Financial Problem

the point of this thread was the economic burden having 3 mens b-ball coaches on the payroll will cause for the atheletic program... and considering how many children go to bed hungry in this country every night might make this topic unimportant... but I digress back to UT sports.
The reason Green wasn't paid off in a lump sum is simple; we didn't have to.

His contract was structured so that payouts were on an annual basis. As long as we met those obligations he had no recourse to his firing.

Sure, it's expensive in the short-term, but it will eventually work itself out. We have too many positives to remain an SEC cellar dweller.

actually it was Green's choice on whether he wanted it in a lump sum or yearly pay out and for tax reasons he chose yearly payout.
OK - solution:

Up the price of "Smokey Dogs" by two bucks a pop. Then, start a booster campaign called: "Eat one for the Team!" After all, every fan truly DOES need a smokey dog. Unless you're Vegan, so somebody's got to pick up that slack. If we could get each person in attendance at 6 home football games to average at least one dog, that's $2 x 107,000 x 6 games = $1,284,000!

How much was left on that contract again?
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Mar 15, 2005 1:01 PM
start a booster campaign called: "Eat one for the Team!"

Is that similar to taking one for the team?
Yeah, but wouldn't they run out of smokey dogs before Freak got to the front of the line?? :lol:

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