Got it, after the 63% yield off those 30 5 stars are off the board what next? Last year the NFL drafted, as I have already shared, more NON 4-5 stars than 4-5 stars in the 250+ picks. It is amazing how many low star guys pass the 4 stars when they get to college training tables and weight rooms and get coached up as they complete their more delayed maturation process. Freaks are freaks and those that start shaving in the 6th grade can earn their lofty rankings fair and square by being bigger and faster, but late bloomers that only Kreskin could identify in HS, pass 60% of them on draft day if they have the right mix of tangibles and intangibles. Which group will advance your program more? As a group 4 stars have a higher floor, but no guarantee on the ceiling. It really gets down to the ceiling and each staff can narrow down a pool of lower star guys with some synergy and conduct a better more intense evaluation of them than the services can. Bet there are some interesting discussions in the war room.
Celebrating or looking for a bridge on signing day is just a bit premature. Gotta stick around and see how your staff's evaluation skills grade out in acquiring the right players out of each star group. Avoid the 4 star misses and add the right 3 stars and life can be good. Portal has now blurred the importance of that day even more. There are new solutions to some risk taking.