"Fact checkers"

I believe the point is that they are fact checking the claims of the Gold Star families - point being why fact check the bereaved.

The video was the tool they used to do the fact check and as Snopes acknowledged it's not an effective tool for fact checking the claims.

And it turns out the USA Today fact check was wrong - they had to issue a correction.
Again, they are being petty. If they said 5 and they had evidence that it was any number other than 5 times he looked at his watch, they would be able to scream "debunked". Hell, they probably would be just as happy if there was a claim that he looked at his watch 20 times and they had evidence that it was actually 30 times, that would have given them cause to be petty.
When no one bothers to verify information anymore because of the coordinates attacks on information accuracy, then sites such as Town Hall and Palmer Report can post whatever they want without worrying about the truth.

So when the fact checkers have an agenda, that's ok?
As Bush should do for sending them over there to begin with, and Obama and Trump for keeping them over there.

I’ll agree that we were there to long but 90% of the soldiers that joined after 9/11 wanted to go fight. And, I will not say anything that takes away from that.

The POTUS, joe Biden put our troops in a bad situation and he should bare the blame for what happened. Biden, The Secretary of State down to the joint chiefs should all bare the blame for this F’up.

So, showing decency, the proper amount of respect and a little bit of his time is not to much to ask for our fallen soldiers and their families..
Yeah. They suck, too.

I believe fact checkers get a bad rap because people don't want to hear something they believe is wrong or misunderstood.

I also believe that fact checkers for media outlets should be identified as well as the authors and contributors of stories. Smoke out the bad ones.

In my opinion I don't like fact checkers for any side. No matter what side is doing it, the other will blame it on them being biased. The media has been so bad for so long that none of them care about fact or fiction, just sales and money.
Nearly 100% of Fact-Checkers' Political Donations Go Exclusively to the Democratic Party, Study Finds

"If you believe the entire “fact-checking” industry is rigged to push the political agenda of the Democratic Party, you’re not wrong. There’s more evidence in addition to the voluminous amount of biased and even laughable “fact checks” to support that conclusion.

A new study from the Washington Free Beacon analyzing political contributions from U.S. employees who call themselves “fact checkers” reveals that an astounding 99.5% of their donations went to Democrats. That’s right — nearly 100 percent.

That means that the policing of the Internet for “facts” is being carried out by partisan Democrats who nearly exclusively target conservatives and independents for “fact checks,” thereby doing massive damage to the reputation and financial backing of journalists who seek to hold the powerful and privileged accountable."

more at link....
Nearly 100% of Fact-Checkers' Political Donations Go Exclusively to the Democratic Party, Study Finds

"If you believe the entire “fact-checking” industry is rigged to push the political agenda of the Democratic Party, you’re not wrong. There’s more evidence in addition to the voluminous amount of biased and even laughable “fact checks” to support that conclusion.

A new study from the Washington Free Beacon analyzing political contributions from U.S. employees who call themselves “fact checkers” reveals that an astounding 99.5% of their donations went to Democrats. That’s right — nearly 100 percent.

That means that the policing of the Internet for “facts” is being carried out by partisan Democrats who nearly exclusively target conservatives and independents for “fact checks,” thereby doing massive damage to the reputation and financial backing of journalists who seek to hold the powerful and privileged accountable."

more at link....

Just wait until the "historians" get ahold of the history books. They will be propaganda books.
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Your source is a publication founded and backed by a republican billionaire.

I know words beyond copy and paste make your head hurt but them's the facts.

Are you one of those "fact checkers?" The funny thing is you just made a great point. Now do some research and tell me who owns, funds and backs the majority of the major news networks, Facebook and Twitter before Elon took over and what causes do they donate to? We all know this argument won't end well for you
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Let's roll with @DinkinFlicka logic. This is just two of the first ones I did 5 minutes of research on. We could do this all day long

Political Contributions From Facebook's Top Brass Exceed $3.9 Million

Joe Bidens Campaign, along with two supporting groups, received $220,000 from Facebook’s top 24 employees. None of Facebook’s leaders donated to former President Donald Trump’s equivalent groups. We all know which way the 2020 fact checkers from facebook rolled.


It was previously known that James and Kathryn Murdoch backed President Joe Biden's 2020 campaign. But it was unknown until now just how much they were spending behind the scenes to impact the election. Combined with the millions they gave to campaigns and political action committees, the $100 million donation demonstrates the couple's impact on the last election cycle.

The 2019 tax document shows that of the $100 million given to the foundation, over $25 million went toward grants, including for several political causes. The $25 million also represents the most the Murdoch couple has spent through their foundation on political causes, such as fighting climate change and helping people vote.

Yet, according to a person close to the family, that $25 million two years ago was only part of massive Murdoch investments through the 2020 election cycle. This person declined to be named in order to speak freely about the situation.

Since 2019, Quadrivium committed to giving over $43 million to climate-related groups. Over $38 million, including $14 million in Quadrivium donations and $24 million in individual contributions from the couple, went toward election organizations, including those dedicated to protecting voting rights.

The Murdoch couple also donated over $20 million to Biden's campaign, groups supporting him and opposing Trump, and organizations dedicated to disrupting online threats and extremism. They also donated to groups dedicated to getting out the vote during the Georgia Senate runoff elections in January. Democrats won both of those seats.

A spokeswoman for James and Kathryn Murdoch declined to comment.

According to the 2019 tax document, the Quadrivium foundation had nearly $100 million in assets going into 2020, just as the primary and caucus season was beginning.

The Murdochs' $100 million donation came the same year James was the CEO of 21st Century Fox before Disney bought the bulk of the company for $71 billion. He was also on the board of the family-owned News Corp. at the time.

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