I'm sure there are a ton of official cover Russian agents in the US. The think that makes this case so interesting is that they were deep-cover illegals, and that a network so large was uncovered. It's interesting that this guy put the number of others like them near 50. No doubt the Russians have a long history of planting illegals.
I still think this thing is a smoke screen for some reason.
ABC reported they were using encrypted morse code messages, gee whiz, that was outmoded for everything except low level meaningless crap, toilet paper requisitions way back in the mid '60s.
When some entity dramatically increases it's toilet paper requests then you know one of two things, there has been an outbreak of dysentery or they are expecting more troops or agents assigned to the area.
Blast from the past:
Grigory Loutchansky, linked by Interpol to the Russian mafia, money laundering, drug trafficking, nuclear smuggling across the Baltics, and international arms trading, attended a Democrat Party White House dinner in October of 1993. Loutchansky got a private two-minute meeting and a picture with Mr. Clinton. (The Washington Times, 2/11/97; The Detroit News, 2/16/97; New York Post, 11/1/96; Time, 7/8/96)
Loutchansky was invited back to a second DNC dinner in July 1995. A year before, Canada had blocked Loutchansky from entering Canada because he had failed a background check. Canadian officials also had questions about the source of Loutchansky's Nordex company's assets. (The Washington Times, 3/1/97)
Both of Clinton's CIA Directors James Woolsey and John Deutch described Loutchansky's Nordex company as an "organization associated with Russian criminal activity."
Back to current events:
Cypriot police say Russian spying suspect vanished - Yahoo! News
Metro - Alleged Russian spies assumed Canadian IDs: Washington
The U.S. government says four alleged Russian spies posed as Canadians to cover their tracks on deep-cover assignments for Moscow.
Now that is a bit of a story in that some Canadians have complained about how easy it is to get Canadian IDs.
There have been islamic operatives who use the UK Canada corridor to enter America and disappear into the muslim neatherworld here in the USA.