scott brown is from the peoples republic of mass. you're not going to get a true conservative that craphole they call a state. conservatives have to elect 5-6 senators to make up for the 3 rhinos republicans have. that's the only way to fix some of this stuff.
Don't mean to discourage you but saying we have only 3 rinos is a vast understatement. According to the issue, there are several more. Even Alexander and Corker were among six Republican senators, any one of whom could have killed the 'pedophile protection act' which makes it a hate crime offense to harm a heinz 57 varietiies of perverts and also includes all muslims.
How could they have killed it? By voting for the Grassley amendment that ensured the first amendment wouldn't be infringed upon by this heineous hate crime amendment stuck in the volumnous defense spending bill. (and if Kagan is confirmed and if we lose even one conservative or possibly even if not, they will pick some case for them to hear and this unconstitutional piece of crap law will be enfranchised into our rules of jurisprudence.)
Both Alexander and Corker did not vote on the Grassley amendment, it fell short by one vote, if it had passed then the democrats would have pulled their whole amendment because what they really want to govern what we can or cannot say in public, in the name of the rules political correctness.
When Eric Holder was first nominated by Clinton to a DOJ position, he won a unanimous senate vote. As a matter of fact Reagan was the first to appoint Holder to a judgeship.
Ruth Bader-Ginsberg was confirmed by a vote of 97-3
Nine republicans voted to seat Sotomayor. (Including Lamar Alexander, for which I didn't vote for him in the last election, I just didn't register a vote, I swear if he also votes for Kagan I'll vote for his opponent next time, I don't care if it's Pee Wee Herman running against him, enough is enough.)
Meanwhile back at the ranch house:
Dodd-Frank: Why Government is Like Cancer [Reader Post]
The Department of Education was formed in 1980. The proposed budget for FY 2011 is $77.8 billion and it doesnt educate a single kid. What it does do well is spend money without return. Actually, theres really no way to measure the ROI on the DOE. And education really hasnt changed much since then. What has happened? Education is getting worse. This agency is a failure.
The Department of Energy was formed in 1977 with the purpose of ending dependence on foreign oil. In 1979 the US imported 38% of its oil. In 2009 that number grew to 57%. This agency is another failure.
The Dodd-Frank bill, making its way through Congress, is 2300 pages long and pretty much incomprehensible, even to its authors.
It counts 13 new bank agencies:
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau;
Financial Stability Oversight Council;
Federal Insurance Office;
New Offices of Minority and Women Inclusion;
Investor Advisory Committee;
Office of Investor Advocate;
Office of Credit Ratings;
Credit Rating Agency Board;
Office of Financial Literacy;
Office of Financial Research;
Office of Housing Counseling;
Office of Fair Lending and Equal Opportunity;
and the
Office of Financial Protection for Older Americans.
This loopy bill will create 13 new government agencies and need thousands of new employees.
Has the federal government ever terminated even one federal agency in our entire history???
We will be saddled with these socialistic agencies manned by adle brained bureaucrats who rubber stamp what the higher ups dictate from now on.
Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler, Vadimir Lenin and thier ilk would certainly be proud of this bill.
The Politboro was never this efficient.
As a matter of fact, although we the taxpayers will be paying the salaries of all these red tape wonks, they will really mostly be controlled by those who own the central banks, 60% of which aren't even American.
Generally most Americans don't really appreciate the words of Rosary Joe Biden.
"As you probably know, some American politicians and American journalists refer to Washington, D.C. as the 'capital of the free world,' but it seems to me that in this great city, which boasts 1,000 years of history and which serves as the capital of Belgium, the home of the European Union, and the headquarters for NATO, this city has its own legitimate claim to that title."
Dopey Joe Biden (he isn't kidding, thinks of the USSA as a republic within the world government system, he sold out the American people a long long time ago.)
As me about his visit to Nashville, Tennessee today!