Florida OL arrested

None of these incidents are near as cool as Buster Ryhmes opening his dorm room window and emptying an uzi after being hit with a snowball at OU.

:lol: Suge Knight would have been proud.
"why is everyone making such a big deal out of this, he shot it in the air didnt he? there's not any people in the air." Jeremy Foley
Someone will say its not his fault, its the guns fault. :stop:

Guns don't shoot people. Dick Cheney shoots people.

Seriously, with 149 days or so until kickoff, I'm saying nothing about this one at all.
You guys are assuming that there will be no punishment, or if there is, that it will be light. As a Gator fan, since it appears he did in fact fire his gun in anger in the midst of some confrontation, I want him off the team. Period. No suspension, no probation. Gone.

Now let's see what happens once the facts are established.
Branndon Johnson and Chris Heath were the two involved with discharging a firearm a couple years go; both were kicked off the team and I think one (or both) was expelled from school.
Now let's see what happens once the facts are established.

...but that would involve using common sense, restraint and not jumping to convenient conclusions in order to make fun of the Gators. I'll have to do some research to see if any of this is allowed on a message board.
I really hope you guys are wrong about the speculation that nothing will happen to him or that it will be some sort of short suspension. From his statement, I don't think he can claim self defense. Seems he just fired it in the air to scare the other guy or to intimidate him (probably both). I personalyl have a zero tolerance for thta kind of thuggish behavior in a student at UF, be he a football player of a member of the chess club.

If there is some sort of mitigating fact we do not know of, then I suppose one could justify a 6 game suspension or so. But, in my mind, the default for this is booted off the team and I'd have to be very persuaded that there is some reason to fall short fo that.
...but that would involve using common sense, restraint and not jumping convenient conclusions in order to make fun of others. I'll have to do some research to see if any of this is allowed on a message board.

You took me out of context. Based on his reported statement -- that he fired to teach the guy some sort of lesson -- I can't see letting him stay. When I said see what happens when the facts are established, I meant that UF is not going to kick him off the team just on the accusation. Have to go through due process and once the facts are known, if they are as they appear to be now, I do not want him representing my school.
I really hope you guys are wrong about the speculation that nothing will happen to him or that it will be some sort of short suspension. From his statement, I don't think he can claim self defense. Seems he just fired it in the air to scare the other guy or to intimidate him (probably both). I personalyl have a zero tolerance for thta kind of thuggish behavior in a student at UF, be he a football player of a member of the chess club.

If there is some sort of mitigating fact we do not know of, then I suppose one could justify a 6 game suspension or so. But, in my mind, the default for this is booted off the team and I'd have to be very persuaded that there is some reason to fall short fo that.

Think most of folks are writing is meant in jest. Would think Urban would take hard line on this one. Like you wrote, let the facts come in and react accordingly.
Yeah, seems like shooting a gun for effect is probably a darn good place to draw a line.
You took me out of context.

No I didn't . . . I was just being a jerk. :p I'm sure this will get handled. It's just that after a couple of the offseasons we've had lately I'm just breathing a sigh of relief that it's not us having to deal with this.
No I didn't . . . I was just being a jerk. :p I'm sure this will get handled. It's just that after a couple of the offseasons we've had lately I'm just breathing a sigh of relief that it's not us having to deal with this.

Oh, okay, I gotcha. And on that point about your school not having to deal with it, you might add "yet" on the end of that.
"to know how it felt to be scared"


As if being 6'3'' and 316lbs didn't already do the trick.
I think most fans would react the same way, which is to say that they don't want him on their team. Assuming the facts are as reported, I'd rather we suffer a little bit of a setback at the position than have him represent my school.

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