It was a great company with a solid core group and we all were in the same boat. Most everyone left shortly after I did and for pretty much for the same reason. The company fell short on organizational dynamics and personal development expecting everyone to remain status quo. I hear now positions lack stability and are pretty much a revolving door.
You made my point. Crappy way to do business. Successful people don't operate that way. As bad as I dislike Meyer he is successful for a reason.
Having said that this flight tracker is bogus anyway IMO.
I've also seen currently, grossly under qualified people being promoted so Senior Management doesn't have anybody close to them that has as much or greater skill/knowledge than they do.
Carl Icahn says that many corporations and large companies today are being run by morons. People who moved up the ladder not because of intelligence or ability, but because they are good arse kissers. Once they get to the top they won't promote anyone they think will challenge their spot at the top. This leads to a poor quality of manager all the way down the line. I've seen him say that it's amazing how many times he goes into talk to a CEO of a large company about improving the business and all they can talk about is their golf game.
Not really telling me much.
i wasn't insinuating anything, just pointing out that there was a flight to dc tonight after the report that hart wanted to interview one more candidate. I highly doubt it's possible, but it's as plausible or more plausible than most of the rumors going around. I'd guess hart would take a private charter, but who knows.