Extremely rare al wilson poster

Would love a scan to use as desktop wallpaper. Unfortunately I don't have a wall worthy enough to hang something like this.
they have this same exact picture, exactly the same way in a college clothing store here in Nashville. I always wanted a copy every time I saw it.
I'm in as long as shipping is free. I may live the furthest away so it may cost more.

well as far as copyright goes my dad got it from a friend at work... i dont remember the guys name but i bet he does.. besides i think the guy might have moved to alabama by now... so i don't see any issue with copyright infrigement.. i am not blantly claiming it as mine, i already said it was given as a gift so if that's copyright infringement then i guess no one gets a copy you tell me....
regardless i plan to have this poster scanned and reprint for me because it is damaged and needs to be saved so i don't think copyright infringement is involved in that. i have a right to restore a damaged gift that was given to me, i am sure the original guy who gave us the poster would not object to that in the least.
i found this while doing some cleaning, it was put away when my dad brought it home a few weeks after we beat bama in 1998.


i did not make this it was given to us as a gift..

i am going to restore this poster and have it duplicated. this is the only one like it in the world.

anyone be interested in a copy??

bad A#@%$$

i'm interested
the biggest problem i am going to have is getting rid of the creases and doing some minor touch up, whether i sell it or not i want to get it restored i don't care if it cost me $1,000 to get it restored and reprinted it's priceless to me. As far as it being in a nashville college store, i have never ever seen another one like it.
Awesome pic. Would be a great addition to my collection. I'll pay you, or pay it foreword.
If you find the right lab/shop all the issues you're describing will be no problem at all to correct. If you can contact a professional photography for a newspaper, ask them who does the best restoration work.
the key is finding the right place locally that can get the job done. i would prefer not to send it off to get it done. as i said restoring it and reprinting it is a one shot deal. so i gotta becareful i think if nothing else first off i should get a high resolution scan of it 300 dpi or higher. and then go from there. so what am i looking at 40 copies so far?
I'm telling you, you don't want to sell copies of the picture. If the photographer finds out you sold it you can and will probably be sued. I got 30k for a basketball camp using pictures of mine without permission to promote it. You can be fined 150k and lost revenue, and the guys lawyer fees. Not to mention Tennessee finds out your selling a picture with their trademark and they could take you to court as well.

VN Store
