears better than now.

Basketball is embarrassing.
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To someone point I don't dislike Bob either and I have little doubt he's doing the best he can....to another point I don't hold him to the John Ward standard, that wouldn't be fair or reasonable.

But Bob is horrible in every conceivable way. We deserve better. It's an significant part of the program and Bob's performance has a huge negative effect on it. Every year I hope it will addressed but its not.
Bob just can't paint the picture John could.

I've always felt Kesling is a TV guy trying to do radio. Calling a game on the radio is a whole different beast, and I don't think Kesling has ever really adapted. I don't think he's bad, but he lacks the distinctiveness that good radio announcers possess.
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Boy. Isn't that the truth!! Hes AWFUL! and Larry Munson from UGA was THE WORST announcer EVER! I used to live in SC & would drive to Kville for UT games. Many times I'd listen to Ga games coming or going & would start out being for them. By the 2nd qtr I was for the other team because Munson was so bad & such a homer. NO professionalism at all. Thanks for putting the job Bob Kesling does in prospective!

Munson was the biggest homer ever, but thats what made him great.
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I've always felt Kesling is a TV guy trying to do radio. Calling a game on the radio is a whole different beast, and I don't think Kesling has ever really adapted. I don't think he's bad, but he lacks the distinctiveness that good radio announcers possess.

I don't know that there really are any classic radio guys left except for a few MLB radio guys.
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Boy. Isn't that the truth!! Hes AWFUL! and Larry Munson from UGA was THE WORST announcer EVER! I used to live in SC & would drive to Kville for UT games. Many times I'd listen to Ga games coming or going & would start out being for them. By the 2nd qtr I was for the other team because Munson was so bad & such a homer. NO professionalism at all. Thanks for putting the job Bob Kesling does in prospective!

Larry Munson was perhaps the most unprofessional college football anouncer ever.....
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If Bob followed Roger, he would still suck.


I've always felt Kesling is a TV guy trying to do radio. Calling a game on the radio is a whole different beast, and I don't think Kesling has ever really adapted. I don't think he's bad, but he lacks the distinctiveness that good radio announcers possess.

I think you nailed it.

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