EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of Family Research Council Action.

They certainly do include the fanatics who stormed the United States Capitol on January 6th, because they were upset over the outcome of an election.
You mean the handful of upset voters actually invited into the Capitol by Capitol police prior to then being arrested and in one case killed for their trouble? A few got out of line and have been rightfully charged with TRESPASSING. No charges for insurrection or anything more serious. The leftists who barricaded and tried to burn down the Federal Courthouse in Portland were just “peaceful protesters@ though I am sure.
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Trump is as cynical and divisive as anyone... even within his own party.
Will not disagree with you there at all. Trump is a snake. Hated having to vote for him in 2020 (I voted 3rd party in 16). But just remember, Churchill and Roosevelt had to make nice with the snake Stalin when faced with Hitler. Trump is egotistical and self centered and rude. But Biden is and was an absolute disaster. Trump for all of his flaws will soon be but a historical footnote. The damage done by Grandpa Joe will last for a generation of not longer. China, Russia, and Iran thank you for your vote.
You mean the handful of upset voters actually invited into the Capitol by Capitol police prior to then being arrested and in one case killed for their trouble? A few got out of line and have been rightfully charged with TRESPASSING. No charges for insurrection or anything more serious. The leftists who barricaded and tried to burn down the Federal Courthouse in Portland were just “peaceful protesters@ though I am sure.
You are clearly downplaying the number of people involved, as well as what they were guilty of. As of today, 719 people from nearly all 50 states have been charged with offenses related to their participation in the January 6, 2021 incursion into the United States Capitol. Those people who were using flag poles to break through windows were not doing so with an invitation from law enforcement.

Also, there have been numerous convictions for offenses more serious than trespassing. These convictions have ranged from civil disorder, to arson, rioting and conspiracy. You don't know what you are talking about.
Will not disagree with you there at all. Trump is a snake. Hated having to vote for him in 2020 (I voted 3rd party in 16). But just remember, Churchill and Roosevelt had to make nice with the snake Stalin when faced with Hitler. Trump is egotistical and self centered and rude. But Biden is and was an absolute disaster. Trump for all of his flaws will soon be but a historical footnote. The damage done by Grandpa Joe will last for a generation of not longer. China, Russia, and Iran thank you for your vote.
Eventually democrats will find a way to love Trump just like they did with Bush and McCain.
Eventually democrats will find a way to love Trump just like they did with Bush and McCain.
A Democrat will only pretend to “love” a previously relevant conservative temporarily for the purpose of beating up a current conservative who threatens the progressive agenda. The only thing a Democrat truly loves is raw, unrestrained POWER (to use on us for our own good of course)
You are clearly downplaying the number of people involved, as well as what they were guilty of. As of today, 719 people from nearly all 50 states have been charged with offenses related to their participation in the January 6, 2021 incursion into the United States Capitol. Those people who were using flag poles to break through windows were not doing so with an invitation from law enforcement.

Also, there have been numerous convictions for offenses more serious than trespassing. These convictions have ranged from civil disorder, to arson, rioting and conspiracy. You don't know what you are talking about.
There has been a CONVICTION for those things? Maybe you need to tell the FBI….
The FBI comes up empty-handed in its search for a Jan. 6 plot
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Trump and his team are not what I consider true members of the right. Trump was a lifelong Democrat until he figured out that he had a better chance of gaining office as a Republican. Trump had and has one core value and one only. And that core Value is Donald Trump. Many of us held our nose and supported him because the alternative was anathema, but I never claimed him as one of our own. And I will work hard for other REAL conservative candidates in 2024 to try and keep him from the nomination of he runs again.
I am bot a conservative, but I hope you succeed. I would love to see a true conservative political movement but somehow Trump is the most popular (among the base) Republican figure of my lifetime. I’m absolutely baffled by the senators and congresspeople falling over themselves to kiss the ring. Would never, ever have happened with Bush or Obama while they were in office, let alone after losing an election.

If you have to “hold your nose” next time, just please make it someone who won’t flirt with pulling out of NATO.
You mean the handful of upset voters actually invited into the Capitol by Capitol police prior to then being arrested and in one case killed for their trouble? A few got out of line and have been rightfully charged with TRESPASSING. No charges for insurrection or anything more serious. The leftists who barricaded and tried to burn down the Federal Courthouse in Portland were just “peaceful protesters@ though I am sure.
There weren’t any dead cops in Portland, man. And the federal building ain’t the symbol of our democracy. If antifa had charged the capitol to stop Trump being certified, would you be okay with that sh!t?
I am bot a conservative, but I hope you succeed. I would love to see a true conservative political movement but somehow Trump is the most popular (among the base) Republican figure of my lifetime. I’m absolutely baffled by the senators and congresspeople falling over themselves to kiss the ring. Would never, ever have happened with Bush or Obama while they were in office, let alone after losing an election.

If you have to “hold your nose” next time, just please make it someone who won’t flirt with pulling out of NATO.
Trump actually did more to help the democrat party agenda than to hurt it when he was in office. If you're a democrat then I don't see what your complaints are. Only reason many democrats hated him was that his personality was too much like their own.

But you're right, a true conservative who will actually fight the democrat party agenda and one who will care less what the media thinks would be nice. That's why democrats are terrified of people like Ron DeSantis, Josh Hawley, Larry Elder, and Candace Owens. Also, I agree with Hawley that the Republican Party needs to become the party of the working class and middle class.
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If you buy the America is divided, you are being used. America is for Americans. It is a land of opportunity for all, not a few. The great thing about America is she can adapt faster than any other country on earth because of her cultural differences. That is why she wins wars.
Trump and his team are not what I consider true members of the right. Trump was a lifelong Democrat until he figured out that he had a better chance of gaining office as a Republican. Trump had and has one core value and one only. And that core Value is Donald Trump. Many of us held our nose and supported him because the alternative was anathema, but I never claimed him as one of our own. And I will work hard for other REAL conservative candidates in 2024 to try and keep him from the nomination of he runs again.

Please enlighten us when you find one that’s also not a spineless Republicuck RINO.
Please enlighten us when you find one that’s also not a spineless Republicuck RINO.
So far I really like DeSantis. I once had high hopes for Cruz but have decided that he is nothing more than a statement giver and tweeter. He SAYS all the right things but never really goes to the mat to fight when on the Senate floor
Trump actually did more to help the democrat party agenda than to hurt it when he was in office. If you're a democrat then I don't see what your complaints are. Only reason many democrats hated him was that his personality was too much like their own.

But you're right, a true conservative who will actually fight the democrat party agenda and one who will care less what the media thinks would be nice. That's why democrats are terrified of people like Ron DeSantis, Josh Hawley, Larry Elder, and Candace Owens. Also, I agree with Hawley that the Republican Party needs to become the party of the working class and middle class.
Spot on. DeSantis and the others realize something that Romney and the RINOs never did. The Democrats will NEVER appreciate you or meet you halfway no matter how much you try to appease and compromise. A whole generation of Republicans mistakingly assumed that the Democrats were reasonable people who could actually be worked with and who would reciprocate efforts to get along. It became a sickening display of codependency where Republicans naively struggled to be liked and accepted by the beltway crowd. Trump saw the disgust of the base and shrewdly leveraged that into power. As I have always said, the Trump movement wasn’t built on folks being enamored with Trump. It was built on repulsion toward the party establishment. Thankfully a whole new generation of Republicans seems to have finally gotten that message. Trump is no longer needed
Spot on. DeSantis and the others realize something that Romney and the RINOs never did. The Democrats will NEVER appreciate you or meet you halfway no matter how much you try to appease and compromise. A whole generation of Republicans mistakingly assumed that the Democrats were reasonable people who could actually be worked with and who would reciprocate efforts to get along. It became a sickening display of codependency where Republicans naively struggled to be liked and accepted by the beltway crowd. Trump saw the disgust of the base and shrewdly leveraged that into power. As I have always said, the Trump movement wasn’t built on folks being enamored with Trump. It was built on repulsion toward the party establishment. Thankfully a whole new generation of Republicans seems to have finally gotten that message. Trump is no longer needed

If you buy the America is divided, you are being used. America is for Americans. It is a land of opportunity for all, not a few. The great thing about America is she can adapt faster than any other country on earth because of her cultural differences. That is why she wins wars.

We haven’t won a war since 1945.
We haven’t won a war since 1945.

Could that be because we haven't adapted our tactics significantly beyond attempting to overwhelm with incredible force?

And no, that's not a rhetorical question. I seriously don't know. My friends in the military have generally summed up things to me in that we keep trying to force a square peg into a round hole and wondering why we aren't winning.
Could that be because we haven't adapted our tactics significantly beyond attempting to overwhelm with incredible force?

And no, that's not a rhetorical question. I seriously don't know. My friends in the military have generally summed up things to me in that we keep trying to force a square peg into a round hole and wondering why we aren't winning.
No. The military isn’t the problem. We just aren’t willing to stomach what we will have to do to win. Battling ideologies takes a different measure of destruction than sending the military in to destroy opposing forces and take territory.
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Could that be because we haven't adapted our tactics significantly beyond attempting to overwhelm with incredible force?

And no, that's not a rhetorical question. I seriously don't know. My friends in the military have generally summed up things to me in that we keep trying to force a square peg into a round hole and wondering why we aren't winning.

We started promoting officers based on politics after WWII and letting DC run the wars. Can’t win with that recipe.
The Democrats will NEVER appreciate you or meet you halfway no matter how much you try to appease and compromise.
This definitely wasn't true after the 1994 mid-term elections, which saw Republicans gain control of both chambers of Congress. There was a great deal of collaboration between President Bill Clinton and Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, in 1997. A significant amount of mutually beneficial, bi-partisan legislation was passed. We actually had balanced budgets for a brief time. President Clinton was willing to compromise, while also making some complete concessions to Gingrich on fiscal policy. That was a rare, productive period of time for the United States government. Both Clinton and Gingrich deserve credit for that.

Two notable examples included :

(1) On August 5th, 1997, President Bill Clinton signed a tax bill which included a $500 per-child tax credit for families with incomes under $110,000 that had been promoted by both sides. It also contained Clinton's plan for $1,500 tax credits to offset the cost of college tuition, as well as capital gains and estate tax cuts which had been principle goals for the GOP. Previously, Democrats had been unwilling to budge on capital gains tax cuts. It was Bill Clinton who made this important concession.

(2) The spending measure enacted in 1997, also made cuts to Medicare by $115 billion over 5 years, and Medicaid by $13 billion. These cuts kept those programs from bankruptcy. Democrats had always been reluctant to make such reforms to Medicare and Medicaid. Once again, Clinton compromised.

Most of what you post is nothing more than superficial, sound-byte partisan insults directed at Democrats. You are short on substance and support nothing with examples. You are easily rebutted by well-known, established facts. You tend to paint with an over-broad brush, while also being highly judgmental. You are usually misguided, either as a result of ignorance, or from having a short-term memory.
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