FBI Breaks Up Alleged Russian Spy Ring in US

Anyone who thinks we aren't doing the same thing is highly delusional.
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Its generally accepted that the US has never been as good as the Russians (dating back to Czar Nicholas II's era or before) at planting illegals deep into other cultures for long periods of time. Using official cover agents is another matter.
Its generally accepted that the US has never been as good as the Russians (dating back to Czar Nicholas II's era or before) at planting illegals deep into other cultures for long periods of time. Using official cover agents is another matter.

Sort of weird that America has a president and first lady that saw fit to give their children Russian names with no obvious connection other than ideology.

BTW, Obama just negotiated 1/3 of America's nuclear arsenal away and got nothing in return from the Russians or anyone else.

Obambi knew about the spy ring when he recently


shared fries with Medvedev at Ray's Hell Burger.


Bottom line is that this so-called spy case story is probably being released by the Slimes and company to distract from the Blago political corruption case in which Obama's name came up repeatedly in court today.

Clinton friend was spy's target - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

A leading Democratic fundraiser and close political ally of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may have been a target of the alleged ring of Russian spies arrested yesterday by federal authorities.

The president of the high-end tax accounting and financial advising firm Morea Financial Services confirmed earlier today that the alleged spy "Cynthia Murphy" was a longtime employee and a vice president at the company, which is located on lower Broadway in Manhattan. Federal and state campaign finance filings suggest that the little-known company manages the finances of one of New York's top Democratic financiers: Alan Patricof, a venture capital figure and the finance chairman of Clinton's Senate campaign, as well as a top presidential campaign fundraiser.

Meanwhile Bubba is now in Moscow confabbbing with Putin.

And wonder where Barry disappeared to while at the G20 meeting in Canada?? This is at least the second time Obama has disappeared without taking his tagalong press rep, the first time he also ditched his Secret Service detail, that's unprecedented.

The first known time he said he was attending a daughter's soccer game but there was no game.

The questions remain, who is he meeting and for what purpose??
It's kind of nostalgic, dealing with the old rivals. Those crazy "Reds." Beats suicide bombers and cowardly attacks on civilians.

Oh, those Russian rascals.

I'm sure there are a ton of official cover Russian agents in the US. The think that makes this case so interesting is that they were deep-cover illegals, and that a network so large was uncovered. It's interesting that this guy put the number of others like them near 50. No doubt the Russians have a long history of planting illegals.
I'm sure there are a ton of official cover Russian agents in the US. The think that makes this case so interesting is that they were deep-cover illegals, and that a network so large was uncovered. It's interesting that this guy put the number of others like them near 50. No doubt the Russians have a long history of planting illegals.

I still think this thing is a smoke screen for some reason.

ABC reported they were using encrypted morse code messages, gee whiz, that was outmoded for everything except low level meaningless crap, toilet paper requisitions way back in the mid '60s.

When some entity dramatically increases it's toilet paper requests then you know one of two things, there has been an outbreak of dysentery or they are expecting more troops or agents assigned to the area.

Blast from the past:

Grigory Loutchansky, linked by Interpol to the Russian mafia, money laundering, drug trafficking, nuclear smuggling across the Baltics, and international arms trading, attended a Democrat Party White House dinner in October of 1993. Loutchansky got a private two-minute meeting and a picture with Mr. Clinton. (The Washington Times, 2/11/97; The Detroit News, 2/16/97; New York Post, 11/1/96; Time, 7/8/96)

Loutchansky was invited back to a second DNC dinner in July 1995. A year before, Canada had blocked Loutchansky from entering Canada because he had failed a background check. Canadian officials also had questions about the source of Loutchansky's Nordex company's assets. (The Washington Times, 3/1/97)

Both of Clinton's CIA Directors James Woolsey and John Deutch described Loutchansky's Nordex company as an "organization associated with Russian criminal activity."

Back to current events:

Cypriot police say Russian spying suspect vanished - Yahoo! News

Metro - Alleged Russian spies assumed Canadian IDs: Washington

The U.S. government says four alleged Russian spies posed as Canadians to cover their tracks on deep-cover assignments for Moscow.

Now that is a bit of a story in that some Canadians have complained about how easy it is to get Canadian IDs.

There have been islamic operatives who use the UK Canada corridor to enter America and disappear into the muslim neatherworld here in the USA.
GS - I can agree with you in some ways in that some things just don't fully add up here. However, I'm not seeing this as completely fabricated.

As for the encrypted Morse code - was that the radioburst? I understand your point about the technology and agree to an extent - I told my wife when I heard on the news the night of the arrest that they were using radiobursts that they were using some pretty classic communication systems. However, some classic forms of communication are still used because they work. We would have never intercepted their radioburst transmission if they weren't already under heavy surveillance.

However, with that heavy surveillance should have come more suspicion on their part. There definitely was some shoddy tradecraft going on at times - like they assumed they would never be suspected.
stupid story... when I lived in DC, we were a few blocks away from the Russian embassy, and we used to pick up Russian on our home intercom system. This was in the 80s. Apparently the Russian chose the site of the embassy because it was the highest point in DC and it was easier to send messages
heard some stories from the guys who supplied the materials for that embassy. Pretty interesting stuff
stupid story... when I lived in DC, we were a few blocks away from the Russian embassy, and we used to pick up Russian on our home intercom system. This was in the 80s. Apparently the Russian chose the site of the embassy because it was the highest point in DC and it was easier to send messages

That's pretty funny. I've read quite a few interesting stories about the construction of their "new" embassy.
GS - I can agree with you in some ways in that some things just don't fully add up here. However, I'm not seeing this as completely fabricated.

As for the encrypted Morse code - was that the radioburst? I understand your point about the technology and agree to an extent - I told my wife when I heard on the news the night of the arrest that they were using radiobursts that they were using some pretty classic communication systems. However, some classic forms of communication are still used because they work. We would have never intercepted their radioburst transmission if they weren't already under heavy surveillance.

However, with that heavy surveillance should have come more suspicion on their part. There definitely was some shoddy tradecraft going on at times - like they assumed they would never be suspected.

I don't see it as fabricated either but this is a rather low level, not very productive cell and they let the main man get away, those caught are probably not guilty of much that any of the 11 to 20 million other illegal aliens are guilty of, although this does have a bit of sex appeal with the modern mata hari as the front woman.

How about covering the joint Russian/Venezuelan naval exercises?

How about covering the HTA convention next week.


Bridgeview is a suburb of Chicago. Chicago has been a major hub of HTA's activities for the past ten years, approximately. According to information available on the internet, the Aqsa School is a private Islamic primary and secondary school. Although HTA's Khilafah conference will be held at the school, there is no public indication that the school, its staff, or its board members are directly involved with HTA

Hizb ut-Tahrir is outlawed in Germany, Russia, Netherlands, France and several other countries inclucing most islamic countries.

Although not a terrorist organization per se, many of their recruits eventually join al Qaeda or other violent jihadist groups.

Hizb ut-Tahrir has the stated goal of establishing a world wide caliphate and the overthrow of the American government.
Most operations involving illegals are low-key, until they are really needed. I think that this was the same old same old as far as Russia planting illegals. It just so happens that they haven't had all that much to use them for over the last 15 years...probably even neglected them in the late 90s. I definitely don't look at this as a no-story, but I do agree that it looks like little damage was done up to this point (doesn't mean that the next 15 years of their professional careers couldn't have been more damaging).
stupid story... when I lived in DC, we were a few blocks away from the Russian embassy, and we used to pick up Russian on our home intercom system. This was in the 80s. Apparently the Russian chose the site of the embassy because it was the highest point in DC and it was easier to send messages

Not only did we allow them the highest point in DC but a site overlooking foggy bottom where they could use listening devises to monitor our state department, not that they, then and now, didn't have plenty of communist moles embedded there.

Meanwhile in Moscow when we built our last new embassy, not only were we forced to take the lowest point, we had to contract out to unsupervised Russian builders and when it was finished, wait two more years to move in because that's how long it took to remodel because it was riddled with embedded listening devises.

Obama's last treaty with the Russians hopefully won't be approved by the senate because it is more advantageous to their interests than ours but what can one expect from a teleprompter in chief who gives his children Russian names out of respect to Marx, (Karl, not Groucho), Lennin (Vladimir, not the Beetle) and Stalin.

And then too, the last round of sanctions against Iran give the Russians all the concessions they want, such as continued engineers assisting in the building of nuclear reactors Iran and selling them surface to air anti-aircraft systems, etc.
Most operations involving illegals are low-key, until they are really needed. I think that this was the same old same old as far as Russia planting illegals. It just so happens that they haven't had all that much to use them for over the last 15 years...probably even neglected them in the late 90s. I definitely don't look at this as a no-story, but I do agree that it looks like little damage was done up to this point (doesn't mean that the next 15 years of their professional careers couldn't have been more damaging).

Cosmetically it makes Obama and Holder look better in that they would appear to be protecting America and Americans while they refuse to enforce immigration laws, give the communist/racist new black panthers a pass and more than likely aid and assist subversive or at best ignore islamic elements within this country.

Leaked memo details ICE media strategy to counter citizen activist groups | Raw Story

More interesting stuff:

ICE refuses to release records of agents' intimidation of Narco News | | the narcosphere
Wonder how many Chinese spies are here. I'm sure there's quite a bit of intellectual property theft that is state sanctioned.

Probably more than you think.

And they're bold.

We had a attache group on board a US Navy Destroyer (Arleigh Burke Class) back in ~2007 and the Chinese Attache attempted to place a piece of surveillance equipment in the CIC.
Here is an angle TennTrad; Maybe the story is to help the Russians avoid answering some tough questions concerning the circumstances of the recent plane crash that killed many of the top leaders of Poland who were going to attend.

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World War 2: Katyn Forest Massacre

The burial locations of the remaining 10,000 officers and 11,000 others considered to be a threat to Soviet Union remain unknown.

During the WWII, Western media (READ ny SLIMES) critical of Polish Government-in-Exile accusations against Soviet Union, blamed Nazi Germany for perpetrating the Katyn Massacre.

Actually that happened in pre WWII Poland but was in post WWII USSR.

The slimes also covered for Uncle Joe's responsibility for the deaths of 8 to 12 million Ukrainians. The slimes in no more trustworthy now than then probably less.

Back when the Poles were trying to get independence from Moscow and 'solidarity' staged a shipyard strike two of the main organizers hid themselves in steel pipes and were welded in by their compatriots.

When they arrived in New Orleans and were offloaded from the ship and should have been granted asylum our government turned them over to the Russians and all bets were they never even reached international waters before they were shot and thrown overboard.

Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton are like Jimmy Carter and Ramsey Clark on steroids.

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