I think if there was a way for a fan base to literally will their team to a victory, this game would long be over with a check in the W column. I've loved and followed this team/school since I was mentally capable to do so and I've never seen anything like this. This type of excitement and ambition to pull off something that could be AMAZING if done successfully gives me chills. With no guarantee of victory AND coming off a loss, I've never seen a team or fan base so hungry for the next Saturday. If we can pull this CheckerNeyland deal off and the kids can come out of this with a win can you imagine what that does to the minds of those 15, 16, and 17 year old recruits to be in the middle of that? For the team? For us fans? :dance2: So here is to getting that monkey off our back and bringing the hammer down on those Gators! See you guys Saturday :rock: