Faux science of global warming doesn't pass legal scrutiny.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Global Warming Science: A Cross Examination

A cross examination of global warming science conducted by the University of Pennsylvania’s Institute for Law and Economics has concluded that virtually every claim advanced by global warming proponents fails to stand up to scrutiny.

The 79-page document, which effectively eviscerates the case for man-made global warming, can be found here.

Global Warming: A closer look at the numbers

Water vapor, responsible for 95% of Earth's greenhouse effect, is 99.999% natural (some argue, 100%). Even if we wanted to we can do nothing to change this.

Anthropogenic (man-made) CO2 contributions cause only about 0.117% of Earth's greenhouse effect, (factoring in water vapor). This is insignificant!

Adding up all anthropogenic greenhouse sources, the total human contribution to the greenhouse effect is around 0.28% (factoring in water vapor).

The Kyoto Protocol calls for mandatory carbon dioxide reductions of 30% from developed countries like the U.S. Reducing man-made CO2 emissions this much would have an undetectable effect on climate while having a devastating effect on the U.S. economy. Can you drive your car 30% less, reduce your winter heating 30%? Pay 20-50% more for everything from automobiles to zippers? And that is just a down payment, with more sacrifices to come later.

Such drastic measures, even if imposed equally on all countries around the world, would reduce total human greenhouse contributions from CO2 by about 0.035%.
Author was a student.

Good one too!!

Claim -vs- reality.
1c) the Earth is warming.

1r) atmospheric readings show the Earth is cooling, and only by using a “trick” (via not using the data stations that showed cooling) to “hide the decline” has ground based measurement shown any warming.
2c) Global warming is unambiguously a harmful thing.

2r) Things still are not as warm as the Medieval warm period, and that was good times and good wines all around.
3c) Global warming is caused by human activity.

3r) The biggest claim, and the least substantiated.

The Earth has gone through many ages of both higher and lower temperature, long before humans were around burning fossil fuels.

Are we in a natural cycle of warming or a natural cycle of cooling?

Is man's activity exacerbating this natural cycle or abrogating it?
A study: The temperature rise has caused the CO2 Increase, not the other way around | Watts Up With That?

Using two well accepted data sets, a simple model can be used to show that the rise in CO2 is a result of the temperature anomaly, not the other way around. This is the exact opposite of the IPCC model that claims that rising CO2 causes the temperature anomaly.

We offer no explanation for why global temperatures are changing now or have changed in the past, but it seems abundantly clear that the recent temperature rise is not caused by the rise in CO2 levels.

The Thermostat Hypothesis | Watts Up With That?

Clearly, the cloud albedo (from cumulus and cumulonimbus) follows the sun north and south, keeping the earth from overheating. This shows quite definitively that rather than the warmth being caused by the clouds, the clouds are caused by the warmth.

Self-generating means that the thunderstorms arise spontaneously as a function of temperature and evaporation. Above the threshold necessary to create the first thunderstorm, the number of thunderstorms rises rapidly. This rapid increase in thunderstorms limits the amount of temperature rise possible.

This ability to drive the temperature lower than the starting point is what distinguishes a governor from a negative feedback. A thunderstorm can do more than just reduce the amount of surface warming. It can actually mechanically cool the surface to below the required initiation temperature. This allows it to actively maintain a fixed temperature in the region surrounding the thunderstorm.

In addition, the oceanic geography which shapes the currents carrying warm tropical water to the poles and returning cold water (eventually) to the tropics is also a very large determinant of the running temperature of the global climate heat engine.

Finally, the equilibrium variations may relate to the sun. The variation in magnetic and charged particle numbers may be large enough to make a difference. There are strong suggestions that cloud cover is influenced by the 22-year solar Hale magnetic cycle, and this 14-year record only covers part of a single Hale cycle.

Conclusions and Musings

1. The sun puts out more than enough energy to totally roast the earth. It is kept from doing so by the clouds reflecting about a third of the sun’s energy back to space. As near as we can tell, this system of cloud formation to limit temperature rises has never failed.

2. This reflective shield of clouds forms in the tropics in response to increasing temperature.

3. As tropical temperatures continue to rise, the reflective shield is assisted by the formation of independent heat engines called thunderstorms. These cool the surface in a host of ways, move heat aloft, and convert heat to work.

4. Like cumulus clouds, thunderstorms also form in response to increasing temperature.

5. Because they are temperature driven, as tropical temperatures rise, tropical thunderstorms and cumulus production increase. These combine to regulate and limit the temperature rise. When tropical temperatures are cool, tropical skies clear and the earth rapidly warms. But when the tropics heat up, cumulus and cumulonimbus put a limit on the warming. This system keeps the earth within a fairly narrow band of temperatures.

6. The earth’s temperature regulation system is based on the unchanging physics of wind, water, and cloud.

7. This is a reasonable explanation for how the temperature of the earth has stayed so stable (or more recently, bi-stable as glacial and interglacial) for hundreds of millions of years.
Good one too!!

Claim -vs- reality.
1c) the Earth is warming.

1r) atmospheric readings show the Earth is cooling, and only by using a “trick” (via not using the data stations that showed cooling) to “hide the decline” has ground based measurement shown any warming.
2c) Global warming is unambiguously a harmful thing.

2r) Things still are not as warm as the Medieval warm period, and that was good times and good wines all around.
3c) Global warming is caused by human activity.

3r) The biggest claim, and the least substantiated.

The Earth has gone through many ages of both higher and lower temperature, long before humans were around burning fossil fuels.

Are we in a natural cycle of warming or a natural cycle of cooling?

Is man's activity exacerbating this natural cycle or abrogating it?

The Earth is cooling and The Earth warming is a good thing. See how those two points run contradictory?

Also, The Earth's temperature changed before- therefore humans can't possibly affect it. Brilliant. Just like people have died before, so Van der Sloot can't have possibly murdered anyone.
The Earth is cooling and The Earth warming is a good thing. See how those two points run contradictory?

The Earth has been warming since what is called "the little ice age," with observable, explainable fluxuations that have not one thing to do with CO2.

We are currently in a generally cooling cycle that has been going on for about twenty years.


Also, The Earth's temperature changed before- therefore humans can't possibly affect it. Brilliant. Just like people have died before, so Van der Sloot can't have possibly murdered anyone.


That is about the dumbest comparison I have ever seen anyone make, I gave you far too much credit in the intelligence department evidently.

Human activity does have some affect but so do elephants walruses.

The bottom line is that human activity is minescule compared to natural forces and we are in absolutely no danger of catastrophe if we don't try to regulate CO2.

Here we go again. Repetitious.
Here we go again. Repetitious.
Here we go again. Repetitious

Actually this is the first I've seen of the IPCC propaganda looked at from a legal standpoint.

And as far as repetition goes, the nazi propaganda department head claimed that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth and furthermore the bigger the lie the more people there are who will believe it.

It would seem that you solidly fit in the latter category.

And Canada had the warmest and driest winter on record. And last winter globally was the second warmest on record.

Irregular Times Blog Archive Globally, Winter of 2009-2010 was Second Warmest on Record

And last year's monthly sea temperatures broke some months' records.

But ya, all of Earth's climate should be judged solely be the precipitation on Mount Washington.
This constant harping by gsvol on what is legitimate science and true rational discussion is comical given he believes a book he reads is the word of the creator of the universe.

....just firing a shot across the bow here.
FOXNews.com - 'Hockey Stick' Climate Scientist Found Innocent of All Charges

Whew, I am sure you are relieved gsvol. Mann wasn't part of some elaborate hoax, after all.

That really exonerates him, "six of his fellow coleagues at Penn St clear him of 3 of 4 charges."

A group of six of Mann's Penn State colleagues found him innocent of 3 out of 4 charges on February 3, but the investigative panel requested a deeper, more thorough look into whether his conduct deviated from standard scientific practice.

So the panel asked Mann five questions, spoke with his boss, and interviewed three other climate scientists. Case closed.

Wow, impressive!!!!

Sort of like having Bonnie and Clyde investigate Willie Sutton.

At any rate he will never be cleared of trying to eliminate the midievil warm period to create the Mann hockey stick and for trying to cover that up.

CO2 Is Green - More CO2 Results in a Greener Earth

Claims that CO2 is a pollutant are a myth and are absolutely false. In fact, lowering levels of carbon dioxide would actually inhibit plant growth and food production. What we see happening in Washington right now is the replacement of politics for science in conversations about CO2.

This constant harping by gsvol on what is legitimate science and true rational discussion is comical given he believes a book he reads is the word of the creator of the universe.

What is really comical is you trying to call pseudoscientific theory legitimate science.

The only legitimate science in the equation is political science.

I suppose you support Obama's plans for our future energy policies???

No rational person would do that.

....just firing a shot across the bow here.

More like you attacking a polar bear with a water pistol.
The argument that CO2 is not a pollutant is purely an argument of semantics.

In any event, I only bumped this thread because the investigation was over.
The argument that CO2 is not a pollutant is purely an argument of semantics.

In any event, I only bumped this thread because the investigation was over.

No semantics about it, CO2 is NOT a polutant.

Investigation or coverup?

You knew the outcome before it even started once the names of those 'investigating' were announced, just as in the case of the East Anglia 'investigation.'

Thanks for the bump though. :)
You seemed to think Mann was in trouble before, but now you say you knew this is how it would turn out?

It's semantics because your argument is, "CO2 is a naturally occurring gas, therefore it isn't a pollutant." That's true, and is not disputed by those that refer to CO2 pollution. There can be light pollution, noise pollution, heat pollution, and yes, CO2 pollution. It's a misunderstanding between common lingo, and scientific terminology.

Pollutant | Define Pollutant at Dictionary.com
Science Dictionary
pollutant (pə-l t'nt) Pronunciation Key
A substance or condition that contaminates air, water, or soil. Pollutants can be artificial substances, such as pesticides and PCBs, or naturally occurring substances, such as oil or carbon dioxide, that occur in harmful concentrations in a given environment. Heat transmitted to natural waterways through warm-water discharge from power plants and uncontained radioactivity from nuclear wastes are also considered pollutants.

See? it's semantics.
You seemed to think Mann was in trouble before, but now you say you knew this is how it would turn out?

It's semantics because your argument is, "CO2 is a naturally occurring gas, therefore it isn't a pollutant." That's true, and is not disputed by those that refer to CO2 pollution. There can be light pollution, noise pollution, heat pollution, and yes, CO2 pollution. It's a misunderstanding between common lingo, and scientific terminology.

Pollutant | Define Pollutant at Dictionary.com

See? it's semantics.

Mann should have a thourough independent investigation done of his work, not only at Penn St but at the U of Virginia as well. He probably should have to repay the US government every dime he recieved for his research with some penalties as well.

CO2 poses no danger to Earth's climate nor to mankind.

Perhaps you would like to explain the semantics of hyperinflation.

Let's say Obambi gets his illogical way and my personal home energy costs double, the price of a dozen eggs doubles also because from hatching eggs to producing hens to the laying of eggs to transportion to the local market all double plus the cost of keepint those eggs cool at the local market and providing light so I don't have to shop in the dark all increase.

As nice as my local store owner is, he isn't goint to sell those eggs at a loss, same goes for bacon, bisquit and gravy makings and any jam or jelly to go on the busquits.

And that's just for breakfast, it gets steadily worse as the day goes on.

Anyone who supports this administrations agenda on controlling CO2 emissions or it's current finance reform bill has the intelligence comparable to a

Mann should have a thourough independent investigation done of his work, not only at Penn St but at the U of Virginia as well. He probably should have to repay the US government every dime he recieved for his research with some penalties as well.

CO2 poses no danger to Earth's climate nor to mankind.

Perhaps you would like to explain the semantics of hyperinflation.

Let's say Obambi gets his illogical way and my personal home energy costs double, the price of a dozen eggs doubles also because from hatching eggs to producing hens to the laying of eggs to transportion to the local market all double plus the cost of keepint those eggs cool at the local market and providing light so I don't have to shop in the dark all increase.

As nice as my local store owner is, he isn't goint to sell those eggs at a loss, same goes for bacon, bisquit and gravy makings and any jam or jelly to go on the busquits.

And that's just for breakfast, it gets steadily worse as the day goes on.

Anyone who supports this administrations agenda on controlling CO2 emissions or it's current finance reform bill has the intelligence comparable to a


Link to where I have ever supported carbon credits or carbon tax.
Compendium thread, please.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Would you like Grey Poupon with your box of rocks??

Link to where I have ever supported carbon credits or carbon tax.

I didn't say you did, I just said that anyone who does is as dumb as a box of rocks and furthermore, unless perhaps you stand to make a lot of money and don't care who you hurt, you have to believe what Mann and company say and that work is flawed beyond belief, even his sympathetic fellow academics only let him off the hook on three of four accusations.

It would be interesting to know just exactly what they said he was guilty of.

BTW, much of his damaging work was done at the Univ of Virginia, before he moved to Penn St and that is yet to be examined at all.
Gs, there's a reason there is a compendium threwad for you. We all know what you are going to say on any particular subject. Your rigid adherence to neocon and in some respects reactionary ideals is as predictable as the sun rising in the East.

Having said that, I would buy you a beer if I happened to run across you one day.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

So, several of the things found just before Copenhagen were a big deal, but the things that this article highlights are kind of funny. I like this error:

The original report said global warming will put 75 million to 250 million Africans at risk of severe water shortages in the next 10 years, but a recalculation showed that range should be 90 million to 220 million, the agency said.

Oh, no!

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