So, several of the things found just before Copenhagen were a big deal, but the things that this article highlights are kind of funny. I like this error:
Oh, no!
also found several other errors in the IPCC report on regional impacts of climate change
Even then, all that is theoretical.
This is a group theoretical projections based upon another theory that is highly dubious in nature and some argue can only be made by inserting false data.
Theories are interesting things to talk about but one needs to prove the theory true to some extent before taking action, especially drastic action that will drastically change everything about our nation.
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Or is it really intended to be a giant step toward the goal of world socialism that we know to be so near and dear to so many in the Obama administration?
This is the nature of much of the criticism. It's nit-picking.
The whole theory is bankrupt, a cobled together bunch of pseudo-sciences pasted together in order to make alarming predictions about the next (man made) mass extinction!!! Every major study that supports the alarmists either has falsified data or omitted data, not only that it has been revealed that there was colusion and colaboration behind the scenes among the top alarmists to try to get their stories straight and hide things they didn't want the public to know about.
Just yesterday the local propaganda news rag ran another alarmist report compiled from two wildly left leaning study groups working together and made just that forcast mentioning past mass extinctinctions caused by natural phenomina such as volcanoes but then where is the study of active undersea volcanoes today and their impact on the oceans??
There is no study of which I am aware.
They say the ocean surface has warmed one degree in the last century and then wildly leap to the conclusion that this is a fact about which should be extremely alarmed and that warming has been caused by man and omit any possibility of nature having more impact than man.
What if it had cooled one degree over the last century?? Should we be more alarmed, less alarmed, equally alarmed or just a bit less paranoid???
After all the Earth has been warming and cooling for a far back as we can know!!
So far every prediction made by the global warming, climate change do dos has been
WRONG, except for one and we won't be able to tell if that works until 2100!!
And even if that long range forcast is correct, that is nothing to be concerned about, more than likely life on Earth would be better if it does come true.
A more realistic forcast is for Earth's climate to slightly cool over the next thirty years.