First World Problems

My #1 problem that plagues my everyday existence is whether to buy a '66 or '67 Chevy Impala to restore in my spare time.
People should be happy that they live in the first world where this is even considered a potential problem.

For 30 years I have been flying in and out of ATL. The taxiways there are identified by letters of the alphabet and use the phonetic aviation language. A = Alpha, B = Bravo, C = Charlie and D = Delta. Since the largest carrier there happens to be Delta, the taxiway has always been called Dixie... to avoid any confusion over the radio... until 2019... Because some pansy was offended, it is now called "Delta". The other day I was given instructions to taxi on it and I read back "Dixie".. and then told the controller that it has been Dixie for at least 30 years, and it will be Dixie for at least 4 more. Edit: he laughed

Shove your PC nonsense, lady.

Or maybe we need to change C from Charlie to something that doesn't offend women. Juliet will have to be changed too. As will Mike, and November... the rest of the year isn't represented... Oscar... Romeo... Victor... and Zulu... OMG the horror of THAT one.

It has never been a problem until you got all woke and stupid.
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For years the LBGT community said just leave us alone...well now I'd like to ask the same of them. Leave the English language alone. Don't tell me how to speak. If I want to use words like women, breast milk , mothers, or even China Virus, I damn well will. I'll not let your movement control my speech.
Uhhh, the thread is about the "problems" people think they have. Have you never heard the phrase "first world problem"?

First World problem - Wikipedia

Is it not milk from breasts? Trans moms should name their milk by its origin. Have there not been men who have gotten breast cancer? If it's only a problem for a few who are easily offended, should they not be the ones to work on their issues instead of creating problems for everyone else?
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Is it not milk from breasts? Trans moms should name their milk by its origin. Have there not been men who have gotten breast cancer? If it's only a problem for a few who are easily offended, should they not be the ones to work on their issues instead of creating problems for everyone else?

It hurts trans mom feelings - makes them feel inferior and insignificant when their body proves what the rest of us actually understand - the two sex issue. Their gender bender is just, in fact, a hallucinatory bender, and they are on the wrong side of the sanity/insanity boundary.
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Even you liberals can't turn down a Chick-Fil-A sandwich.

Cathy’s anti-LGBT views — which have sparked boycotts and protests of Chik-fil-A in the past — led some of the Goldman associates to wonder whether it was appropriate to eat the chain’s food at a planned dinner meeting at the megabank’s Manhattan headquarters, according to the network.

Goldman management eventually put an end to the dispute by deciding Chik-fil-A would be allowed, people with direct knowledge of the incident told Fox.
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Even you liberals can't turn down a Chick-Fil-A sandwich.

“ ok people listen up , we have two choices here ..(1) great god fearing chicken ( that we all eat anyway when nobody is watching ) or (2) we can make a political statement and eat Sh!tty tofu and bamboo stalks to appease the left . What say you “ ?
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