try the clinch river for an excellent trip of small mouth bass fishing ,I did catch well over 80 on one trip,but only barely made the limit size wise
we fished it from the bridge on Highway 25,right over Clinch Mountain from Bean Station,that is where Norris lake starts at
we would put in at a church up river and float down in a kayak,we use to take small metal boats,way back when,it has to be something you can carry or drag to get in the water at the church and it does take 2 vehicles
there are 2 take out points,one is a up hill drag,around 20ft or so up a steep hill(it's not to bad) and the other is at the boat ramp right at the bridge on 25,it makes for an extra 2 or 3 hours of fishing to get out at the ramp,give or take,it was usually a 6 to 8 hour float,according to how fast you float down the river,you can make shorter if you hurry
we all ways caught a bunch of small mouths,using small top water plugs,green curly tail grubs or the small silver and black rubber minnows(in the slower water) i used the in line spinner baits a 1/4 oz I think ,it is sliver and grey
there is a bunch of shoals to navigate over and fish,that is why the top water stuff,to avoid snagging up,if you take a metal boat,remember to lean down stream when you get laid up against a rocky shoal,I learned that one the hard way
sunk our boat and picked up stuff all day as we went down the river, that trip was at the Virginia/Tennessee line
I would catch more fish,but they were usually smaller,my friend usually used a top water plug ,black top with a silver belly,he would catch the bigger ones,but not as many
due to arthritis I haven't been able to do a river trip in many a year,if anybody is interested in going let me know and I will drive over there and find the name of the church and make sure that the first take out spot is still available
there is a float from where I live at with another church to put in at to the other church,it was a bit of a pain,due to low water,on the trips we took ,my friend was driving the kayak and was *****ing about it and I was fishing like hell,catching a bunch of good smallies