Federal Indictment of Donald Trump

Okay, So does that mean that you believe that Trump colluded with the Ruskies to steal the election in 2016?

It's been proven that Trump and his campaign officials had over 100 documented contacts with Russia, are you suggesting they were talking about the weather.
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We learned a lot..Peegate was planted by the Hillary team, all sorts of undermining criminal activity by the DOJ, lying to the FISA court, altered documents..etc.
But as usual, the left just lies about it and claims that Trump is at fault for everything wrong, like the border crisis and inflation. Apparently, they think conservatives are as stupid as they are.
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It's been proven that Trump and his campaign officials had over 100 documented contacts with Russia, are you suggesting they were talking about the weather.

Maybe he was just asking about how Hunter was doing on those ukraine energy boards.

I guess the AP and The Meulls report isn't aren't reliable sources.

The “information” was gossip from London-based professor Joseph Mifsud, who had just visited Moscow. The Maltese man of mystery told the 20-something Trump adviser on April 26, 2016, that Moscow owned “dirt” on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands” of emails.

As Mr. Mueller concluded, Papadopoulos didn’t go running to Trump Tower with the news. Neither did he try to obtain emails or any other “dirt.” He was furiously networking Europe to try to set up a Kremlin-Trump meeting that never happened.

He thought Mr. Mifsud might be referring to the much-discussed 30,000 emails that Mrs. Clinton ordered destroyed from her days as secretary of state. It was Papadopoulos who volunteered to FBI interrogators that Mr. Mifsud broached the email topic.

George Papadopoulos says Mueller report 'shows that I was clearly set up'
Among other things, we also having Paul Manafort admitting he gave polling data and campaign strategy information to Russian Intelligence Services.

The 'Russian Intelligence Services' pro-Ukraine guy Konstantin Kilimnik who was a trusted and protected source & facilitator for the Obama WH in matters of Ukraine and Russia? Who, along with Manafort as business partners, had worked for U.S. State and EU nations for more than a decade prior to 2016?

Ukrainian flagged as intel danger to Trump had extensive contact with Obama officials, memos show

"Some intelligence officials interviewed by Just the News expressed surprise at the disparate treatment.

"The Senate report does not give a complete picture to the Obama-era State Department contacts where information was shared two ways with Kilimnik and Manafort," said a U.S. intelligence source directly familiar with Russia intelligence and Kilimnik's dealings with State. "Either this is as serious for State as it was for Trump and there needs to be a damage assessment, or the Senate report is overstating the concerns about Kilimnik for political effect."

"Mueller's final report suggested Kilimnik was assessed to have had ties to Russian intelligence but stopped short of calling him a Russian officer like the Senate report later would. Kilimnik has long denied working for Russian intelligence.

Hundreds of pages of State Department emails, interviews and other communications reviewed by Just the News show Mueller's team gathered evidence that both Kilimnik and Manafort had extensive dealings with the Obama State Department prior to the Russia probe starting in summer 2016.

The documents state flatly that Manafort had been used by the U.S. embassy for nearly a decade as a facilitator with Ukrainian officials on topics as sensitive as getting Ukrainians to turn over nuclear materials and arranging European aid packages. Kilimnik, meanwhile, was treated as a "sensitive source" since at least 2013 by the U.S. embassy's top officials in Kiev, the memos also show.

An FBI interview with Manafort, for instance, divulged that the then-Republican lobbyist was regularly used by the U.S. embassy as an intermediary to the Ukrainian government run by the Russia-friendly Viktor Yanukovych, who was ousted from power in early 2014. Manafort "briefed U.S. Ambassadors in succession; John Herbst, William Taylor, John Teft, and Geoffrey Pyatt, on a regular basis," the FBI wrote in a Sept. 2, 2014 report of its Manafort interview.

Alan Purcell, who succeeded Kasanof as chief political officer and served in Kiev for the State Department from 2014 to 2017, told FBI agents that embassy officials deemed Kilimnik to be such a valuable asset they protected his name in cables for fear his name would leak.

"Purcell described what he considered an unusual level of discretion that was taken with handling Kilimnik," the FBI wrote. "Normally the head of the Political Section would not handle sources, but Kasanoff informed Purcell that KILIMNIK was a sensitive source."

Purcell told the FBI that Kilimnik provided "detailed information" to him about Ukraine political figures and the inner workings of Yanukovych's Party of Regions.

The Senate report portrayed Kilimnik as an "interlocutor and representative to the Embassy" on behalf of Ukrainian figures. In fact, hundreds of pages of emails gathered by Mueller's team and reviewed by Just the News show he was far more than that.

Kilimnik routinely was asked to provide information to embassy officials about goings-on in the Yanukovych empire and on some occasions was given non-public information in return from State officials. The emails also showed State officials repeatedly expressed confidence in Kilimnik's assessments."
It's been proven that Trump and his campaign officials had over 100 documented contacts with Russia, are you suggesting they were talking about the weather.

That isn't an answer. Did he collude with the Russians to win the election?

I doubt they were talking about weather. I don't know what they were talking to them about. Are campaigns not aloud to have communication with foreign governments? I thought that they were. I actually don't think it is that uncommon for campaigns to do it. I don't think that they are allowed to accept anything of value to the campaign but they are allowed to discuss how they will interact with said government if elected. One of our election experts please correct me if I am wrong.

Do you think that it is okay to get things of value from foreign entities as long as you use an intermediary?
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Maybe you can find a tweet from some anonymous nobody to rebut.
Why waste my time, not going to follow a rabbit down a hole as so well put In Alice in Wonderland now Trump in Wonderland. I laugh at all these make believe stories from both sides. So true so not so true. Facts and results are going to end in serious butt hurt for some. no pun intended.
That isn't an answer. Did he collude with the Russians to win the election?

I doubt they were talking about weather. I don't know what they were talking to them about. Are campaigns not aloud to have communication with foreign governments? I thought that they were. I actually don't think it is that uncommon for campaigns to do it. I don't think that they are allowed to accept anything of value to the campaign but they are allowed to discuss how they will interact with said government if elected. One of our election experts please correct me if I am wrong.

Do you think that it is okay to get things of value from foreign entities as long as you use an intermediary?
Sorry but in all fairness, I think you thought it was ok to do so. It is not and check of the Election laws should verify it is not. Dig a little deeper instead of making random thoughts and hopium.
Sorry but in all fairness, I think you thought it was ok to do so. It is not and check of the Election laws should verify it is not. Dig a little deeper instead of making random thoughts and hopium.
They are not allowed to accept donations or anything if value but i don’t see where the are not allowed to associate with foreign nationals or governments.I think it is you experiencing hopium.
Clinton, Trump meet world leaders for very different reasons
also, I didn’t throw out some random thought. He asked a question and I answered it.

Do you believe it okay to receive anything of value from foreign nationals or governments as long as you use an intermediary?
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They are not allowed to accept donations or anything if value but i don’t see where the are not allowed to associate with foreign nationals or governments.I think it is you experiencing hopium.
Clinton, Trump meet world leaders for very different reasons
also, I didn’t throw out some random thought. He asked a question and I answered it.

Do you believe it okay to receive anything of value from foreign nationals or governments as long as you use an intermediary?
No it is not and anything of value received must be reported ro rhe State Department and rrecorded with final deposition determined.
Did you follow the link?
As you should know there is a difference between an internet link and reality. So no I did not because I know what happens in reality. Link all you want I have been there and done the real time reporting on numerous occasions. Yes there are work arounds but those are rare incidents and still have to be recorded.
As you should know there is a difference between an internet link and reality. So no I did not because I know what happens in reality. Link all you want I have been there and done the real time reporting on numerous occasions. Yes there are work arounds but those are rare incidents and still have to be recorded.
The link is a CNN article from September of 2016 on the different messages Clinton and Trump had in meetings with foreign leaders, but you do you.
Special master appointed to review documents from Mar-a-Lago search; DOJ request to revive criminal probe Rejected


A Brooklyn-based federal judge was selected on Thursday to serve as an independent arbiter to review the materials seized in the FBI’s search of former President Donald Trump’s Florida home.

The special master will be Senior Judge Raymond Dearie, who was put forward as a possible candidate for the special master role by Trump, who had sued in court to obtain the review. The Justice Department also endorsed Dearie’s appointment.
US District Judge Aileen Cannon also rejected the Justice Department’s bid to revive its criminal investigation into classified documents seized at Mar-a-Lago last month. The denial sets the stage for the department’s dispute with Trump over the search to move quickly to an appeals court and potentially the US Supreme Court.

Special master appointed to oversee Mar-a-Lago document review - CNNPolitics
The link is a CNN article from September of 2016 on the different messages Clinton and Trump had in meetings with foreign leaders, but you do you.
I read it just for you. Kills me that of all the defenses used on this thread are the Clinton's did it which literally means nothing. Trump committed crimes and will be judged for them. Trump is probably not going to get nailed for this but there is plenty he will get nailed for because he lied about his contacts and covered them up.
Trump doesn't follow rules and is always the victim.
Exclusive— Former CIA Station Chief: Intelligence Agencies Cannot ‘Be Reformed’ Unless POTUS Can ‘Fire Every Federal Employee’


Former CIA officer and station chief Scott Uehlinger told Breitbart News on Thursday that intelligence agencies cannot be cleansed of political and partisan corruption unless the president has the unitary power over the federal government’s personnel decisions.

Uehlinger discussed left-wing and partisan politicization of federal intelligence agencies on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with special guest host and retired Navy SEAL and FBI agent Jonathan Gilliam.

“It’s a real cause of concern, not just among regular folks, but [among] people who served in these agencies,” he stated. He emphasized the ubiquity of such political orientations among intelligence agency employees.

Exclusive— Former CIA Station Chief: Intelligence Agencies Cannot 'Be Reformed' Unless POTUS Can 'Fire Every Federal Employee'
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I read it just for you. Kills me that of all the defenses used on this thread are the Clinton's did it which literally means nothing. Trump committed crimes and will be judged for them. Trump is probably not going to get nailed for this but there is plenty he will get nailed for because he lied about his contacts and covered them up.
Trump doesn't follow rules and is always the victim.
So rather than just admit you were wrong and campaigns are allowed to talk to foreign entities you went with this drivel. So in your "real world", Both candidates committed a crime by talking to foreigners? What a Maroon.

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