Experience wins in the long run......

Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 26, 2005 12:15 AM
im telling you he wont be back. he is to good of a wb to be riding the bench for ainge. i say he will either go to vt or nc state.

Why would VaTech take him. They have Marcus Vick coming back and a couple of good QB's in the wing.
marcus vick is a head case. he will mess up then he will be gone. nc state proably has the best shot at him if you ask me. that was the team that we barley beat out for him. as much as i like brent, i just dont see him staying. but if he does say then do you see him getting any playing time. NO! ainge will be the full time starter. even if ainge left early then crompton would be a starter. there is nothing positive for schaffer staying here.
Marcus is not a head case. He is a young student who has a famous brother. He got way too much attention because of Mike and all of that got him in trouble. From what I have heard, he is ready to get back into it. He spent a lot of time Mike working out and throwing the ball. He wants to make it up to the Hokie fans. If anything, his head is on straight now from what I read.
Once he was partying with girls who were underage. IMO, it is hard to tell that highschool girls are underage these days. Then he was caught speeding with possession of pot. If he can make a comeback, he a chance to be a very special player. Like they say......it's not how far you fall, but how far you rise after falling.
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 26, 2005 12:09 AM
but what im saying is show me when he wasnt productive. unlv got the sart, productive. flordia got the start, productive. sc got alot of playing time, main reason we won the game. and you can win games scrambiling in the pocket all the time. ask micheal vick, marcus randall, and daunte culpepper.

the big thing there is games not championships no rings on those guys fingers and listen to the sports guys on radio talking about vick he needs to pass. no pass no ring.


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At least Vick KNOWS how to pass, even if he is not the best at it. So does Culpepper. Schaeffer thinks run first, pass second. Any good running QB will at least look for one or two options before he bolts. Even Vick does that.
vols2345 - sorry but you watched a different QB than I did all year. Look what everyone is saying run first QB's and Schaeffer is that don't win big games and don't lead consistant winners.
Vick, a scrambling QB, got boxed in and shut down because he does not have enough pocket presence to let a downfield route develop. The Falcons wasted their money on Price and if I were him, I'd get out of there before vick ruins his career. Vick cannot consistently make downfield passes. They are all going to be short to the TE. A scrambling QB will never give you your money's worth. May be exciting to watch, but will never play a completely healthy season. They spent $100 million on vick and he has not had a season yet, not one, where he has played in all 16 games due to injury. He's a patsy. If every defense next year watches what Philly's scheme was and how to execute it against Vick, he will be a lower average QB than he already is.
you cant even use the philly game to talk about his carrer. if we are doing that we should say ainge sucks because he threw 3 or 4 intercaptions aginst aubrun, peyton manning sucks because he always chokes aginst new england, heath shuler sucks because he couldnt make it in the nfl. we wernt basing vick on his nfl carrer, we were strickl talking about college. they said a scrambling qb could never succeed in college and i was jjust saying who all did. i didnt even get into the qbs at nebraska

RUSHING GP Att Gain Loss Net Avg TD Long Avg/G
Rick Clausen 7 6 6 19 -13 -2.2 1 4 -1.9
Erik Ainge 9 16 19 48 -29 -1.8 0 9 -3.2
Brent Schaeffer 8 33 126 60 66 2.0 1 22 8.2

PASSING GP Effic Att-Cmp-Int Pct Yds TD Lng Avg/G
Erik Ainge 9 135.89 198-109-9 55.1 1452 17 60 161.3
Brent Schaeffer 8 129.64 37-18-1 48.6 302 2 55 37.8
Now its time for you 2345 to learn something!
Shuler didn't make it inthe NFL due to injury that destroyed his foot. It didn't help he was drafted by Norv Turner!
Schaeffer will not be the QB at UT because he is not on the same level as Ainge in understanding of UT's offense or in the passing game in general. The first time I saw him I thought it was the artful dodger himself but its not he is not as good as either Holloway or Streeter in running the ball or passing the ball.
in their careers Holloway passed for 3,102 yds and Streeter passed for 3,433 and they were better QB's than Schaeffer is.

Schaeffer is a great athlete and a decent QB but he is not the best QB on UT's team and with Ainge's work ethic he won't be.
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 26, 2005 10:43 AM
you cant even use the philly game to talk about his carrer. if we are doing that we should say ainge sucks because he threw 3 or 4 intercaptions aginst aubrun, peyton manning sucks because he always chokes aginst new england, heath shuler sucks because he couldnt make it in the nfl. we wernt basing vick on his nfl carrer, we were strickl talking about college. they said a scrambling qb could never succeed in college and i was jjust saying who all did. i didnt even get into the qbs at nebraska

I think I can use the Philly game to say he won't produce to the tune of $10 Million a year for ten years. They showed how to stop him. It's about figuring out your opponent and executing a defensive sheme that game to shut a machine down. Where are the scrambling QB's of Nebraska and OU. The long term success and survival of that style of QB is not there in the NFL. McNabb is alot different than Vick. And better in most repects. Defensive Corrdinators figured Spurriers machine out. Took a while, but defenses became more successful against him and he did not adjust to that. Offenses learned to pick our DB's apart. We dominated for a long time. But, Spurrier could wear us out, when others could not until they started taking his notes. If you have followed UT football in any regard whatsoever, you will know that our ultimate shortcoming in defending passes is the crossing pattern. We can cover short, we can cover long. But, run a cross and you will pick us apart systematically. Go back and look at UT/FLA game films. Spurrier packed our lunch time after time on crossing patterns. To this day we still do not know how to defend it very well. It's all in the game plan. Will it work every game. Of course not. Will Vick be up every game. No. But, the law of averages says that when someone learns a way to shut something down, others will pick it up and use it. It wasn't just a bad game for Vick. They shut him down. No where to run, and we know he can't find downfield receivers. So they got beat.
Schaeffer? That all depends. I would be suprised to see Schaeffer ever take another snap in Neyland, though.
in less he has a sudden urge to play wideout then i dont think he will be back.
As talented as he is, UT is a pro style offense. In order for us to exploit his talent, we would have to overhaul our offensive playbook, which changes all your blocking schemes and so forth. We get the recruits we get because we are a pro style NFL factory. Shaeffer just chose wrong. That's all. He will need to change his style in order to get long term playing time at UT.

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