Black Lives Matter have asked Lebron to sit out a game. Like 3rd wave feminism, this group is poison. I reject them entirely and I'm glad so many others do as well. Maybe if we ignore them long enough they'll get the point that we don't care about their racist movement, and they'll disappear. You don't hear much from the KKK these days, will be nice when BLM follows suit seeing as they're basically the same thing in the year 2015 other than the color of their skin. Their biggest mistake was making it a black thing and putting black in the title while only protesting over cops when it comes to black people. If they started a group protesting on behalf of everyone, didn't have black in the title and cared about other kids getting shot by cops then people might have actually supported them. BLM is racist though. I don't support the KKK and I'm not going to support them.
Black Lives Matter Activists Call for LeBron James to Sit Out of Games Following Tamir Rice Decision