EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of Family Research Council Action.

Josh Duggar, close friend of Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and the rest. Child pornographer. 5 victims and counting. Also his sister...

Jana Duggar, Josh Duggar's sister, charged with endangering minor
Unlike the left, if this man is convicted, the right will expect the full weight of the law to come down on him like a load of bricks. Ted Kennedy, the constantly re-elected “Lion of the Senate” is unavailable for comment. Neither is Al Franken who is still being feted by the left for a return to the Senate. The only reason Cuomo is out is because Kamala saw him as a competitor in 2024.
When police pulled Josh Duggar aside and got him alone... his first words were "what? did someone download child porn?". They had not told him why he was being questioned. He has been emprisoned and charged 250,000.

His sister is about to get something similar. Nobody watches cnn.
I’ve always thought someone else in his family was involved. I think they’ve covered for him for years.
Unlike the left, if this man is convicted, the right will expect the full weight of the law to come down on him like a load of bricks. Ted Kennedy, the constantly re-elected “Lion of the Senate” is unavailable for comment. Neither is Al Franken who is still being feted by the left for a return to the Senate. The only reason Cuomo is out is because Kamala saw him as a competitor in 2024.
Like the sweetheart plea deal that President Donald Trump's Labor Secretary, Republican Alex Acosta, gave Jeffrey Epstein in 2008?

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Just so everyone knows. It came out in the trial that king Florida man was a flyer on epstien's plane. The cults will ignore that tho. They can't wrapped their heads around it. It goes against their religion.
Just so everyone knows. It came out in the trial that king Florida man was a flyer on epstien's plane. The cults will ignore that tho. They can't wrapped their heads around it. It goes against their religion.
And Trump even defended the deal that Alex Acosta brokered with Epstein's attorneys... which was a a plea agreement entered into without first consulting with Epstein's victims.
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Like the sweetheart plea deal that President Donald Trump's Labor Secretary, Republican Alex Acosta, gave Jeffrey Epstein in 2008?

Trump and his team are not what I consider true members of the right. Trump was a lifelong Democrat until he figured out that he had a better chance of gaining office as a Republican. Trump had and has one core value and one only. And that core Value is Donald Trump. Many of us held our nose and supported him because the alternative was anathema, but I never claimed him as one of our own. And I will work hard for other REAL conservative candidates in 2024 to try and keep him from the nomination of he runs again.
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Just so everyone knows. It came out in the trial that king Florida man was a flyer on epstien's plane. The cults will ignore that tho. They can't wrapped their heads around it. It goes against their religion.
If he was on there and shown to be involved with young girls, by all means prosecute him to the fullest extent.
Dude sounds like a stupid moron. What was he thinking. Did he think he wasn't gonna eventually get caught? Now, everything he's ever worked for is flushed down the toilet.
Well, Hillary avoided jail even though she flagrantly violated enough NATSEC laws to imprison her for multiple lifetimes. The best part about being a Democrat or one of their supporters, you will never see the inside of a jail cell (unless you suddenly become no longer “useful”)
Another favorite example of mine is Sandy Berger, caught red handed trying to sneak classified materials embarrassing to Bill Clinton out of the archives HIDDEN IN HIS SOCKS.
Swalwell still on the National Security Committee after being caught sleeping with a Chinese Spy. Lois Lerner illegally targeting political opponents for extra IRS scrutiny. Merick Garland ignoring a blatant conflict of interest by investigating anti CRT parent even as his son in law owns a business selling CRT materials to schools. Bill Clinton perjuring himself in a special counsel investigation. Jussie Smollett will probably get probation and community service. The list just goes on and in and on. The (D) next to a name is actually a special code for law enforcement meaning “Do not incarcerate”
The best part about being an extremist is you can always blame the other side for everything, because you are not part of society.
The best part about being an extremist is you can always blame the other side for everything, because you are not part of society.
I agree. So who are the extremists in this country, the right that just wants things left the way they were, or the left who want to “radically transform “ America into a woke, socialist, racially divided hell hole?
Unlike the left, if this man is convicted, the right will expect the full weight of the law to come down on him like a load of bricks. Ted Kennedy, the constantly re-elected “Lion of the Senate” is unavailable for comment. Neither is Al Franken who is still being feted by the left for a return to the Senate. The only reason Cuomo is out is because Kamala saw him as a competitor in 2024.
Say what???
Say what???
Ted Kennedy literally killed a woman by drowning. The Democrat party, instead of dropping him like a hot potato, proceeded to idolize the man and continuously reflect him to the Senate until his death. The unavailable for comment line was a tongue-in-cheek jab at the constantly pickled and mostly incoherent ex Senator from Massachusetts
If you buy the America is divided, you are being used. America is for Americans. It is a land of opportunity for all, not a few. The great thing about America is she can adapt faster than any other country on earth because of her cultural differences. That is why she wins wars.
Just so everyone knows. It came out in the trial that king Florida man was a flyer on epstien's plane. The cults will ignore that tho. They can't wrapped their heads around it. It goes against their religion.
How many young girls have come forward accusing “Florida man” of sexual abuse like they have Slick Willy, drunk poster? 😂🤡
There is no left and right. Black or white. Right or wrong. We are Americans. The great melting pot. There is a balance of common sense when you get through the politics.
Very well said. We need this sentiment to be shared more often. In principle, the United States of America stands for all of the right things. It stands for freedoms of speech, religion and association, with tolerance for those who are different than we are. It's the execution of this principle into practice which often goes awry. Our leadership is weak. Our foundation is solid.
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If you buy the America is divided, you are being used. America is for Americans. It is a land of opportunity for all, not a few. The great thing about America is she can adapt faster than any other country on earth because of her cultural differences. That is why she wins wars.
America IS divided and it has been cynically divided by the left in order to create aggrieved voting blocks to ensure continuing Democrat political hegemony in the country’s large metropolitan centers. Beginning in the late 1960s the Democrats realized that the only way they could maintain and further their political power was by making darn sure minority voters in the cities became irreparably and irreversibly beholden to the Democrat party. By convincing minorities that the white conservatives were conspiring to keep them down and powerless, they ensured 80 to 90% minority votes year after year. The cynical side of the con was that the Democrats had to make sure things never really improved for minorities because then they might actually begin to enjoy the benefits of improving their own lives. Minorities no longer angry would be no longer controllable. BLM was just the latest manufactured rage grift to keep the grift going. So the unwritten agreement was that minorities would get one of their own elected to a handful of “safe” Congressional seats and mayorships in the big cities. All the while, the Senate seats and the national power positions would be filled almost exclusively by rich white liberals. Eventually they had to allow one token minority President in Obama, but you better believe that rich white men continued to set the agenda. In Biden, the Game has clearly returned to status quo. Kamala was only in the ticket to get votes. She has no power or influence and will be jettisoned at the first opportunity
I agree. So who are the extremists in this country, the right that just wants things left the way they were, or the left who want to “radically transform “ America into a woke, socialist, racially divided hell hole?
They certainly do include the fanatics who stormed the United States Capitol on January 6th, because they were upset over the outcome of an election.
They certainly do include the fanatics who stormed the United States Capitol on January 6th, because they were upset over the outcome of an election.
And all the extremists burning down the federal court building in Portland and other buildings… and all the domestic terrorists burning down Kenosha… and all the domestic terrorists in all the other cities burning down private property


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