Flint Water Crisis

It's a little different when it's personalized, huh? Some gotta win, some gotta lose, good time Charley's got the blues.

No jackwagon, i was married for 14 years. My ex is an alcoholic. I stayed with her through 11 stints in rehab. 3 of which lasted 8+ months. After rehab 10 failed, i was going to file for divorce. I sat down my 8 year old and explained the situation. She begged me to try once more. I agreed for her sake.

My ex came home from rehab #11 and stayed sober about 2 weeks culminating with a drunken episode, while i was at work, that ended with my now 9 year old daughter calling the cops to prevent my ex from driving. My 9 year old told me it was time.

I filed for divorce. I represented myself. I negotiated the settlement and custody agreement. I don't stop my ex from seeing our daughter but I'm the one that does the heavy lifting. I make sure the homework is done. I take her to the doctor. I'm the one whose shoulder she cries on when a boy is mean to her. I'm the president of the pta at her school. I'm the one that chaperones choir trips with 60 dramatic girls. I'm the one that is there.

So i have zero regrets about my actions in or out of court. The right person is raising my daughter and i feel confident that she would tell you the same.

You, however, are a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, far flushing, snake licking, dirt eating, inbreed, overstuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat assed, bug eyed, stiff legged, spotty lipped, worm headed, sack of monkey ****.
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Lead poisoning is an environazi conspiracy! Fake scare -- it's all about the grant money$ and big government trying to control our lives. Open your eyes sheeple!
Clearwater Vol, you would make a good lawyer with your language and attitude. I guess that is how you get people to lose their cool in court. I am willing to bet that you get a warning. I didn't quote you because your post will be removed along with my response. They may remove this post anyway. You sound like a good father too.
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You, however, are a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, far flushing, snake licking, dirt eating, inbreed, overstuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat assed, bug eyed, stiff legged, spotty lipped, worm headed, sack of monkey ****.

This is probably my favorite scene in the Christmas Vacation movie. Clark W Griswold does pushed-to-the-limit rage explosion better than anyone else.
Clearwater Vol, you would make a good lawyer with your language and attitude. I guess that is how you get people to lose their cool in court. I am willing to bet that you get a warning. I didn't quote you because your post will be removed along with my response. They may remove this post anyway. You sound like a good father too.

Thanks, I try to be. It's important to me that I'm there for my daughter.

The last part is just my favorite quote from Christmas Vacation to lighten the mood. :p
Clearwater, I know I've said some mean things to you on here and I don't agree with most of what you say, but you certainly have my respect for taking care of your daughter and being a good father.
Thanks, I try to be. It's important to me that I'm there for my daughter.

The last part is just my favorite quote from Christmas Vacation to lighten the mood. :p
Your daughter is lucky to have you. I was just trying to see if I could make you lose your cool, because I have seen lawyers do that to people on the stand. I guess that tactic works.
No jackwagon, i was married for 14 years. My ex is an alcoholic. I stayed with her through 11 stints in rehab. 3 of which lasted 8+ months. After rehab 10 failed, i was going to file for divorce. I sat down my 8 year old and explained the situation. She begged me to try once more. I agreed for her sake.

My ex came home from rehab #11 and stayed sober about 2 weeks culminating with a drunken episode, while i was at work, that ended with my now 9 year old daughter calling the cops to prevent my ex from driving. My 9 year old told me it was time.

I filed for divorce. I represented myself. I negotiated the settlement and custody agreement. I don't stop my ex from seeing our daughter but I'm the one that does the heavy lifting. I make sure the homework is done. I take her to the doctor. I'm the one whose shoulder she cries on when a boy is mean to her. I'm the president of the pta at her school. I'm the one that chaperones choir trips with 60 dramatic girls. I'm the one that is there.

So i have zero regrets about my actions in or out of court. The right person is raising my daughter and i feel confident that she would tell you the same.

You, however, are a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, far flushing, snake licking, dirt eating, inbreed, overstuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat assed, bug eyed, stiff legged, spotty lipped, worm headed, sack of monkey ****.

Sorry to hear this Clearwater.
Your daughter is lucky she has a loving father.

Hats off to you sir.
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The emergency mayor of the town was also Black. It has nothing to do with them being "Black and poor" and everything to do with the emergency mayor trying to pump jobs into the area through a centrally planned public jobs "stimulus." They switched to the old plant in between deals and then the govt ignored the situation when phosphorous treatment was advised to combat the lead.

The Flint Water Crisis Is the Result of a Stimulus Project Gone Wrong - Hit & Run : Reason.com
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No jackwagon, i was married for 14 years. My ex is an alcoholic. I stayed with her through 11 stints in rehab. 3 of which lasted 8+ months. After rehab 10 failed, i was going to file for divorce. I sat down my 8 year old and explained the situation. She begged me to try once more. I agreed for her sake.

My ex came home from rehab #11 and stayed sober about 2 weeks culminating with a drunken episode, while i was at work, that ended with my now 9 year old daughter calling the cops to prevent my ex from driving. My 9 year old told me it was time.

I filed for divorce. I represented myself. I negotiated the settlement and custody agreement. I don't stop my ex from seeing our daughter but I'm the one that does the heavy lifting. I make sure the homework is done. I take her to the doctor. I'm the one whose shoulder she cries on when a boy is mean to her. I'm the president of the pta at her school. I'm the one that chaperones choir trips with 60 dramatic girls. I'm the one that is there.

So i have zero regrets about my actions in or out of court. The right person is raising my daughter and i feel confident that she would tell you the same.

You, however, are a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, far flushing, snake licking, dirt eating, inbreed, overstuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat assed, bug eyed, stiff legged, spotty lipped, worm headed, sack of monkey ****.
Glad you got your kid. Thats a rarity for guys nowadays.
No jackwagon, i was married for 14 years. My ex is an alcoholic. I stayed with her through 11 stints in rehab. 3 of which lasted 8+ months. After rehab 10 failed, i was going to file for divorce. I sat down my 8 year old and explained the situation. She begged me to try once more. I agreed for her sake.

My ex came home from rehab #11 and stayed sober about 2 weeks culminating with a drunken episode, while i was at work, that ended with my now 9 year old daughter calling the cops to prevent my ex from driving. My 9 year old told me it was time.

I filed for divorce. I represented myself. I negotiated the settlement and custody agreement. I don't stop my ex from seeing our daughter but I'm the one that does the heavy lifting. I make sure the homework is done. I take her to the doctor. I'm the one whose shoulder she cries on when a boy is mean to her. I'm the president of the pta at her school. I'm the one that chaperones choir trips with 60 dramatic girls. I'm the one that is there.

So i have zero regrets about my actions in or out of court. The right person is raising my daughter and i feel confident that she would tell you the same.

You, however, are a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, far flushing, snake licking, dirt eating, inbreed, overstuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat assed, bug eyed, stiff legged, spotty lipped, worm headed, sack of monkey ****.
Holy ****
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they've all been dropped but they are starting a new investigation? teh fuq?

also I liked the break down of how much they are spending 18.5 million. about half on prosecution, and half on defending.

and another 300k to Flint to reimburse their side of the prosecution. but that payment is now being challenged in court.

what an effing mess. I think the court room must look like this


How is this helping the water crisis?
The funds have paid for free daycare for kids too young to have been impacted by the main crisis, according to state records. Residents are even being paid $50 to sign up for other government benefits.

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