Finally! A way to merge football and politics

Problem is that the Republicans have shrinking ones right now. So basically both sides are lacking testicular fortitude as of late.
I might if the Democrats don't grow some nuts in the next couple of months..:ermm:

:crazy: :birgits_giggle:
Holy Cow!!!
That was not a die hard liberal response!!!! It'll take more than nuts. Nuts are little.. They need balls. Big round steel balls.
There is a difference between feeling uncomfortable and being treated unfairly. If Cal fans had the heck beaten out of them for not bowing their heads then they would have a complaint.
There is a difference between feeling uncomfortable and being treated unfairly. If Cal fans had the heck beaten out of them for not bowing their heads then they would have a complaint.
Now you've gone and made me uncomfortable.:whistling:

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