Fire Away! Couch and Arm Chair Coaches

I remember the big argument why is Peyton Manning starting over Brandon Stewart. Many arm chair coaches thought he was starting for favoritism because of his name. I'll trust the coaches until they are untrust worthy..GoVols!
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Butch will get 3 to show something like everyone else.. 5 years doesn't happen anymore. Not in this conference.. When the attendance gets putrid, that gets rid of coaches quicker than anything..
Dooley was easy to question....the team was so dysfunctional under his could do nothing but question it.....

Players laying down on him....and the orange dog plus sitting on the ball to put it into overtime.....

Deer in the headlight from day one......He was an administrator not a coach.....

I wasn't being serious. I just learned in another thread that if you ask questions then you obviously hate BJ and love Dooley. Now you know. No more questions! :)
Haven't figured out if there are more threads about dumb coaching decisions or ABOUT threads about dumb coaching decisions lol.

But I agree there appears to be an army of negavols conpared to even last year with Dools. None of these threads are purley curiousity it's not "I'm confused as to why this and that" it's always "It's not a smart decision to blah blah whine

Seems to me your the one doing most of the whining around here. Your one of those people who are so ready to defend Butch Jones that you don't even wait for something negative to be said. You just assume that if someone isn't 100% pumping sunshine up your a$$ that they are attacking Butch Jones. You really need to take the proverbial "chill pill". Go Butch Jones and GBO!
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The only question tonight that got under my skin was asked directly to the coach and it was really not a question it was like telling him what to do in a way....questioning but in a stupid way....when the answer was simple....but then time was spent asking why and explaining.....

the other was about Hood and Couch....posted in here....who knows why it is quite obvious why evidently hood is practicing better than Couch....or there could be an undisclosed minor injury.....

CBJ stated he was going to put the best players on the field.....Well In his Opinion he is.....and he should know....but wait we have fans that know better....

Why did some write an Open letter to Worley.....probably Vol Calls....

CBJ has his hands full.....Worley did a good job the other night...not need to question it....if he wasn't he would have been yanked....No penalties is you realize how many we have had the last 4 years, illegal motions....

You want the defense to get a personal foul or two to send a msg....just not at a critical moment....
It is quit obvious in 69,000 + posts you have started a few threads that potentially qualify.

I thought I read (or should I say "seen") that "I really don't care what anybody says into response to this post..."

Loss of credibility right here Chief....

just sayin...
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I really don't care what anybody says into response to this post.....

Listened to Vol Calls tonight and have viewed many threads on this site addressing Why this guy is playing over the other....Who should be starting and who we should recruit and not recruit and why we are recruiting them versus the other....and so on and so forth...

Sometimes they are in support of the team and sometimes they are not....It is understandable that it does not make sense. Some are just opinions and for open discussions which is great but then these discussions sometime take a downward spiral that completely spins into a lengthy discussion not even related to the post.....

Questions raised tonight about starting Dobbs or playing him potentially before Peterman or Ferguson can be annoying and Worley's ability can only bring negativity......

Sometimes it is like we don't trust our coaches ability and his process to bring the best on the field....Jones did well tonight defending Worley and his stance on the order of play.....

Our fan base can be rabid when it comes to mediocrity and rightfully so....Mediocrity is why we are where we are today, but with all that said I will be willing to bet you will not ever see it on a Butch Jones team....Let him coach this team and trust his decision...Everyone on His staff is decidicated to perfection.....

Opinions will always be there but questioning his decision to put one player in before another needs to stop.....Example Hood over Couch, Worley over 3 inexperience Freshman....The list goes on....

CBJ has been given a precious commodity in the entirety of the Vols Football program....He will treat it as such and will do his best to raise the stock.....This man does not know how not too...So give him the respect he deserves and quit second guessing....

If you don't understand why one is starting over the other person it is quite simple you are not and have not seen them 24/7 at practices and on film but Coach Jones and staff have.....

Fortunately lots of people have different opinions and that is ok! You just need to accept that and move on!
I really don't care what anybody says into response to this post.....

Fortunately lots of people have different opinions and that is ok! You just need to accept that and move on!

The hell he does. I say bash any numbnuts out there that calls the coach and tells who to play. All opinions are open to criticism and that one goes in the tarded section.
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I really don't care what anybody says into response to this post.....

Listened to Vol Calls tonight and have viewed many threads on this site addressing Why this guy is playing over the other....Who should be starting and who we should recruit and not recruit and why we are recruiting them versus the other....and so on and so forth...

Sometimes they are in support of the team and sometimes they are not....It is understandable that it does not make sense. Some are just opinions and for open discussions which is great but then these discussions sometime take a downward spiral that completely spins into a lengthy discussion not even related to the post.....

Questions raised tonight about starting Dobbs or playing him potentially before Peterman or Ferguson can be annoying and Worley's ability can only bring negativity......

Sometimes it is like we don't trust our coaches ability and his process to bring the best on the field....Jones did well tonight defending Worley and his stance on the order of play.....

Our fan base can be rabid when it comes to mediocrity and rightfully so....Mediocrity is why we are where we are today, but with all that said I will be willing to bet you will not ever see it on a Butch Jones team....Let him coach this team and trust his decision...Everyone on His staff is decidicated to perfection.....

Opinions will always be there but questioning his decision to put one player in before another needs to stop.....Example Hood over Couch, Worley over 3 inexperience Freshman....The list goes on....

CBJ has been given a precious commodity in the entirety of the Vols Football program....He will treat it as such and will do his best to raise the stock.....This man does not know how not too...So give him the respect he deserves and quit second guessing....

If you don't understand why one is starting over the other person it is quite simple you are not and have not seen them 24/7 at practices and on film but Coach Jones and staff have.....

OK, but if when we lose a game, and you call into talk radio. and break down in tears about how you love the Vols, how your daddy loves the Vols. how your grand daddy.......
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The hell he does. I say bash any numbnuts out there that calls the coach and tells who to play. All opinions are open to criticism and that one goes in the tarded section.

This post should have 100 likes. People need to eat that crow and shut up. A large # of these people bashing Worley are the same ones who said a freshman was gonna beat him out. Now they are 100% butthurt. It is highly embarrassing to the rest of us out here when losers LITERALLY start telling the coach himself who should start. I hope the loser a**hole is on here reading these posts.
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I remember the big argument why is Peyton Manning starting over Brandon Stewart. Many arm chair coaches thought he was starting for favoritism because of his name. I'll trust the coaches until they are untrust worthy..GoVols!


Unfortunately its part of the job being the head coach of a big time program. Coach Majors dealt with it, coach Fulmer, kiffen, and Dooley. Win and they're a genius...lose and somebody will know how we could've won by playing player x.
All of this could of been avoided with Jon Gruden, we should just fire Butch
All of this could of been avoided with Jon Gruden, we should just fire Butch

With some of the people on here, Gruden would not improve their ability to realize that they are only fans and not the decision makers.
Dobbs been on campus a little over a month RED SHIRT RED SHIRT coach knows this is not the IVY or WAC.
I thought I read (or should I say "seen") that "I really don't care what anybody says into response to this post..."

Loss of credibility right here Chief....

just sayin...

I don't care no skin on off my back..
OK, but if when we lose a game, and you call into talk radio. and break down in tears about how you love the Vols, how your daddy loves the Vols. how your grand daddy.......

Are you crying days are over....but hurt yes....but we are going to lose some games 4 to I crying about it no way.....this coach is the biggest splash since Majors came home....the difference between he and Coach Majors is that Coach Jones has generated the enthusiasm with programs that team build, restore traditions/history, accepts no mediocre play, discipline, player character, enthusiasm by the players....he is a leader something we have missed the past 12 to 15 years...

I will cry when he leaves, but know we will be 100x better than when he walked through the doors in December 2012.
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