Fast and Furious ATF agents promoted instead of being fired.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Unbelievable: Operation Fast and Furious Agents...Promoted - Katie Pavlich

ATF agents involved in Operation Fast and Furious who should have been fired by now for putting over 2000 high powered weapons into the hands of ruthless Mexican drug cartels, on purpose, have been promoted. Yes, promoted. Only in government can you have blood on your hands and get a pay raise and moved from the Phoenix Field Office to a cushy office in Washington D.C.

The three supervisors have been given new management positions at the agency's headquarters in Washington. They are William G. McMahon, who was the ATF's deputy director of operations in the West, where the illegal trafficking program was focused, and William D. Newell and David Voth, both field supervisors who oversaw the program out of the agency's Phoenix office.

McMahon and Newell have acknowledged making serious mistakes in the program, which was dubbed Operation Fast and Furious.

Newell was the special agent in charge of the field office for Arizona and New Mexico, where Fast and Furious was conducted. On Aug. 1, the ATF announced he would become special assistant to the assistant director of the agency's Office of Management in Washington.

William Newell was the agent who lied to Congress by saying ATF never let guns "walk" during testimony on Capitol Hill in July, despite Operation Fast and Furious being an operation that involved giving drug cartels guns from the beginning ....................

If you're wondering, Fast and Furious hasn't led to a single arrest of a drug kingpin and has resulted in the murders of two U.S. federal agents and countless murders of innocents in Mexico. Now, Operation Fast and Furious has resulted in the promotion of the very agents who carried out the operation, despite knowing it involved huge risk and would get people killed.

In addition, new gun control measures targeting Southern border states have been implemented by the Obama Justice Department as a result of Fast and Furious, and the operation was designed to promote gun control from the beginning. Seems like these agents did their job to get those new gun control measures implemented and are being awarded by the Obama Administration for doing so. Newell is also the agent who admitted the White House was involved with Operation Fast and Furious.

OTOH, at least one ATF agent has been dismissed for testifying before congress.

We now have an administration in Washington whose Attorney General will promote those who lie to congress and fire those who testify truthfully.

Can't wait for the lg rebuttal.

Additionally the LA Times has reported:

Firearms illegally trafficked under the ATF’s Fast and Furious program turned up at the scenes of at least 11 “violent crimes” in this country in addition to being involved in the death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent in southern Arizona last year, the Justice Department has acknowledged to Congress.

Although Justice did not provide any details about those crime scenes, it has been learned that the additional violent crimes occurred in cities such as Phoenix, where Operation Fast and Furious was managed, and as far away as El Paso, Texas, .......

At least the cat is out of the bag now, LSM can't ignore it anymore.
These promotions were given to keep these agents quiet. This is the most corrupt administration in our nation's history.
I guess we need to start calling Obama the teflon president as nothing sticks to this administration.
It is surprising how little coverage this story is generating - IMO it's a big effin' deal (to paraphrase Biden)


The flaming bundle of twigs at the NY Slimes did do a
piece in an oblique sort of way, without mentioning the
scandal they did a mostly fictitious character assassination
piece on Congressman Issa.

To their credit the LA Slimes did do a piece on the amount
of American citizens who have been victims of crimes
committed by guns that exchanged hands during this
'felony stupid' operation sponsored by the ATF and other

Still they left out a lot of the known facts of the case
and left it up in the air so as to do pieces later on the
need for more gun control laws in the USA.

They probably couldn't avoid doing at least one piece,
given the fact that there is a large Latino population in
their circulation area who are aware that some Mexican
authorities are very angry that this was carried out without
even informing them beforehand and that hundreds of
Mexican civilians, soldiers and policemen have been
slaughtered by guns that are known to have been involved
in 'fast and furious' and other similar operations.

You would think that at least posters on this forum
would be at least a bit informed but instead of commenting
on the affair, would rather try to malign my character
and kill the thread on this topic by posting stupid pictures
that have nothing to do with the topic at all.

Here is what I have for that bunch of ignoramuses:

“As long as I am an American citizen and American
blood runs in these veins I shall hold myself at liberty
to speak, to write, and to publish whatever I please
on any subject.”

- Elijah Parish

(and in particular the corruption of the present administration
that would even make Slick Willy Clinton blush, if he
had the least bit of concience.)
Well, it looks like the Messiah is trying to deflect blame. Head idiot at ATF "reassigned". AG resigns, Holder covering his ass.
There could be more to this than we think.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Remember the Kosovo Liberation Army.

Remember when we fought as an ally of al-Qaeda in

As a matter of fact the Taliban was once called Freedom
Fighters by us when we helped create, then supported
in their war against the USSR in Afghanistan.

Given the Obama, Holder record, it isn't all that difficult
to see where they come down now.



Latino group claims Aztlán war in next five years - Phoenix Civil Rights |

Phoenix-based Nuestros Reconquistos claims that there
will be a war very similar to the Civil War fought in the
next five years.

Latino groups believe they have enough people in states
such as California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and
Texas to successfully wage a war on the United States.


Former DEA and CIA Operatives: Los Zetas May Attempt to Overthrow Mexican Government in 2012 (Using U.S. Government Weapons) - Salem-News.Com

Los Zetas use the Alliance Airport in Ft. Worth, Texas -
the same airport where the DEA’s Air Operations Center
is located- to fly weapons to Columbus, NM., El Paso,
and Laredo, TX. to be later smuggled into Mexico. CIA
analysts say the weapons, which are purchased from
the U.S. Government according to captured Zeta leader
Jesus Enrique Rejon Aguilar, aka. El Mamito, are being
stockpiled throughout Mexico for a potential upcoming
overthrow of the Mexican government in 2012.

“Many of the weapons have been stored in safe houses.
I think Los Zetas are storing them for the upcoming
elections of 2012,” said Robert Plumlee, a former CIA
pilot who has testified before Congress on drugs and
weapons trafficking research.

The report is corroborated with an interview with Phil
Jordan, former director of the DEA in El Paso, who
stated that the stockpiles, which include anti-aircraft
missiles, are transported from a Dallas-Fort Worth
Airport. The consultant added that the criminals set up
(phony) companies to buy weapons directly through a
State Department program.

The Border Patrol personnel and U.S. intelligence
services have recently learned that Los Zetas have
been purchasing properties on both sides of the border
to store thousands of high-power weapons that were
discovered to be part of five or six shipments that left
the same airport where the DEA has its air operations

............... mentioned grenades, grenade launchers,
antiaircraft missiles, body armor, radios, GPS devices,
and night vision binoculars, among other items.

The global arms report, Small Arms Survey of 2011, from
the Institute for International and Development Studies
in Switzerland, said that Mexico was the number one
importer in the world of RPG’s, and “under-barrel”
grenade launchers, with 1,429 units being imported,
followed in second place by Latvia with 250.



San Jacinto battle report, (evidently La Raza wants a
replay:) "Fought on April 21, 1836, . . . the Texian Army engaged and defeated General Antonio López de Santa
Anna's Mexican forces in a fight that lasted just
eighteen minutes. About 630 of the Mexican soldiers
were killed and 730 captured, while only nine Texans

A poster on another msg board posted the following,
I thought it worthy of repeating here:

Here’s an interesting side bar.

After the Japanese decimated our fleet in Pearl Harbor
Dec 7, 1941,

They could have sent their troop ships and carriers
directly to California to finish what they started.

The prediction from our Chief of Staff was we would not
be able to stop a massive invasion until they reached
the Mississippi River .

So, why did they not invade?

After the war, the remaining Japanese generals and
admirals were asked that question.

Their answer....

They know that almost every home had guns and the
Americans knew how to use them..
(as one Japanese Admiral put it; "there would be a rifle
behind every blade of grass.)gs

The world’s largest army.... America ‘s hunters!

I had never thought about this....

A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a
handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:

There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the
state of Wisconsin ..

Allow me to restate that number.

Over the last several months, Wisconsin ‘s hunters
became the eighth largest army in the world.

More men under arms than in Iran ..

More than in France and Germany combined.

These men deployed to the woods of a single American
state to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed.

That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who
hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan ‘s
700,000 hunters All of whom have now returned home.

Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it
literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those
four states alone would comprise the largest army in
the world.

The point?

America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with
that kind of home-grown firepower.

Hunting — it’s not just a way to fill the freezer.

It’s a matter of national security.

That’s why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to
see us disarmed.

Food for thought when next we consider gun control.


Other information on the topic:

The Nation of Aztlan (NOA), first organized in the early
1990s, is a California-based Hispanic nationalist
organization that claims to represent the desires and
aspirations of the Hispanic community. The organization
calls for the United States to return “Aztlan” territory
- Aztlan being the mythic homeland of the Mexican
people, or Aztecs, which according to legend is found
in the American Southwest or Northern Mexico. The
group’s nationalist message is blurred by frequent
appeals to anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, homophobia
and other expressions of hatred.

Nation of Aztlan - anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, Homophobia


They make their claim based on a myth:

The Aztec Indians allegedly came from an island called
Aztlan according to the Aztec legends, and took their
name from the land they came from. Some researchers
believe that Aztlan was located in the northwestern part
of Mexico; however, the Aztecs claimed they came from
an island. Some researchers believe Aztlan was nearer
the Bahamas. In any case, there is an illuminated
manuscript from the Codex Boturini that depicts the
Aztec migration and clearly it shows a man leaving an
island in a boat.


San Jacinto battle report, (evidently La Raza wants a
replay:) "Fought on April 21, 1836, . . . the Texian Army engaged and defeated General Antonio López de Santa
Anna's Mexican forces in a fight that lasted just
eighteen minutes. About 630 of the Mexican soldiers
were killed and 730 captured, while only nine Texans

A poster on another msg board posted the following,
I thought it worthy of repeating here:

Here’s an interesting side bar.

After the Japanese decimated our fleet in Pearl Harbor
Dec 7, 1941,

They could have sent their troop ships and carriers
directly to California to finish what they started.

The prediction from our Chief of Staff was we would not
be able to stop a massive invasion until they reached
the Mississippi River .

So, why did they not invade?

After the war, the remaining Japanese generals and
admirals were asked that question.

Their answer....

They know that almost every home had guns and the
Americans knew how to use them..
(as one Japanese Admiral put it; "there would be a rifle
behind every blade of grass.)gs

The world’s largest army.... America ‘s hunters!

I had never thought about this....

A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a
handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:

There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the
state of Wisconsin ..

Allow me to restate that number.

Over the last several months, Wisconsin ‘s hunters
became the eighth largest army in the world.

More men under arms than in Iran ..

More than in France and Germany combined.

These men deployed to the woods of a single American
state to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed.

That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who
hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan ‘s
700,000 hunters All of whom have now returned home.

Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it
literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those
four states alone would comprise the largest army in
the world.

The point?

America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with
that kind of home-grown firepower.

Hunting — it’s not just a way to fill the freezer.

It’s a matter of national security.

That’s why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to
see us disarmed.

Food for thought when next we consider gun control.


Other information on the topic:

The Nation of Aztlan (NOA), first organized in the early
1990s, is a California-based Hispanic nationalist
organization that claims to represent the desires and
aspirations of the Hispanic community. The organization
calls for the United States to return “Aztlan” territory
- Aztlan being the mythic homeland of the Mexican
people, or Aztecs, which according to legend is found
in the American Southwest or Northern Mexico. The
group’s nationalist message is blurred by frequent
appeals to anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, homophobia
and other expressions of hatred.

Nation of Aztlan - anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, Homophobia


They make their claim based on a myth:

The Aztec Indians allegedly came from an island called
Aztlan according to the Aztec legends, and took their
name from the land they came from. Some researchers
believe that Aztlan was located in the northwestern part
of Mexico; however, the Aztecs claimed they came from
an island. Some researchers believe Aztlan was nearer
the Bahamas. In any case, there is an illuminated
manuscript from the Codex Boturini that depicts the
Aztec migration and clearly it shows a man leaving an

island in a boat.

the problem would be organization, logistics and overall chain of command. just having them wouldnt be enough
Posted via VolNation Mobile
the problem would be organization, logistics and overall chain of command. just having them wouldnt be enough
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I disagree.

For instance, from Spence's History of Hickman County:
one lone gunman defeated a calvary unit on Sugar Creek.

The calvary patrol came and raided farms of food to take
back to camp, taking chickens, cured pork and other
items, as they were leaving via a road that ran along
beside the creek, a gunman on the ridge with a muzzle
loading squirrel rifle took several shots at them knocking
off the captains hat and other feats of marksmanship
without actually wounding anyone, cutting across the
ridges to confront them several times as they followed
the road along the meandering creek.

The patrol may have thought there was more than one
man but eventually they sued for peace and the man on
the ridge told them to drop the contriband and they
could leave in peace, which they did.

The Taliban is faced with logistical and chain of command
problems also but they will be in Afghanistan long after
we have gone.

There are numerous records of a determined citizenry
defeating organized armies, sometimes only being armed
with farm inplements and improvized weapons.

The American revolution is a great example and a very
small percentage of the people living in the colonies
actually participated in that conflict.
I disagree.

For instance, from Spence's History of Hickman County:
one lone gunman defeated a calvary unit on Sugar Creek.

The calvary patrol came and raided farms of food to take
back to camp, taking chickens, cured pork and other
items, as they were leaving via a road that ran along
beside the creek, a gunman on the ridge with a muzzle
loading squirrel rifle took several shots at them knocking
off the captains hat and other feats of marksmanship
without actually wounding anyone, cutting across the
ridges to confront them several times as they followed
the road along the meandering creek.

The patrol may have thought there was more than one
man but eventually they sued for peace and the man on
the ridge told them to drop the contriband and they
could leave in peace, which they did.

The Taliban is faced with logistical and chain of command
problems also but they will be in Afghanistan long after
we have gone.

There are numerous records of a determined citizenry
defeating organized armies, sometimes only being armed
with farm inplements and improvized weapons.

The American revolution is a great example and a very
small percentage of the people living in the colonies
actually participated in that conflict.

need a leader, need food and supplies and need a chain of command. ill take my chances with the group
Posted via VolNation Mobile
need a leader, need food and supplies and need a chain of command. ill take my chances with the group
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Well then, since you are apparently volunteering to be
under my command, I issue the following order(s):

1. Do not patronize any media outlet, if you have a
newspaper subscrition, cancel immediately.

2.a Email or write a letter to every media outlet you
can think of that serves your area informing them
that you are boycotting their news programs, print
or TV, until such time as they publish, via headline
in papers or lead story on TV, the latest up to date
and complete story of this sordid tale, including
colussion by several federal agencies that lead right
up to the Oval Office and include obstruction of justice
and perjury before congress.

2. b Be especially vitriolic toward Gannet outlets, in
particular USA Today because they are nationwide.

(this battle is already being waged and is working, for
instance Wapo aka Pravda on the Potomac has just
closed six of it's offices in Virginia because they can't
afford to pay their employees because fewer and fewer
people are buying their crappola anymore and the NY
Slimes has been forced to sell the Boston globular screw
up fake newspaper.)

3. a. Assume command of any other citizens you
encounter and instruct them to follow commands 1
and 2.

3. b. If they refuse shoot them immediately, they could
be the enemy.

3. c. Ignore b if they can produce a gsvol secret decoder
ring or a copy of the letters or emails they have sent
to ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC and FOX.

(hope you read 3 c before acting on 3 b but hey, in
war there is always going to be some collateral damage,
but heck the element of surprise can't be stressed

Five Gunwalker Questions the Media Won’t Ask, and the Obama Administration Won’t Answer - Big Government

In the months since the scandal was revealed, the
Department of Justice (DOJ) , BATF, Federal Bureau
of Investigation (FBI), Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA), Internal Revenue Service Criminal Division (IRS-
CD), Department of Homeland Security, and Department
of State, have conspired to stonewall and House and
Senate investigations that have been launched to
investigate a scandal that appears to be worse than
Iran-Contra and Watergate combined.

The scandal is not complicated, and would be revealed
by the answering of five simple questions that the media
dare not demand answers to from this Administration

1. Who came up with the idea of allowing guns to be
purchased by straw purchasers and then “walked” across the border by smugglers?

2. Who authorized Operation Fast and Furious in the
Department of Justice?

3. Who authorized Operation Fast and Furious in the
Department of Homeland Security?

4. Is Operation Fast and Furious the only operation
of its type, or were there similar operations in Texas,
Florida, and other states as evidence suggests?

5. What, precisely, did Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and
Janet Napolitano know about Operation Fast and
Furious, and when did they know it?

I would include 6. To what extent was the state dept
and Hillary Clinton involved, in particular who signed
the letter authorizing shipments to M13 in Honduras.


I listened to an interview yesterday evening with
Larry Pratt, the chief exsecutive of GOA (Gun
Owners of America) that was very enlightening.

Here is a recent video produced by him; (5 min)

Larry Pratt: Fast & Furious vs Gun Control - YouTube

(Issued on Bastille Day) :)


Time to Close Down the ATF - Gun Owners Of America

Pratt said they have an email list you can join on
their website that will automaticly update you on
any new information.

For instance one of Obama's wonderlicks testified that
he was cooperating with the investigation and Issa
held up a sheet of paper he had submitted and the
complete text was blacked out and the only white
you could see was around the edges of the paper and
this was only one page of hundreds just like it and
Issa asked him if he called that cooperation.

If there is any redaction to be done the Holder, Clinton
and Napolitano shouldn't draw another paycheck.
It the messiah got credit for killing Bin Laden, then he should get equal credit for killing Agent Kelly.

How right you are!


This now appears to be a coordinated effort by the
Obama led Executive branch of the US government
to launch an all out assault on the 2nd Amendment
using the Justice Department, BATFE, US State
Department, FBI, DEA, CIA, IRS (CD) and possibly
other federal agencies to create a false impression
about our domestic gun control laws and a criminal
cover up once they were found out.


In addition we now have 'project Gangwalker.'
(Handguns ending up in the hands of Chicago gangs.)
How did the gangs get the money for the guns?
It turns out that the DEA assisted in the importation
of illegal Mexian cartel drugs to the Chicago area
which were profitable to those Chicago criminal
gangs of thugs.

Exclusive Report: Documents indicate ATF, FBI allowed Indiana ?crime gun? sales - National gun rights |

"Exclusive Report: Documents indicate ATF, FBI allowed Indiana ‘crime gun’ sales."

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has acknowledged an Indiana dealer’s cooperation in conducting straw purchases at the direction of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Exclusive documents obtained by Gun Rights Examiner show the dealer cooperated with ATF by selling guns to straw purchasers, and that bureau management later asserted these guns were being traced to crimes.

From the confidential source providing the documents:

The dealer…was sent a "demand letter," based on the number of traces to him, which was retracted after his attorney pointed out they resulted from his cooperation with ATF. (Strangely, he got two voicemails from two different ATF people, both saying they were the head of the tracing operation).

Some of the straw men turned out to have felony convictions, the agents called the FBI background check system and fixed it so the transactions would be approved, something which may also have happened in Phoenix.

In a response dated March 10, 2011, attorney Brent R. Weil of Kightlinger and Gray, LLP, informed Houser:

Specifically, my client participated with and cooperated in certain law enforcement operations during 2009/2010 at the behest of ATFE enforcement officers from the Evansville, Indiana office (Agent Kevin Whittaker) and in the course of doing so, followed their instructions regarding the completion of certain transactions and the delivery of firearms to purchasers who did not clear the standard NICS [National Instant Check System] background check and were suspected of being involved in the purchase and transportation of handguns out of state despite passing NICS’s background checks.

In order to verify ATF claims, Weil requested they “be given a list of the ‘ten or more crime guns with a “time-to-crime: of three years or less’ so that we can satisfy ourselves that we are not being improperly included in this program because of our cooperation with and/or involvement with ATFE enforcement activities.”

The response letter resulted in a voice mail from Houser to Weil on March 15, 2011, ignoring his request for the list of guns, but promising:

"If…that count is composed of firearms that were, where your client was working in conjunction with ATF, we will get your client removed entirely from the program.”

That same day, another voice mail was received, this time from Brenda Bennett, also identifying herself as “Chief of the National Tracing Center,” who informed Weil:

"I have verified the information in the letter. I talked to law enforcement and they confirmed what he had to say. Therefore, he is being removed from the demand list."

It’s also fair to ask if it seems credible that such similar operations would develop independently in the Southwest (“Project Gunwalker”) and the Midwest (“Project Gangwalker’?), without authorization from and oversight coordination by Main Justice.

Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars has advocated opening “a second front” to complement House Oversight Committee investigations, and this column has been a consistent advocate for appointment of a truly independent special investigator, as well as for individual state attorneys general determining if multiple felony violations of their state laws, committed jointly by two or more persons, have been perpetrated.

What seems clear is none of this will happen unless gun owners create such an uproar that their demands cannot be ignored—by timid political wind riders who don’t wish to get involved, by an arrogant, stonewalling administration, and by their protectors/abettors in the mainstream press.
Pajamas Media Gunwalker Explodes into the Heartland

The apparent purpose of the operation was to lend the thinnest veneer of truth to the 90-percent lie spread by Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton from the very beginning of the Obama administration. It makes sense only as a plot to manufacture evidence for the punitive gun control laws that Obama has championed his entire political career. Indeed, even after Gunwalker was exposed, the number of U.S. guns in Mexico, many of which were put there by the actions of the government itself, was still brazenly used as the excuse for ATF long gun reporting requirements currently being challenged in courts.

Likewise, what Codrea has dubbed as “Gangwalker” appears to be another attempt to provide guns to criminals in order to generate more gun crime and then more calls for gun control.

The biggest difference between the two operations at this early date only seems to be that Gangwalker is a purposeful attempt to create the deaths of American citizens in order to pursue the administration’s fanatical anti-gun agenda.


Sipsey Street Irregulars: Media & Congress Still Missing the Big Legal Point of the Gunwalker Scandal: it was a conspiracy to illegally export weapons to a foreign country.

Those exports were a clear violation of US weapons export laws -- ITAR chief among them -- and the government knowingly conspired and allowed those weapons to leave the United States without:

(1) A valid US Department of State Export License,

(2) a valid End Use statement signed by an appropriate Mexican GOV authority attesting as to the use and end destination of the weapons, and

(3) a valid Import License issued by the GOV of Mexico documenting approval for the weapons to enter Mexican sovereign territory.

Thus, given the facts in front of us already from the whistleblower agents and leaked documents, those who originated this program at the highest levels of the administration and the DOJ and ATF senior executive service employees who carried it out were:

(a) complicit in illegal arms trafficking in violation of US weapons export law as codified by ITAR (DOS export regulations), and

(b) complicit in a violation of Mexican law by knowingly allowing the weapons to transit into Mexican sovereign territory.

Since there were something like 47 murders in NYC over the labor day weekend, I'm wondering if they had another operation going on in Virginia.
Wonder if the Carson City, Nev. shooting was with a fast and furious gun?

Eduardo Sencion walked into an IHOP and opened fire with an AK-47
on a table of five uniformed National Guard members sitting at a table
in the back of the resturant, all were hit and three killed.

Five people were killed altogether including one woman and seven others
were wounded.

ATF agents reportedly visited the scene.

VN Store
