Favorite BasketVol(s) of all time?

Wille Burton, Tyrone Beaman, Dan Fedderman, Dale Ellis, Bernard King, Ernie Grunfeld, john Ward, Dyron Nix, Isaiah Victor.
I was a student the same 4 years Lofton was and it was a pleasure to watch him play and see how much he improved throughout his career, so I'll go with him. Every time he pulled up for a shot you expected it to go in.
Bill Justis
Tom Boerwinkle
Jimmy England
Bernie, Ernie, Reggie Johnson, and Mike Jackson (that was when I was in school)
Dale Ellis
Allan Houston
Chris Lofton
Dane Bradshaw
Wayne Chism
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I like the guys who are kind of in a bit of a smaller role, but really determine, based on their performance at certain points in the game, the game itself. It's probably a little bit because he's on a hot streak right now, but Josh Richardson is one of those guys. Some games it doesn't seem to matter how hot Stokes or McCrae are, but really depends on if Josh Richardson is lighting a fire on defense during a lull.

My favorites, in order:
JP Prince
Josh Richardson
Steven Pearl
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I am a fan of the Dale Ellis years. Anyone remember Howard Wood. John Ward said 'Wood good'. Gary Carter, Michael Brooks, Steve Ray.

All time has to be:
Ernie and Bernie. Nothing like sitting in the old Omni in Atlanta watching No. 1 UCLA playing No. 2 Tennessee!
The one that pissed me off more than anyone was Steven Pearl.

This was one of the two issues that I had with Pearl. #1 BBQs and #2 Putting his son ahead of the team (IMO). Good kid and glad he's VFL, but I thought Bruce was not able to look at that objectively. JMO.
I like the guys who are kind of in a bit of a smaller role, but really determine, based on their performance at certain points in the game, the game itself. It's probably a little bit because he's on a hot streak right now, but Josh Richardson is one of those guys. Some games it doesn't seem to matter how hot Stokes or McCrae are, but really depends on if Josh Richardson is lighting a fire on defense during a lull.

My favorites, in order:
JP Prince
Josh Richardson
Steven Pearl

Yeah. What @ Bradshaw in that criterion?
Steven Pearl. Couldn't make it on talent alone but he hustled his ass off and I'll take effort over ability any day.
C.J. Watson. I think he's underrated and he's had a respectable pro career.
Stokes. I don't know what kind of nba career awaits him but I'd love to see his full potential.
Bernard King. Not just the greatest basketvol ever, one of the best out of all sports at UT. I wish I could have seen him play but he was before my time. Hail to the king baby!
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CJ Watson would be on my team simply for knocking Joakim Noah out cold.

If the team was TODAY, could you imagine how many points you could average per game with Dale Ellis, Allen Houston and Ernie Grunfeld shooting the 3? Inside game to Bernard KING (of the Volunteers) and Reggie Johnson?
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Ernie Grunfield, Bernard King, Chris Lofton, Dale Ellis, up and coming Josh Richardson (maybe the best defensive player in long, long time)..
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So y didn't lofton play in the NBA. Anybody know

His senior year when he had cancer hurt his chances really badly, imo.

He was undersized, but his scoring ability made up for it until his senior year. It's a big what-if, but Lofton was a scoring machine, until he had to battle cancer. I think he could have made it otherwise.
Ernie Grunfield, Bernard King, Chris Lofton, Dale Ellis, up and coming Josh Richardson (maybe the best defensive player in long, long time)..

Richardson is certainly the best since Terry Crosby.

A lot of good names on here. I will add one more: Mike Edwards who may have been our most accurate long-distance shooter. John Ward used to say his shots were "30-footers".
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King, Grunfield, Ellis, Houston, and then a host of possibilities. Anyone remember Johnny Darden? I used to love to listen to John Ward calling the games back then... "Darden! Bang!"
I am a fan of the Dale Ellis years. Anyone remember Howard Wood. John Ward said 'Wood good'. Gary Carter, Michael Brooks, Steve Ray.

All time has to be:
Ernie and Bernie. Nothing like sitting in the old Omni in Atlanta watching No. 1 UCLA playing No. 2 Tennessee!

I was at that game in Atlanta.
Ron Widby
Bernard King
Austin Red Robbins
Dale Ellis
Earnie Grunfeld


Allen Houston
Tom Boerwinkle
Ron Slay
Reggie Johnson
James Lofton
Jimmy England
A.W. Davis
Ron Widby
Bernard King
Austin Red Robbins
Dale Ellis
Earnie Grunfeld


Allen Houston
Tom Boerwinkle
Ron Slay
Reggie Johnson
James Lofton
Jimmy England
A.W. Davis
I would add Howard Bayne just to keep the rest of them straight. I would also change Lofton's first name to Chris. Good list for an older guy like me.

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