Fentanyl coming in record volumes.

Curious question:
I've never known a smart person who liked the pain pill high. I know and have known several smart people who like marijuana. The people I know who like pain pills don't like marijuana, and it makes them act like a cartoon stoner who can't remember 5 seconds ago, which leads me to believe that weed affects smart people differently than dumb people. One of my friends has also noticed this. Has anyone else noticed this, or do we just happen to know some unusual people?
Curious question:
I've never known a smart person who liked the pain pill high. I know and have known several smart people who like marijuana. The people I know who like pain pills don't like marijuana, and it makes them act like a cartoon stoner who can't remember 5 seconds ago, which leads me to believe that weed affects smart people differently than dumb people. One of my friends has also noticed this. Has anyone else noticed this, or do we just happen to know some unusual people?
I think that everyone's health is a little different. I've also anecdotally heard of some really dumb smart people willing to pay $30 for one pill where a really smart dumb person would only pay $10. Idk if that's helpful.
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Curious question:
I've never known a smart person who liked the pain pill high. I know and have known several smart people who like marijuana. The people I know who like pain pills don't like marijuana, and it makes them act like a cartoon stoner who can't remember 5 seconds ago, which leads me to believe that weed affects smart people differently than dumb people. One of my friends has also noticed this. Has anyone else noticed this, or do we just happen to know some unusual people?

Let me guess….you smoke weed.
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Let me guess….you smoke weed.
I did in college and would like to more often, but this state will probably be one of the last holdouts on legalization. I've been to Denver and Vegas in the last several years, though, and am going back to Vegas in March. I'll probably end up moving to southwest Virginia because smoking weed is one of the only illegal things I would like to do. I'd love to have a perfectly legal row in the garden. LOL
I did in college and would like to more often, but this state will probably be one of the last holdouts on legalization. I've been to Denver and Vegas in the last several years, though, and am going back to Vegas in March. I'll probably end up moving to southwest Virginia because smoking weed is one of the only illegal things I would like to do. I'd love to have a perfectly legal row in the garden. LOL

You would move to VA just to legally smoke weed?
I did in college and would like to more often, but this state will probably be one of the last holdouts on legalization. I've been to Denver and Vegas in the last several years, though, and am going back to Vegas in March. I'll probably end up moving to southwest Virginia because smoking weed is one of the only illegal things I would like to do. I'd love to have a perfectly legal row in the garden. LOL

I was in Wytheville a few weeks ago. Didn’t see any puffers.
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I'm from VA and family still lives there, I couldn't imagine smoking weed worth being taxed out the yang and dealing with all the other stupid laws the commonwealth has.
Is it really that bad? I have a friend in the Virginia Beach area who likes the state pretty well. I thought North Carolina would've legalized by now, which would be my 2nd choice to live in after Tennessee, but there's still time before we'll be ready to buy a house.
Is it really that bad? I have a friend in the Virginia Beach area who likes the state pretty well. I thought North Carolina would've legalized by now, which would be my 2nd choice to live in after Tennessee. There's still time before we'll be ready to buy a house.

I wouldn't move back. Income tax, sales tax, personal property tax, annual vehicle inspections ext ext.
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