I have seen some asinine, mindless posts on this forum, many many thousands...And yet this one towers above them all. I hope you're related to/employed by the UTAD because otherwise the complete and utter lack of rational thought behind your post is disturbing.
See if you can follow here: the teams in this conference that thump us every year sign mostly four- and five-stars, every year. Every now and then, a three-star ends up playing as well as those four- and five-stars; and every team that comes along and recruits based on hoping to win the lottery with dozens of over-performing three-stars gets thumped by the teams that are built with four- and five-stars.
How many NCs have been won in the last ten years by teams that didn't have mostly four- and five-stars? The last thirty? I'll give you a hint: you need zero fingers to count them.
We used to get mostly four- and five-stars...Magically, mysteriously, that was also when we often did the thumping rather than getting thumped. We even won one of those NC things ourselves twenty-one years ago. And we had a crap-load of four- and five-stars when we did it.
It's fine and good that we may scale that grand mountain again of 6-6 or even 7-5 this year, and improving on the field is better than not improving. But the current HC expressly stated that this football program was going to be at the very top of recruiting; he didn't say we might; he didn't say he hoped to; he said it was going to happen. It isn't happening; it isn't coming close to happening; it can make the difference between whether we get back to where we once were, to where we actually compete for the real stuff and not just avoiding the basement of the conference or not, and considering the HC and his staff are getting paid millions of dollars a year and a very significant and delineated part of their job is recruiting, it is completely and utterly reasonable to make note of the fact that they're not doing a great job at it at the moment.
Offering three-star after three-star is not a strategy that can be defended, for any reason. One or two here and there, sure; even more than that, if you're also offering the four- and five-stars. But only offering three-stars means either that you don't think you can land them, which is unacceptable, or that you're too lazy even to try, which is equally unacceptable.
If you owned a business and all of your sales force suddenly began only pursuing the lower-tier accounts that would make you a fraction of the money of the top-tier accounts, would you pat them on the back and reward them for their well-moderated ambition?