There was no intent to mislead. You interepreted it correctly. Your doubt is something you'll need to work out personally.
Come on now, that number was thrown out there in an effort to minimize their ability to do anything about the current situation. I actually think there is a limit to what they can do, and certainly they couldn't do anyting overnight to give the country any significant relief.
But you have to admit there is no transparency here. These rough figures are tossed about by conservative radio show people, but when pressed they never hold up as being indicative of what they are supposed to represent, i.e. owning 6 % of the oil fields does not equate to have a 6 % "say" in the price of a gallon of gas.
Its much more compplicated than that.
How much of the $4.09 I will pay this week goes to federal, state and local taxes? How much goes to the company that took the oil out of the ground? How much to the gas station itself? The distributor? Is the distributor owned in whole or in part by the same people that took it out of the ground? How about the station -- its says Mobil -- so how can the oil company disavow the actual station as a mere franchisee?
Why is it that every time the per barrel price of oil goes up by a few bucks in one day, overnight the gas station ups the per galon price by three to five cents (or more), and yet when the per barrel price of oil goes down by a similar amount, the price of gas does not as quickly go back down, with the gas station owner saying it will be months for the reduction to work its way through?
There may be lots of good answers to these questions, but the whole thing is mired in secrecy and I've never felt like anyone out there can actually break it down with any semblance of accuracy. I'm not saying there is a concerted effort here to wreck the economy, but each piece of the puzzle seems ready willing and able to blame all of the other pieces of the puzzle and no one seems willing to take a big step to break the cycle.
Reminds me of the Steve Martin movie, "The Jerk," (and I think someone else may have mentioned this last week in another thread): "Oh, I see, its a profit deal. I get it now!"