As soon as a player makes the motion to slide or kneel the play is dead. A few years back some QB faked a slide and the defense gave up and he went on for a TD. So they implemented the new rule to combat that. Might be a penalty also, who knows. Would probably be if we did itAnd if the ref doesn't blow the whistle and the ball carrier continues to run? I'm curious about the rule.
True for the slide, not the kneel.As soon as a player makes the motion to slide or kneel the play is dead. A few years back some QB faked a slide and the defense gave up and he went on for a TD. So they implemented the new rule to combat that. Might be a penalty also, who knows. Would probably be if we did it
Yes that was Pitt's quarterback. Per the rulebook, at what point in time is the ball dead? If no whistle and he scores?As soon as a player makes the motion to slide or kneel the play is dead. A few years back some QB faked a slide and the defense gave up and he went on for a TD. So they implemented the new rule to combat that. Might be a penalty also, who knows. Would probably be if we did it
Yes that would be the spot. But the whistle must blow to signify stop of play, otherwise the ball carrier could gain more yardage or run more clock. I'll try to find the actual rule.Per the rule now, it would be where he started his motion to simulate the slide. Unless it happens against us, then it’s a TD
Oh look…we’ve got a virtue signaler up in here.That Gator QB was on a knee from what I see. How many young kids you think saw that move and think it's ok to do? These players are supposed to be upstanding athletes and let the score speak for itself. Pulling that stunt is unacceptable and gives a bad attitude vibe off that we don't need.
lol @ the "cheap shot"
QB had the chance to take a knee right away. Ball was snapped with 9 seconds and QB didn't attempt a knee until the 6 second mark. At the end of the day that falls on the QB. Imagine if his dumb-ss got badly injured from an OL-DL falling directly on his leg? It wouldve been entirely his fault.
The "fight" was nonexistent. Players jawing, a few guys throwing their body around. Hadden immediately got in the middle and squared up helmet to helmet on against an OLman. Comical stuff. ESPN got what they wanted out of it.
Unfortunately.......a certain VOL defensive player decided to hit the Gator QB when he was down taking a knee and blasted him over. I've told many on here already, I don't give a got-dang if he is a Gator do not hit a kneeling Quarterback! That's thug behavior and the lowest of the low. I'm seriously wondering why Heupel isn't reigning in this sort of crap. Why is he not coaching some discipline!
Hope they throw in an apology for the Roughing call where the official said it was for Contact to the head. There was none. Pretty sure that I heard that when I replayed it. ANYBODY confirm one way or the other?You need to go back and look very closely at that play. When the QB ,who was considered a runner at that point, took the knee the Tennessee player was about one foot away from him. No way on earth could he have avoided contact, As a matter of fact he tried to pull up and as a result the contact was minimal considering the closeness. The targeting call will be reversed this week if there is any fairness at all in those Birmingham offices.
I thought it was weird the QB took a knee outside the pocket instead 9fbthrowing the ball away. I took it as taunting to some degree, and our guy bit.Actually, it looked like he tried to pull up once the QB started to kneel. The FL players started the pushing.
With 8 seconds left, why didn't the QB take a knee as soon as the ball was snapped? There was no need to dance around in the backfield like that.
Gators could have punted to burn off the 9 seconds but chose to run their QB around. He then started to take knee but by then Omari was like two yards away running at full speed and pulled up as best he could. He wasn’t blasted at all. It was probably a poor decision to call a timeout that late but it was only one of many that night.That Gator QB was on a knee from what I see. How many young kids you think saw that move and think it's ok to do? These players are supposed to be upstanding athletes and let the score speak for itself. Pulling that stunt is unacceptable and gives a bad attitude vibe off that we don't need.
Qb was trying to use clock. Defense justified to get us the ball. Maybe a prayer but hail Mary possibly.Unfortunately.......a certain VOL defensive player decided to hit the Gator QB when he was down taking a knee and blasted him over. I've told many on here already, I don't give a got-dang if he is a Gator do not hit a kneeling Quarterback! That's thug behavior and the lowest of the low. I'm seriously wondering why Heupel isn't reigning in this sort of crap. Why is he not coaching some discipline!